Department of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology LF UK and UN Bratislava

About us

Department of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology specializes in diagnosis, treatment and compensation of professional health damages - occupational diseases.

National Toxicology Information Center serves as a 24hour/7days a week hotline offering information about diagnosis and treatment of all kinds of acute intoxications for health professionals as well as general public. 

What's unique about us

The most complete and comprehensive toxicology information database together with wide spectrum of antidotes is available thru the National Toxicology Information Center which is part of our clinic. 

The most significant results

Preparation of biological exposure tests for insecticide phosmet. Confirmation of the therapeutic effect of silymarin in an experimental liver injury in various industrial poisons- in cooperation with Pharmacobiochemical laboratory of School of Medicine.
Confirmation of the therapeutic effect of sildenafil in treatment of erectile dysfunction in chronic carbon disulphide professional intoxication. Confirmation of the effect of hyperbaric oxygenation therapy in treatment of chronic non-healing leg ulcers.


Bátora, I., Zimanová, J.,Uličná, O., Vojtech, I., Gavorník, P., Gašpar, Ľ., Bízik, A., Vančová, O., Jánošiová, O. : Efekt hyperbarickej oxygenoterapie v liečbe chronických nehojacich sa vredov dolných končatín. Pracov. Lék., 57, 2005, č.2, s. 66-72

Batora, I., Orszag, A., Vrabec, J., Farkasova, D.: Sildenafil for treatment of erectile dysfunction in men with chronic carbon disulfide intoxication. Pracov. Lék., 57, 2005, č.2, s. 73-77

Batora, I., Batorova, A., Zimanova, J., Ulicna, O., Vojtech, I., Gavornik, P., Gaspar, L.: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in chronic non-healing diabetic and venous ulcer. J. Thromb. Haemost. Vol. 3, suppl. 1, ISSN: 1740-3340, P 1632

Bátora, Igor : Intoxikácie In: Interná medicína. - Bratislava : ProLitera, 2013. - S. 1077-1091. - ISBN 978-80-970253-9-7

Bátora, Igor : Najčastejšie otravy In: Internistická propedeutika. - Bratislava : Herba, 2013. - S. 756-761. - ISBN 978-80-89171-72-9

Ravasová, Jana - Bátora, Igor : Poškodenie chrbtice ako choroba z povolania In: České pracovní lékařství. - Roč. 7, č. 3 (2006), s. 167-169

Zimanová, Jana - Bátora, Igor - Dušinská, M. - Burghardtová, K. - Blažíček, P. - Vojtech, I. : Vplyv opakovanej HBO na totálny antioxidačný stav organizmu pri liečbe defektov dolných končatín In: Rehabilitácia. - Roč. 47, č. 2 (2010), s. 80-89

 Zimanová, Jana  - Bátora, Igor - Dušinská, M. - Burghardtová, K. - Blažíček, P. - Vojtech, Ivan - Bízik, Andrej : Short term oxidative DNA damage by hyperbaric oxygenation in patients with chronic leg ulcers In: Bratislavské lekárske listy. - Roč. 112, č. 8 (2011), s. 447-452