Department of Ophthalmology
About Department of Ophthalmology
Specialization of the workplace
Curative preventive activity: providing top diagnostic and therapeutic services in the field of ophthalmology, with special focus on: anterior segment microsurgery, vitreoretinal surgery, eye traumatology, ophthalmoimunology, pathology of the eye, glaucoma; differential diagnosis of ocular fundus diseases, neuroophthalmology, intraocular inflammation.
Consultation and assessment activities.
Scientific research: Age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma biochemistry, surgical treatment of macular holes, complications after intraocular surgery, corneal microsurgery. Ophthalmooncology.
Doctoral study department in the field of ophthalmology with scope for the whole Slovak Republic.
Pedagogical activity: Pre-graduate education for the 5th year of general medicine and for 4th year of dentistry. External teaching for the needs of the Ophthalmology Clinics (lectures, practical lessons, participation in the examination boards).
Superior equipment
Laser-sensed and computer-assisted fluorescein angiography with digital image storage in computer memory.
Front eye segment analyzer. Diodes infrared laser. Computer perimeter. OCT - optical coherent tomography.
Unique methods
Investigation of changes in biochemical parameters in intraocular structures after topical application of antiglaucomatous drugs. Local use of antimetabolites in the surgical treatment of glaucoma and pterygium. Use of color indicators for lens and retinal microsurgery. Microsurgery for severe injuries of the rear segment of the eye. Treatment of intraocular and extraocular tumors.
The most significant results
Pedagogical activity: During the last 5 years, the workplace has been educated by two associate professors and four graduates have completed PhD studies.
Curative preventive activity:
Surgical procedures - orbital surgery.
Introduction of vitreoretinal microsurgery to the treatment of affections of the macular landscape.
Scientific research:
Change of pH and amino acid spectrum in intraocular structures after topical antiglaucoma administration.
Additional information / Current project activity
In the past, 2 VEGA grants have been dealt with by the workplace and 1 VEGA grant, in co-operation with Faculty of natural sciences.
Currently, the grant is being solved: KEGA 008UK-4/2014 - Current Possibilities of Using Photon and Proton Radiation in the Treatment of Malignant Melanoma uvea (responsible researcher assoc. prof. Furdova)
In 2007 the organization of the International Symposium on Macular Disease in Bratislava.
In 1998 published textbook Olah et al .: Ophthalmology. Textbook for medical faculties.
The workplace is in constant contact with the university workplaces in Europe and there is a permanent exchange of workers.
Publishing activity - see Publication database (enter name of researcher)
History of the Department of Ophthalmology - Ex Heads
Academic Staff
Head of the Department:
assoc. prof. Vladimír K rá s n i k, MD, PhD.
phone: 02 48234 157, e-mail:
Secretariat of the Department:
Janka Janíčková
phone: 02 48234 107, e-mail:
prof. Alena F u r d o v á, MD, PhDr., PhD, MPH, MSc., FEBO (publications, list of publications)
Assoc. professors:
assoc. prof. Vladimir K r á s n i k, MD, PhD. (publications)
assoc. prof. Jana Š t e f a n i č k o v á, MD, PhD. (publications)
Assistant Lecturers:
Ivajlo P o p o v. MD, PhD., Mgr., MPH, FEBO (publications)
Jela V a l á š k o v á, MD, PhD., MPH (publications)
Ján J u h á s, MD (publications)
Pavol V e s e l ý, MD, PhD., FWCRS (publications)
Paulína P l e s n í k o v á, MD (publications)
Šimon M i n a r i č, MD
Peter K a d l i c, MD
Dmytro B o n d a r c h u k, MD