General medicine
Syllabus of the subject – hygiene – general medicine
Environmental health. Environmental, chemical, physical, biological and psychosocial factors and health. Impact of education and lifestyle on health and disease. Outdoor and indoor air pollution and morbidity. Water quality, water-borne diseases. Hazardous wastes. Nonionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation and health hazards. Environmental noise. Urbanization, housing and health. Nutrition and health. Alternative types of nutrition. Xenobiotics. Environmental factors and infectious diseases. Environmental factors and common noncommunicable diseases. Principles of psychohygiene. Living conditions, alcohol and drug abuse. Age and physiological peculiarities in primary prevention. Hygiene of pedagogical process. Environmental health risks in children and adolescents. Work and health, occupational hazards and risks, accidents. Physical factors in the occupational environment. Toxic chemicals in the occupational environment. Biological factors in occupational environment. Psychosocial factors in occupational environment. Selected occupational risk categories, exposures and work-related diseases. Regimen of work and rest and prevention of occupational diseases. Hospital hygiene, outpatient departments and hospital wards. Nosocomial infections. Risk assessment and risk management. Preparedness in emergency situations (natural and technological disasters, war conflicts, terrorism), compensatory accommodation, water supply, nutrition in emergency situations.
List of lectures:
Introduction to Hygiene. Environmental Health and Risk Assessment. Preventive Occupational Health. Disaster and Emergency Preparedness. Nutrition in Public Health and Food Safety. Hygiene of Children and Youth.
Syllabus of the practicals:
Environmental factors and the health status. Health protection against ionizing radiation. Analysis of food consumption and nutrient intake, evaluation of nutritional status. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Hospital hygiene.
Examination - written text and oral examination
Questions for writen test |
Questions for oral examination |
Time table |
Lectures |
Practical training |
Teaching in the summer semester 2023/2024
The teaching of Hygiene in the 4th year of General Medicine is based on completing 24 hours of obligatory practical training and 12 hours of lectures.
Lectures will be held according to the approved schedule on line.
The program and topics of lectures and practical sessions are listed in the teaching schedule on the web page of the Institute of Hygiene.
The practical training of hygiene is mandatory and in-person in study blocks. There are 5 days (1 week) of teaching and the following week – the exam dates Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday will be announced for those students who completed practical training with 100% participation in the previous week and have successfully completed the prerequisites (i.e. Pathological Physiology 2, Pathological Anatomy 2).
Replacement of practical training in advance is possible only for very serious reasons. Replacement of non-completed practical training - by agreement with Prof. Argalasova (lubica.argalasova@fmed.uniba.sk)
A student who does not take the exam in the week following the teaching block (or passes an exam with a result of Fx) can complete the exam in the regular examination period or by agreement with Prof. Argalasova (lubica.argalasova@fmed.uniba.sk).
The exam consist of a test and an oral part. Questions for the test and the oral exam are listed on the Institute's website.
Any changes will be implemented taking into account the current measures.
Compulsory study literature:
ŠEVČÍKOVÁ, Ľ. and contributors. Hygiene - Environmental Medicine. Bratislava: Comenius University, 2011. 330 p. ISBN 978-80-223-2900-2.
Recommended study literature:
ŠEVČÍKOVÁ, Ľ. and contributors. Environmental Health - Hygiene. Bratislava: Comenius University, 2015. 253 p. ISBN 978-80-223-3930-8
BABJAKOVÁ, J., SEKRETÁR, S. Nutrition and Food Safety in Public Health. Bratislava: Comenius University, 2015. 136 p. ISBN 978-80-223-3932-2.
FABIÁNOVÁ, E. and BÁTORA, I. Occupational Health and Toxicology. 1. vyd. Bratislava: Comenius University, 2015. 146 p. ISBN 978-80-223-3931-5.
ROLFES, S.R., PINNA, K., WHITNEY, E. Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition. 10th ed. Stamford: Cengage Learning, 2015. 1120 p. ISBN 978-1-285-45876-2.
Syllabus of the subject – hygiene - dentistry
Environmental health. The environment and its factors. Water and water-borne diseases. Health risks connected with nutrition. Environmental factors and problems of common noncommunicable diseases. Age and physiological peculiarities in primary prevention. Hygiene in stomatological practice. Occupational environment of stomatologists. Stomatological workplace and its basic characteristics and requirements – spatial, microclimatic, microbiologic, acoustics and illumination. Stomatological laboratory. Stomatological x-ray. Hygienic requirements for using X-ray apparatuses in stomatological practice. Health risks of ionizing radiation. Personal protection devices for patients and employees. Specific risk factors in the work of stomatologists. Ergonomic principles in stomatological treatment. Dust in occupational setting. Noise and vibrations, health risks. Specific risk of infection in stomatological practice. Chemical hazards in stomatological practice. Allergens. Heavy metals. The influence of occupational environment on health of stomatologists. The regimen of work and rest, prevention of occupational diseases. Nosocomial infections in stomatological practice and their prevention. Ecosystem of the oral cavity. Process of infection transmission in stomatology. Hygiene of service in stomatological workplace. Disinfection and sterilization in stomatological practice. Hygienic principles at work with patient. Hygienic principles at work with patients with infectious disease.
List of lectures:
Principles of hygiene for stomatologists. Exposure to environmental chemicals and physical agents and risk assessment. Nutrition in prevention of diseases. Occupational environment and health. Prevention of nosocomial infections in stomatology. Hygienic principles at work with patient.
Syllabus of the practicals:
Environmental factors and the health status. Principles of health protection against ionizing radiation. Food consumption assessment and nutritional status. Hygienic assessment of health facilities.
Examination - written test and oral examination
Writing test questions |
Questions for oral examination |
Time table |
Lectures |
Practical trainings |
Teaching in the winter semester 2024/2025
The teaching of Hygiene for the 5th year of Dentistry consists of 15 hours of compulsory practical training and 10 hours of lectures.
The program and topics of lectures and practical exercises are listed in the teaching schedule.
The lectures will be held online in MS Teams in the order according to the teaching schedule and will be available until the end of the semester.
Practical sessions will be carried out in full-time mode. Participation in practical trainings is mandatory, the condition for registering for the exam is 100% participation.
Absence from practical sessions (for serious reasons) must be compensated in agreement with the teacher responsible for teaching of foreign students (prof. Ľubica Argalášová, MD, Ph.D. MPH).
It will be possible to pass the exam in advance according to the study schedule at the Faculty of Medicine from December 9 to December 20 2024 for those students who have completed the entire course.
Other dates will be available in the regular exam period from January 2 to February 14 2025.
Further details are given in the Study Regulations of the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University.
Compulsory literature:
ŠEVČÍKOVÁ, Ľ. and contributors. Hygiene - Environmental Medicine. Bratislava: Comenius University, 2011.
Optional literature:
ŠEVČÍKOVÁ, Ľ. and contributors. Environmental Health - Hygiene. Bratislava: Comenius University, 2015.
BABJAKOVÁ, J., SEKRETÁR, S. Nutrition and Food Safety in Public Health. Bratislava: Comenius University, 2015.
Pedagogical activity
The institute is responsible for study programme of following study branch and subjects:
4th grade General medicine
5th grade Dentistry
Prof. Jana Jurkovičová, MD, PhD. - Branch of Science: Public Health
Prof. Ľubica Argalášová, MD, PhD, MPH - Branch of Science: Hygiene
Jana Babjaková, MD, PhD, MPH
Alexandra Filová, Mgr., PhD.
Katarína Hirošová, RNDr., PhD.
Martin Samohýl, Ing. PhDr., PhD.
Diana Vondrová, RNDr., PhD.
Ivana Kachútová, MSc.
Mgr. Barbora Chovancová, PhD.
MUDr. Tatiana Wrba, PhD.
Katarína Mayer Vargová, MSc.
MUDr. Lucia Hadvinová
MUDr. Martin Soldán
Hygiene - Preventive Medicine
Environmental Medicine
Radiation Health Protection
Occupational Preventive Medicine
Nutrition and Health
Hygiene of Children and Youth
Hygiene of Health Facilities