Department of Dermatovenereology
Department of Dermatovenereology Faculty of Medicine Comenius University in BratislavaUniversity Hospital
Department of Dermatology and Venerology
813 69 Bratislava, Mickiewiczova 13, 2nd floor, phone: +421 2 57290 270, fax. +421 2 57290 534
Head of the Department:
Prof. MUDr. Mária Š i m a l j a k o v á, PhD., MHA
phone: + 421 2 57290 270, fax: 57290 534
e-mail: maria.simaljakova(at)
Secretary of the Department:
prof. MUDr. Danka Š v e c o v á, PhD.
phone: +421 2 57 290 498,
e-mail: danka.svecova(at)
Office Staff of the Department:
Andrea M a r g u l o v á
phone: +421 2 57290 270, fax: 57290 534,
e-mail: andrea.margulova(at)
prof. MUDr. Mária Š i m a l j a k o v á, PhD., MHA: specialization: Dermatology and Venereology
prof. MUDr. Danka Š v e c o v á, PhD.: specialization: Dermatology and Venereology
Professor emeritus:
prof. MUDr. Jozef B u c h v a l d , DrSc.: specialization: Dermatology and Venereology
Assistant Lecturers:
MUDr. Natália Babincová
MUDr. Milica Malíčková
MUDr. Martina Part, PhD.
MUDr. Alexandra Viestová
Iveta D a n i š o v á
RNDr. Silvia Jurovčíková
Monika Z b o r i l o v á
Division of Medical Mycology
Head of the Division: prof. MUDr. Mária Šimaljaková, PhD., MHA
Iveta D a n i š o v á
RNDr. Silvia Jurovčíková
Specialization of Department
Specialization of Department
Medical mycology, allergology and occupational diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, hair diseases, blistering diseases, phototherapy and corrective dermatology, latest trends in the treatment of psoriasis. Photodynamic therapy of precancerous lesions and nonmelanoma skin tumors. Diagnostics methods of pigmented lesions – digital dermatoscope, confocal laser scanning microscope.
Unique Equipment
Unique Equipment
Phototherapeutic unit (including broad and narrow band UVB, systemic UVA therapy, topical and balneoPUVA, targetted phototherapy), digital dermotoscope, CO2 laser, Intensive pulse light + Radiofrequency, Actilite lamp – photodynamic therapy, Doppler ultrasonography, VIVA Scope 1500 – Confocal laser scanning microscopy
Most Remarkable Results
Most Remarkable Results
Elaboration of surveillance of skin mycoses in Slovak population, clarification of nature’s focal point of anthropo-zoonotic mycoses.
The discovery of a new source antropozoonotic mycosis .
Investigation of incidence of Lyme borreliosis and its relations to other dermatoses. Surveillance of STIs and different sexualy transmitted diseases in Slovak population. Biological therapy of serious deramtoses and immunomodulated therapy of blistering diseases.
Unique Equipment
Unique Equipment
Phototherapeutic unit (including broad and narrow band UVB, systemic UVA therapy, topical and balneoPUVA, targetted phototherapy), digital dermotoscope, CO2 laser, Intensive pulse light + Radiofrequency, Actilite lamp – photodynamic therapy, Doppler ultrasonography, VIVA Scope 1500 – Confocal laser scanning microscopy