Utrecht Network - ponuka grantov pre doktorandov
Deadline: 20.02. 2025
Milé doktorandky, milí doktorandi,
združenie Utrecht Network zverejnilo výzvu na podávanie žiadostí na menší grant (1200 Eur) určený na krátky výskumný pobyt na niektorej univerzite v rámci združenia. Oblasť výskumu nie je obmedzená.
Nižšie sú uvedené základné propozície výzvy (v anglickom jazyku), v prípade akýchkoľvek otázok sa prosím obráťte priamo na p. Dzúrika z OMV UK (michal.dzurikrec.uniba.sk), ktorý má danú výzvu na starosti a zodpovie všetky Vaše prípadné otázky.
We are offering up to 20 scholarships of 1200€ each to students within the framework of the Utrecht Network Young Researcher’s Grant.
The short research stay (min. 4 weeks) is possible at one of Utrecht Network universities, list of over 20 universities is here: https://utrecht-network.org/our-members/member-contact-information/
Application Requirements:
- Minimum length of stay: 4 weeks
- Mobility must happen between 1 May 2025 – 31 March 2026
- Application deadline: 20th February 2025
- For the details and the application form, please refer to the website: http://www.utrecht-network.org/activities/young-researchers-grant/
- Applicant needs to find the tutor at the host university and get the document in which the tutor agrees to host the student.
- In the application form you need to fill in the name of Utrecht Network Contact person and e-mail. Please write there: JUDr. Martin Povazan and e-mail address: irorec.uniba.sk
- Apply by e-mail (Word/PDF) at irorec.uniba.sk – if you have any queries, use the same e-mail address
- PhD. students who are eligible to use Erasmus+ scheme are NOT eligible to apply for this grant.
- Call is open to all PhD. students regardless their research topic
Selection results:
- Selection results will be available in mid March and sent out to all nominated students