Department of Pneumology and Phthisiology
826 06 Bratislava, Ružinovská ul. č. 6, tel. 02/48 234 741
Marta H Á J K O V Á, MD, CSc., MPH
tel.: 0905 359 545
Office AdministratorOffice Administration
Andrea Š I P O Š O V Á, MD
tel.: 48 234 263, 296
Office Administrator:
Mgr. Jana P E T R A S O V Á
tel.: 48 234 741
Assoc. Prof. Ivan Majer, MD, CSc. – ptj.
Branch of Science Internal diseases
Assoc. Prof.Mária Tamášová, MD, CSc.
Branch of Science Internal diseases
Lectures and Assistant Lectures:
Pavla B u k o v a n o v á, MD
Emma K u r e k o v á, MD - ptj.
František S á n d o r, MD, PhD., FCCP -ptj.
Andrea Š i p o š o v á, MD - ptj.
Zuzana Š t r b o v á, MD, PhD.
Eva T e d l o v á, MD, PhD. – ptj.
Eva Ž ů r k o v á, MD
Core curriculum for students studying in English language
Teaching topics: Pulmonary medicine and phthiseology, pulmonary function testing, internal medicine, laboratory result analysis for III., IV., V., and VI. year graduates of General Medicine and V. year graduates of Dentistry.
The course is focused on basic problems of pulmonary medicine and phthiseology, bronchoscopic examinations, bronchoalveolar lavage interpretation, basic principles of allergy medicine and immunology. Lectures and clinical rotations discuss case studies and selected diseases stressing the importance of diagnostic and therapeutic algorhythms. All faculty staff are availble for students interested in establishing their diploma theses. Assoc. Prof. Stefan Urban, MD, CSc. is a member of the Committee for Doctoral Dissertation Defense and a member of the State Commission of Internal Medicine.
Curative and preventive activities
The Department of Pneumology and Phthisiology LFUK as part of the University Hospital in Bratislava provides several highly specialized services and examinations for both inpatients and outpatients:
• Bronchoscopy (with diagnostic and therapeutic intervention).
• Functional examination of the respiratory tract (basic flow-volume curve, lung diffusion capacity, bronchomotoric tests, whole-body plethysmography, blood and acid-base examination, pre-operative lung function examinations, etc.).
• Allergic skin testing and therapeutic procedures
• Cytological and biochemical examination of bronchoalveolar lavage fluids
Staging of intratracheal tumors
Overview of the most important scientific publications in 2000-2015
1. doc.MUDr. Š.Urban, CSc. bol zostavovateľom a autorom väčšiny statí kapitoly pneumológia v monografii Ďuriš I, Hulín I, Bernadič M./Eds/: Princípy internej medicíny , Bratislava, SAP, 2001.
2. Redhammer R, Košinárová V, Tamášová M, Urban Š. Tuberkulóza, Bratislava, Univerzita Komenského 2000, 72 s.
3. Hulín I, Ďuriš I, Ferenčík M, Urban Š. Akútne poškodenie pľúc. s. 432-437 In: Hulín I. /Ed/: Patofyziológia, 6. vyd. Bratislava, SAP, 2002, 1397 s.
4. Urban Š. Ekonomické aspekty farmakoterapie tuberkulózy na Slovensku. Stud Pneumol Phthiseol 2003; 63: 91-94
5. Redhammer R, Redhammerová A. Spánkové poruchy dýchania. Bratislava, SAP 2004, 90 s.
6. Urban Š. Funkčné vyšetrenie pľúc pred torakochirurgickými operáciami a resekciou pľúc. Stud Pneumol Phthiseol 2005; 65: 60-67
7. Urban Š. Funkčné testy pľúc vo vzťahu k chirurgii u dospelých. s.553-567. In: Siman J/Ed/: Princípy chirurgie I. Bratislava, SAP 2007.
8. Urban Š. Obštrukcia dýchacích ciest - funkčná definícia a interpretácia reverzibility. Stud Pneumol Phthiseol 2009; 69: 49-51
9. Urban Š, Badalík, L. Epidemiológia chronických chorôb dýchacej sústavy. s. 424-445. Bratislava, Univerzita Komenského 2008.
10. Majer I, Demian J, Čavarga, I, Laššán Š, Urban Š.: Diagnostika včasných štádii pľúcneho karcinómu na našej klinike. Stud Pneumol Phthiseol 2010; 70: 92-97
11. Kolektív Kliniky pneumológie a ftizeológie LFUK : Pneumológia S. 477- 597. In: Kiňová, S, Hulín I.(Eds). Interná medicína, I. vyd. Bratislava, ProLitera 2013.
12. Urban Š. Priedušková astma – diagnostika a terapia. I. vyd. Bratislava, Herba 2015, 240 s.
13. Majer, I. a kol. Choroby dýchacích ciest – klinické aspekty. Bratislava, Tajpan 2015, 221.
Other activities of the clinic
Expert activity for the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic and activities within the Slovak Medical Society - organizer of congresses, scientific and educational events SPFS and ČPFS - Bratislava Breathing Days, Bratislava Christmas Days, Days of Young Pneumologists and Phthiseologist. Currently, Assoc. Prof. I. Majer, MD, CSc. is the President of the Slovak Pneumological and Phthisiological Society.