
  1. ACA Introduction to functional histology : textbook. / M. Adamkov [et al.]
    Šenov : Barbara, 2016
  2. ADC Lymphatic lacunae of the mucosal folds of human uterine tubes - A rediscovery of forgotten structures and their possible role in reproduction / Ivan Varga ... [et al.]
    In: Annals of Anatomy. - č. 219 (2018), s. 121-128
  3. ADC Ultrastructural analysis of different human mesenchymal stem cells after in vitro expansion: a technical review / M. Miko ... [et al.]
    In: European Journal of Histochemistry. - Vol. 59, No. 4 (2015), s. 298-302
  4. ADC The functional morphology and role of cardiac telocytes in myocardium regeneration / I. Varga ... [et al.]
    In: Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. - Vol. 94, No. 11 (2016), s. 1117-1121
  5. ADC How many cell types form the epithelial lining of the human uterine tubes? Revision of the histological nomenclature of the human tubal epithelium / Ivan Varga ... [et al.]
    In: Annals of Anatomy. - č. 224 (2019), s. 73-80
  6. ADC Effect of chronic intake of liquid nutrition on stomach and duodenum morphology / M. Vrabcová ... [et al.]
    In: Acta Histochemica. - Vol. 118, No. 4 (2016), s. 435-442
  7. ADD Two nuclei inside a single cardiac muscle cell. More questions than answers about the binucleation of cardiomyocytes / M. Miko ... [et al.]
    In: Biologia. - Vol. 72, No. 8 (2017), s. 825-830
  8. ADD Cholinesterase activity in quail primary lymphoid organs / F. Dorko ... [et al.]
    In: Biologia. - Vol. 68, No. 6 (2013), s. 1238-1242
  9. ADE Štruktúrny základ transportnej funkcie vajíčkovodu / M. Kajanová ... [et al.]
    In: Česká gynekologie. - Roč. 77, č. 6 (2012), s. 566-571
  10. ADF Funkčná morfológia vajíčkovodu a jej vzťah k reprodukčným funkciám / Š. Polák ... [et al.]
    In: Gynekológia pre prax. - Roč. 11, č. 4 (2013), s. 198-202
  11. ADM Ultra-structural morphology of long-term cultivated white adipose tissue-derived stem cells / I. Varga ... [et al.]
    In: Cell and Tissue Banking. - Vol. 16, No. 4 (2015), s. 639-647
  12. ADM Nové pohľady na funkčnú morfológiu klitorisu / M. Miko ... [et al.]
    In: Česká gynekologie. - Roč. 79, č. 2 (2014), s. 147-155
  13. ADN Telocytes (interstitial Cajal-like cells) in human Fallopian tubes / L. Urban ... [et al.]
    In: Bratislava medical journal. - Roč. 117, č. 5 (2016), s. 263-267
  14. ADN Ultrastructural changes of kidney in diabetic rats / M. Miko ... [et al.]
    In: Bratislava medical journal. - Roč. 117, č. 3 (2016), s. 161-165
  15. AEC Histologic examination of peripheral nerves / M. Miko, I. Varga
    In: Nerves and Nerve Injuries: History, Embryology, Anatomy, Imaging, and Diagnostics. Vol. 1. - ISBN 978-0-12-410390-0. - London : Elsevier, 2015. - S. 79-89 [1,41 AH]
  16. AEC Physical exercise can spur beneficial neoangiogenesis and microvasculature remodeling within the heart - our salvation? / M. Miko, I. Varga
    In: Exercise for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Treatment : From Molecular to Clinical, Part 1. - ISBN 978-981-10-4306-2. - Singapore : Springer, 2017. - S. 103-115 [1,04 AH]
  17. AED Biological and morphological characterization of rat muscle-derived stem cells / M. Miko, I. Varga, M. Kuniaková
    In: Biomedicínsky výskum 3. - ISBN 978-80-971370-2-1. - Bratislava : Mamma Feminina, 2015. - S. 32-37
  18. AED Špecifiká histologickej metódy prípravy bunkových kultúr mezenchýmových kmeňových buniek na pozorovanie transmisným elektrónovým mikroskopom - naše vlastné skúsenosti / M. Miko, Ľ. Danišovič, I. Varga
    In: Nové trendy a perspektívy v histológii 2. [elektronický zdroj]. - ISBN 978-80-89544-74-5. - Martin : Jesseniova lekárska fakulta UK, 2015. - S. 46-54 [CD-ROM]
  19. AED Ultraštruktúrna štúdia mezenchýmových kmeňových buniek izolovaných z kostrového svalu s ohľadom na ich využitie v regenerácii srdca / M. Miko ... [et al.]
    In: Čerpajme z minulosti, ktorá nás navedie na budúcnosť. - ISBN 978-80-89747-06-1. - Bratislava : Proprint, 2015. - S. 164-171
  20. AED Chlamýdiová infekcia a jej vzťah k reprodukčným funkciám vajíčkovodov / Š. Polák ... [et al.]
    In: Nové trendy a perspektívy v histológii [elektronický zdroj]. - ISBN 978-80-89544-28-8. - Martin : Jesseniova lekárska fakulta UK, Ústav histológie a embryológie, 2012. - S. 43-46 [CD ROM]
  21. AED Intersticiálne, Cajalovým bunkám podobné bunky vo vajíčkovode / M. Miko, I. Varga, Š. Polák
    In: Nové trendy a perspektívy v histológii [elektronický zdroj]. - ISBN 978-80-89544-28-8. - Martin : Jesseniova lekárska fakulta UK, Ústav histológie a embryológie, 2012. - S. 34-36 [CD ROM]
  22. AFC Makrofágy a integrujúce dendritové bunky v týmusoch detí s vrodenými chybami srdca / I. Varga ... [et al.]
    In: Morfologie v Čechách a na Slovensku 2. - ISBN 978-80-7464-364-4. - Ostrava : Ostravská univerzita, 2013. - S. 94-99
  23. AFC Nové poznatky o Hassallových telieskach získané histologickým štúdiom týmusov detí s vrodenými chybami srdca / I. Varga ... [et al.]
    In: Morfologie v Čechách a na Slovensku 2. - ISBN 978-80-7464-364-4. - Ostrava : Ostravská univerzita, 2013. - S. 82-93
  24. AFC Vybrané fragmenty z histórie morfologického výskumu ženských pohlavných orgánov / M. Miko ... [et al.]
    In: Morfologie v Čechách a na Slovensku 2. - ISBN 978-80-7464-364-4. - Ostrava : Ostravská univerzita, 2013. - S. 77-81
  25. AFD Telocyty v zlyhávajúcom srdci: elektrónovo-mikroskopická a imunohistochemická štúdia / I. Varga ... [et al.]
    In: 19. Košický morfologický deň. - ISBN 978-80-8129-052-7. - Košice : Typopress, 2016. - S. 96-99
  26. AFD Naše skúsenosti s využitím rastrovacej elektrónovej mikroskopie v medicínskych a biologických vedách / Š. Polák ... [et al.]
    In: Laboratórna medicína 2012. - Bratislava : Slovenská spoločnosť pre laboratórnu medicínu, 2012. - S. [1-3]
  27. AFG The diversity of tubal epithelium. How many types of epithelial cells form the lining epithelium of human uterine tubes? / Ivan Varga ... [et al.]
    In: International Symposium on Morphological Sciences : book of abstracts. - ISBN 978-80-88214-11-3. - Praha : AMCA, 2018. - S. 80-80
  28. AFG Generation and characterization of human iPSCs from human fibroblast in respect to osteochondral regeneration / Ľuboš Danišovič ... [et al.]
    In: The FASEB Journal. - Roč. 33, č. Supplement 1 (2019), s. [1-2], Abstract No. Ib168
  29. AFG Macrophages, interdigitating dendritic cells and myoid cells in newborns thymuses - an immunohistochemical study / Š. Polák ... [et al.]
    In: Morphology 2012 : 47th International Congress on Anatomy ; 49th Lojda Symposium on Histochemistry. - Hradec Králové : Česká anatomická společnosť, 2012. - S. 110
  30. AFG Thymic Hassall´s bodies - their structure and possible functions during prenatal and early postnatal development / I. Varga ... [et al.]
    In: Morphology 2012 : 47th International Congress on Anatomy ; 49th Lojda Symposium on Histochemistry. - Hradec Králové : Česká anatomická společnosť, 2012. - S. 134
  31. AFG Rediscovery of forgotten structures inside mucosa of uterine tubes - lymphatic lacunae- and their possible role in reproduction / Ivan Varga ... [et al.]
    In: The FASEB Journal. - Roč. 32, č. Supplement 1 (2018), s. [1-2], Abstr. No. Ib514
  32. AFG Classification and clinical significance of the congenital anomalies of thymus / I. Varga... [et al.]
    In: Anatomy. - Vol. 9, Suppl. 2 (2015), s. S201
  33. AFG Morphology of skeletal muscle-derived mesenchymal stem cells from humans and rats and their possible application in regenerative medicine / I. Varga... [et al.]
    In: Anatomy. - Vol. 9, Suppl. 2 (2015), s. S146
  34. AFG Developmental abnormalities of the human thymus - from phylogeny to ontogeny / I. Varga ... [et al.]
    In: Revista Argentina de Anatomía Clínica. - Vol. 6, No. 2 (2014), s. 133
  35. AFG Comparative analysis of macrophages and dendritic cells in thymuses of children with sudden infant death syndrome and with congenital heart defects / I. Varga... [et al.]
    In: Annals of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger. - Roč. 196, S1 (2014), s. 66
  36. AFG Thymic myoid cells in thymuses of children with congenital heart defects / I. Varga... [et al.]
    In: Annals of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger. - Roč. 196, S1 (2014), s. 68-69
  37. AFH Morphological changes of the human thymus from the 6th up to 25th week of prenatal development / I. Varga ... [et al.]
    In: Morphology 2013. - ISBN 978-80-89544-47-9. - Martin : JLF UK, 2013. - S. 74
  38. AFH Functional morphology of the uterine tube - histological examination of 50 uterine tubes of women with different age and with various diagnoses / Š. Polák ... [et al.]
    In: Morphology 2013. - ISBN 978-80-89544-47-9. - Martin : JLF UK, 2013. - S. 61
  39. AFH Hope found in beta-sheet breaker peptides - or how to fight and vanquish prions / M. Miko, Š. Polák, I. Varga
    In: ISCAA 2015 : 7th International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy. - ISBN 978-80-223-3951-3. - Bratislava : Comenius University, 2015. - S. 80
  40. AFH Historical overview of the anatomy of female reproductive organs / M. Kajanová ... [et al.]
    In: ISCAA 2015 : 7th International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy. - ISBN 978-80-223-3951-3. - Bratislava : Comenius University, 2015. - S. 135
  41. AFH Interstitial cajal-like cells in different human organs - myth or reality? / L. Urban ... [et al.]
    In: ISCAA 2015 : 7th International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy. - ISBN 978-80-223-3951-3. - Bratislava : Comenius University, 2015. - S. 197-198
  42. AFH The interstitial cajal-like cells in female reproductive system - an immunohistochemical study / L. Urban ... [et al.]
    In: ISCAA 2015 : 7th International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy. - ISBN 978-80-223-3951-3. - Bratislava : Comenius University, 2015. - S. 199
  43. AFH Human heart telocytes and their role in myocardium regeneration - an ultrastructural and immunohistochemical study / I. Varga ... [et al.]
    In: ISCAA 2015 : 7th International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy. - ISBN 978-80-223-3951-3. - Bratislava : Comenius University, 2015. - S. 200
  44. BEE Makrofágy, dendritové bunky a myoidné bunky v týmuse novorodencov / Š. Polák ... [et al.]
    In: Formy a prostriedky vzdelávania na podporu prevencie chorôb v podmienkach eHealth [elektronický zdroj]. - ISBN 978-80-87861-02-8. - Praha : Evropská asociacie pro fototerapii, 2013. - S. 119 [CD-ROM]
  45. BFA Generation of iPSCs from long-term cryopreserved human neonatal fibroblasts in feeder-free condition and their comprehensive characterization / Ľ. Danišovič ... [et al.]
    In: 2nd International Coference : The future of regenerative medicine in Africa. - Vanderbijlpark : Vaal University of Technology, 2017. - S. 41
  46. BFA Ultra-structural morphology of long-term cultivated white adipose tissue-derived stem cells / M. Miko ... [et al.]
    In: 32nd Annual Meeting American Association of Clinical Anatomists. - Henderson : [s.n.], 2015. - S. 98-99
  47. BFA The clinical significance of interstitial Cajal-like cells and their role in tissue regeneration / I. Varga ... [et al.]
    In: 32nd Annual Meeting American Association of Clinical Anatomists. - Henderson : [s.n.], 2015. - S. 105-106
  48. BFA Different types of placental trophoblasts: New terminology and clinical significance / I. Varga ... [et al.]
    In: 32nd Annual Meeting American Association of Clinical Anatomists. - Henderson : [s.n.], 2015. - S. 106
  49. BFA Histological changes of the thymus resembling accidental involution and sudden infant death syndrome / Ivan Varga ... [et al.]
    In: 35th Annual Meeting of AACA. - Georgia : American Association of Clinical Anatomists, 2018. - S. 104-104
  50. BFA Histological study of capsular synovial metaplasia that is formed around silicone breast implants / Ivan Varga ... [et al.]
    In: 35th Annual Meeting of AACA. - Georgia : American Association of Clinical Anatomists, 2018. - S. 104-105
  51. BFA Generation of human iPSCs and analysis of their potential for osteochondral regeneration / Ľuboš Danišovič ... [et al.]
    In: 35th Annual Meeting of AACA. - Georgia : American Association of Clinical Anatomists, 2018. - S. 92-92
  52. BFA iPSCs from long-term cryopreserved human neonatal fibroblasts in feeder-free condition and their potential for skeletal system regeneration / Ľ. Danišovič ... [et al.]
    In: BACA & EACA Joint Summer Meeting 2017. - Coventry : University of Warwick, 2017. - S. 38
  53. BFA An electron microscope can improve the study results of pregradual students of histology / M. Miko, Š. Polák, I. Varga
    In: BACA & EACA Joint Summer Meeting 2017. - Coventry : University of Warwick, 2017. - S. 58
  54. BFA Hirschsprung disease as a sign of other congenital malformations / I. Varga, M. Miko
    In: BACA & EACA Joint Summer Meeting 2017. - Coventry : University of Warwick, 2017. - S. 67
  55. BFA Little discussed histological facts about the human oviducts / I. Varga ... [et al.]
    In: BACA & EACA Joint Summer Meeting 2017. - Coventry : University of Warwick, 2017. - S. 68
  56. BFA Telocytes - novel cell type that may play a crucial role in regeneration and reparation of the myocardium after infarction / I. Varga ... [et al.]
    In: Anatomists on the Edge 2017. - Galwey : National University of Ireland, 2017. - S. PS2.52
  57. BFA Proposal for a diagnostic algorithm of pediatric patients with Hirschprung disease with order concomitant associated congenital anomalies / I. Varga ... [et al.]
    In: Anatomists on the Edge 2017. - Galwey : National University of Ireland, 2017. - S. PS3.15
  58. BFA The functional morphology and clinical significance of the interstitial cells of cajal and interstitial cajal-like cells (telocytes) - from Hirschsprung disease, trough ectopic tubal pregnancy to possible regeneration of myocardium / I. Varga ... [et al.]
    In: Morphology 2014. - Brno : Česká anatomická spoločnosť, 2014. - S. 44-45
  59. BFA Cardiac telocytes in failing human heart - an electron-microscopic and immunohistochemical study / I. Varga... [et al.]
    In: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine: on the forefront of personalized medicine [elektronický zdroj]. - Cancun : [s.n.], 2015 [elektronický zdroj]. - Nestr. [1 s.] [CD-ROM]
  60. BFA Ultrastructural histopatological changes of kidney in diabetic rats / M. Miko ... [et al.]
    In: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine: on the forefront of personalized medicine [elektronický zdroj]. - Cancun : [s.n.], 2015. - Nestr. [1 s.] [CD-ROM]
  61. BFA Antiapoptotic protein survivin in low grade and high grade colorectal adenomas / M. Adamkov... [et al.]
    In: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine: on the forefront of personalized medicine [elektronický zdroj]. - Cancun : [s.n.], 2015 [elektronický zdroj]. - Nestr. [1 s.] [CD-ROM]
  62. BFA Immunohistochemical identification of telocytes in the wall of Fallopian tubes / I. Varga... [et al.]
    In: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine: on the forefront of personalized medicine [elektronický zdroj]. - Cancun : [s.n.], 2015. - Nestr. [1 s.] [CD-ROM]
  63. BFB Štúdium bunkového mikroprostredia týmusov detí s vrodenými chybami srdca a so syndrómom náhleho úmrtia (SIDS) metódami imunohistochémie / I. Varga ... [et al.]
    In: Laboratórna medicína 2013 : 15. kongres s medzinárodnou účasťou. - Martin : [s.n.], 2013. - S. 13-14
  64. BFB Právna regulácia metód klinickej embryológie v bývalom Česko-Slovensku / M. Miko, Š. Polák, I. Varga
    In: Laboratórna medicína 2013 : 15. kongres s medzinárodnou účasťou. - Martin : [s.n.], 2013. - S. 14
  65. BFB Klinická embryológia ako nový a samostatný laboratórny odbor / Š. Polák, I. Varga, M. Miko
    In: Laboratórna medicína 2013 : 15. kongres s medzinárodnou účasťou. - Martin : [s.n.], 2013. - S. 15
  66. DAI Orto a patomorfológia niektorých laboratórnych zvierat analýza na úrovni svetelnej a elektrónovej mikroskopie / Michal Miko ; školiteľ Štefan Polák
    Bratislava : [s.n.], 2015
  67. FAI ISCAA 2015 : 7th International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy. / editori M. Miko, Š. Polák, I. Varga
    Bratislava : Comenius University, 2015