1st Department of Internal Medicine
Brief characteristics
1st Department of Internal Medicine provides in full extent a hospital and out-patient department care to a broad part of medical patients. They are common or special diagnostic and treatment cases up to management of polymorbid patients and emergent cases within intensive care. The crucial fields of department are particularly cardiology, gastroenterology, endocrinology, diabetology and metabolic disorders, hematology, rheumatology and nuclear medicine. There are two intensive care units: coronary and metabolic unit. They are a part of cardiostimulation centre and diabetologic - metabolic centre of 1st Department of Internal Medicine, which provide a complex out-patient and hospital care for patients with arrhythmias and for diabetics type 1 and type 2. At the endoscopic department special diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are performed. Department of Nuclear Medicine provides a therapy of hyperthyroidism by radioactive iodine and complicated in vivo and in vitro radionuclide diagnostic methods. Medical research consists of a participation in clinical trials, including multi-centre and international trials. A proper research is focused especially on these fields: prevention of colorectal cancer, hormones and their circadian variations in various diseases, diagnosis, prevention and therapy of venous thromboembolism, prothrombotic and thrombophilic states, arterial hypertension and antihypertensive therapy – influence on cardiovascular risk, risk stratification in chronic heart failure (mainly in diabetes) and approaches to improvement of their treatment, chronic liver diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases and haemostasis etc.
Scientific and research activities :
Grant VEGA N.1/0807/18 , Years 2018-2020
Topic: Central systolic pressure in optimalisation treatment of hypertension
Head of the Project: Assoc.prof. Jozef Bulas, MD,CSc.
Assistant of Head of the Project: Prof. Ján Murín, MD, CSc. FESC.
Clinic staff
Head of the Department: Assoc. prof. Soňa K i ň o v á, MD, PhD.
phone 57290 249 e-mail: sona.kinova(at)fmed.uniba.sk
Deputy Head for Teaching: Assoc. prof.MUDr. Martin Č a p r n d a, MD,PhD.
Secretary of the Dpt.: Assoc. prof. Emöke Š t e ň o v á, MD, PhD.
Typist: Jana G a l a m b o š o v á, Eva Š e b e s t o v á, ptj.
phone Galambošová :57290 249, e-mail: jana.galambosova(at)sm.unb.sk
phone Šebestová-ptj. : 02 57290 329, e-mail: 2int(at)sm.unb.sk
Web editor: Jana Galambošová , jana.galambosovasm.unb.sk 02 57290249
Professor Emeritus: Prof. Ivan B a l a ž o v j e c h, MD, DrSc.
Prof. Ján M u r í n, MD, CSc. - Branch of Science Internal diseases
Prof. Viera Š t v r t i n o v á, MD, PhD. - Branch of Science Internal diseases
Assoc. prof. Jozef B u l a s, MD, PhD. - Branch of Science Internal diseases
Assoc.prof. Martin Čaprnda, MD, PhD. - Branch of Science Internal diseases
Assoc. prof. Denisa Č e l o v s k á, MD,PhD.-Branch of Science Internal diseases
Assoc. prof. Soňa K i ň o v á, MD, PhD. - Branch of Science Internal diseases
Assoc. prof. Ján L i e t a v a , MD, CSc. - Branch of Science Internal diseases
Assoc. prof. Ľudovít L u k á č, MD, PhD. - Branch of Science Internal diseases
Assoc. prof. Emöke Š t e ň o v á, MD, PhD.- Branch of Science Internal diseases
Lectures and Assistant Lectures:
Róbert B r n k a, MD, PhD.
Lenka H a i n , MD. - ptj.
Patrik J u h á s, MD - ptj.
Stela K a š p e r o v á, MD.
Viera K i s s o v á, MD, PhD.- ptj.
Michal K o r e ň, MD, PhD.
Eva K o v á č o v á, MD, PhD.-ptj.
Mária P a t e r k o v á, MD, PhD.
Daniela Š u t o v s k á, MD
Dana H o l o v á č o v á, PhD. - maternity leave
Katarína J a n e č k o v á, MD. - maternity leave
Other staff:
Lýdia Č a s n o c h o v á- ptj
Oľga R e i n o l d o v á- ptj
Viera T o k á r o v á- ptj.