2nd Department of Anestesiology nad Intensive Medicine

General information

Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Medicine is a teaching centre for education of medical students in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care medicine. Dpt. of AIM issituated on the 3rd floor of the Hospital – St. Elizabeth s Cancer Institute on Heydukova str. 10, Bratislava I., which is a teaching hospital of Medical School of Comenius University in Bratislava.

We are providing full medical and health care about oncological patients who need regional or general anesthesia, intensive care or resuscitation of vital functions. Dpt. of anesthesiology and intensive medicine provides following clinical care:

- Anesthesiology (general, regional, locoregional)

- Intensivemedicine and care (support of failing organs, intensive care)

- Resuscitation

- Analgesia (acute postoperative analgesia, chronic analgesia)

2nddpt. Anesthesiology and Intensive Medicine , Medical School of Comenius University on St. Elizabeths Cancer Institute is responsible for education of medical students in medical subject/discipline „Anesthesiology and Intensive Medicine“ (4thclass GM) for foreign students. Medical subject Clinical Anesthesiology (5thclass GM) for slovak students. Medical subject FIRST AID for students of the 1st class on Dentistry for slovak and foreign students as well.

2nd dpt. of Anesthesiology and Intensive Medicine Medical Faculty of Comenius University and St. Elizabeths Cancer Intitute

Address: Heydukova 10, 812 50  Bratislava

tel. +421 2 32249 210,  /104, /100


Head of  the Department :

doc. MUDr. Roman  Záhorec, CSc.

tel. +421 2 32249 210 / 104

e-mail: roman.zahorecousa.sk


Deputy head

MUDr. Tomáš Veselovský

tel. +421 2 32249 104/ 210

e-mail: tomas.veselovsky@ousa.sk


Head physician:

MUDr. Iveta Džuberová

tel.: +421 2 32249 106

e-mail: idzuberovaousa.sk


Assistent professors and lecturers:

MUDr. Daniel  Cintula  

MUDr. Maroš Jenča

MUDr. Tomáš  Veselovský

MUDr. Adela Koudelková



History and present

History of 2nd department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Medicine

2nddpt. Anesthesiology and Intensive medicine was established on 3rd Sept. 2008 after the agreement of Medical Faculty, ComeniusUniversity, in Bratislava (dean prof. P. Labaš, MD,PhD) and St. Elizabeths Cancer Institute (director ,prof. J. Kaušitz, CSc. ). The initiative was put by assoc. Prof. Roman Zahorec, MD,CSc. who tried to create a new – seconddpt. of Anesthesiology and Intensivemedicine , MedicalFaculty, Comenius University especially for foreign students in the 4thclass of general medicine, and for students of Dentistry as well. The main ideas why to develop 2nd Dpt.of AIM were to support pre-gradual education of anesthesiology and intensive medicine on Medical School of Comenius University, create a teaching center also for postgradual education for young physicians who would like to be anesthetists and intensivists and support science and research on the field of anesthesiology and intensivemedicine.


2nddpt. AIM provides pregradual education for medical students in several subjects.The  core medical subject is „ Anesthesiology and Intensive Medicine“ for foreign medical students of 4thclass of General Medicine and Clinical Anesthesiology of slovak Medical students of 5thclass GM.

Teachers of 2nd dpt AIM have provided education also for students of Dentistry in medical subject FIRST AID both for slovak and foreign students as well.

Students who are deeply interested in medical discipline Anesthesiology and

Intensive medicine may voluntary work on the clinic, and continue as a diploma work. Each academic year we are conducting 3-6 diploma students. Up to date more then 40 medical students had successful defence of diploma work from anethesiology and intensive  medicine.Many of them have continued in their professional life and become ananesthesiologist.



2nd dpt AIM has a long history of clinical research on the field of Sepsis in cancer patients.We developed a panel of biomarkers o fsepsis for clinical monitoring of sepsis syndrom and evaluation of systemic inflammatory response syndrom. We established a clinical protocol for early diagnosis and early treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock based on good clinical practice and Surviving Sepsis Campaign.

2nd dpt. of AIM have reached big progress on the medical discipline of intensive pre – and postoperative care after major oncological surgery including fluid therapy, hemodynamic monitoring and cardiovascular support, managment of anemia and severe bleeding, monitoring of SIRS ,nutrition, acute analgesia, prehabilitation and rehabilitation.We deveveloped a clinical protocol about patients undergoing longlasting maxilofacialsurgery under the prolonged general anesthesia.

We did a big progress on there search  of difficult airway managment.



Ministry of Health of Slovak republic issued accreditation for Medical  Faculty of Comenius University to be  education all authority for Postgradual Study for Medical Doctors to be Specialized in medical  discipline Anesthesiology and intensive Medicine since June17th 2014.The theoretical and practical study and education will be held on three dpts of anesthesiology and intensive medicine,Medical School, Comenius University. The guarant of education and whole 6yrs programme was appointe dAssoc. Prof. Roman Záhorec, MD, CSc. – director of the 2nddpt. AIM,Medical School of Comenius University and St. Elizabeths Cancer Institute, Bratislava.

Now a days we provide postgradual study for twelve M.D. doctors– physicians who are prepairing to be qualified anesthetist and intensivists.


Medical staff on 2nd dpt.Anesthesiology and Intensive Medicine take care about cancer patients on the field of:

- anesthesiology

- Intensivecaremedicine

- Resuscitation

- Algesiology , acute postoperative or chronic invasive analgesia

We are providing pre-op, preanesthetic consultations for patients planned for elective oncological surgery in Ambulance of Anesthesiology in working days :

Monday 8.00 a.m. – 14.00

Tuesday 8:30 a.m. – 14:00

Wednsday 8:30 a.m. – 14:00

Thirsday 8:30 a.m. – 14:00

Friday 8:00 a.m. – 13:00

Anesthetic care

Anesthetic care including all procedures of general and regional anesthesia is providing on operating  rooms for pts undergoing oncological surgery, onco-gynecological procedures,surgery of maxilofacialstomatology and otorinolaryngology. We are providing anesthetic care about patients undergoing brachyterapy of prostate, and short –lasting  ambulancy anesthesia for diagnostic procedures during gastroscopy, colonoscopy and invasive procedures on CT imaging.

Resuscitation care

Medical staf fof 2nd dpt AIM provides cardiopulmonary resuscitation and first aid in case of cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, acute anafylactic reaction,acute failure of vital functions for all hospitalized patients and patients on ambulancy. We take care about all patients after acute failure of vital function and successfulal resuscitation for prolonged resuscitative care. We are responsible for education of cardiopulmonary resuscitation for all medical professionals and medical staff of St. Elizabeths Cancer Hospital


2nd dpt. of Anesthesiology and Intensive Medicine

Medical Faculty of Comenius University and St. Elizabeths Cancer Institute

Heydukova 10 ,

812 50 Bratislava , Slovak rep.

Tel. +421 2 32249 210 /-104 /-100

e-mail: roman.zahorec@ousa.sk