Department of Neonatology and Intensive Medicine

Neonatal Department of Intensive Medicine, Medical Faculty Comenius University and National Institute of Children´s Diseases in Bratislava



Neonatal Department of Intensive Medicine,  Medical Faculty Comenius University and National Institute of Children´s Diseases in Bratislava


Limbová 1, 833 40 Bratislava

4th floor, bloc „C“


Head of the Department:

Prof. Ingrid Brucknerová, MD, PhD.

phone number: +421 (0)2 593 71 232



Secretary of the Department:


Dušan Doboš, MD - ptj.

phone number: +421 (0)2 593 71 833



Assistant Lectures:

Dušan Doboš, MD - ptj.

phone number: +421 (0)2 593 71 833



Ivana Letenayová, MD - ptj.

phone number: +421 (0)2 593 71 763



Jana Mičevová  MD - ptj.

phone number: +421 (0)2 593 71 763


Nikola Cinková MD - ptj. 

phone number: +421 (0)2 593 71 763


Michal Kubina MD - ptj.

phone number: +421 (0)2 593 71 763




Garafijat Marina

phone number: +421 02/ 593 71 845



The Neonatal Clinic of Intensive Medicine (NCIM) in the Medical Faculty in the Comenius University in Bratislava and Children´s Hospital in Bratislava was established on December 1st, 2014. Previously the department was a division of the first department of pediatrics in Kramare. 

The NCIM provides diagnostic treatment and care within the full spectrum of neonatal diseases. The majority of the patients consist of premature newborns and risk-term newborns. Patients are treated with a team of specialist pediatricians, neonatologists, as well as an educated and caring staff. The NCIM has 35 beds, of which 13 are reserved for intensive care. 

The NCIM has a special position in the Slovak Republic. As the result of long-term cooperation with the National Center for Maternal and Fetal medicine in Bratislava, the department is the leading center in consultations and care of the most complicated and severe obstetrics cases in Slovakia. The ill newborns from the National Center for Maternal and Fetal medicine are treated in the NCIM. Additionally the NCIM provides diagnostic treatment and care of  newborns admitted to the childrens hospital for other reasons. For example, NCIM patients can be treated within the department by ophthalmologists from the Department of Pediatric Ophthalmology (the NCIM is the exclusive center for the treatment of premature newborn retinopathy in Slovakia).

Our clinic is a teaching department of the Faculty of Medicine. We provide undergraduate teaching in the curriculum of medical students for the 5th and 6th grade in the subject Pediatrics in both Slovak and English languages. The department´s main method of teaching is to provide students with direct contact with patients under the guidance of a teacher to extend his/her theoretical knowledge with practical experience.

Our work is characterized by a direct dialogue, open communication and interactive workshops.

In addition, our department is part of the post-gradual specialist training in the field of pediatrics.

NCIM staff is involved in research activities in several grant projects. Additionally we participate in lectures and scientific publications.

Other sections of the NCIM

The Department of long-term care of risk newborns has three specialized outpatient sections: the Neonatal outpatient department, the Speech therapy outpatient department, and a pedagogue for out-patient therapy.

Out-Patient Departments

Neonatal out-patient Department

MUDr. Wlachovská Luďka


Special out-patient departments

Paed. Dr. Anastázia Kormanová

Paed. Dr. Oľga Matúšková

GRADUATES on NKIM 2022/2023

Ylenia Farinaccio

Retinopathy in Newborns

Retinopatia novorodenca

Elissavet Koliuska

The use of Corticosteroids in Neonates

Využitie kortikosteroidov v liečbe novorodenca


Plánované podujatia


DEŇ NOVORODENCA - Technika a teória – Prax a klinická aplikácia v starostlivosti o novorodenca. Odborné sympózium s medzinárodnou účasťou. December 2023. Bratislava.

NKIM LF UK a NÚDCH hlavný organizátor



  • KEGA  023UK-4/2021 - Implementácia najnovších vedeckých poznatkov o zdravotných rizikách pôsobenia elektromagnetických polí do moderného zdravotníckeho vzdelávania (PhDr. Michal Trnka, PhD.) – prof. MUDr. I. Brucknerová, PhD. spoluriešiteľ
  • KEGA 081UK-4/2021 - Vytvorenie študijných materiálov k novo kreovanému predmetu Klinická embryológia a reprodukčná medicína (hlavný riešiteľ: prof. RNDr. Ivan  Varga, PhD.) – prof. MUDr. I. Brucknerová, PhD. = spoluriešiteľ