
Currently Grant Projects

  • KEGA 040UK-4/2022 (2022-2024)
"Content innovation and digitisation of the compulsory subject Medical Biophysics and related compulsory optiional subjects." Project leader: doc. RNDr. Mgr. Katarína Kozlíková, CSc., coordinator: doc. RNDr. Martin Kopáni, PhD., doc. RNDr. Silvia Dulanská, PhD., RNDr. Eva Kráľová, PhD., Mgr. Radana Gurecká, PhD., PhDr. Michal Trnka, PhD., Ing. Daniel Kosnáč, Mgr. Ján Pánik, PhD.                                   

  • KEGA 023UK-4/2021 (2021-2023)

"Implementation of the latest scientific knowledge about the health risks of electromagnetic fields into modern medical education." Project leader: PhDr. Michal Trnka, PhD. , coordinator: RNDr. Eva Kráľová, PhD., doc. RNDr. Martin Kopáni, PhD., RNDr. Zuzana Balázsiová, PhD.

  • APVV-17-0150 (2018-2022)

"Interakcie arbuskulárnych mykoríznych húb s rastlinami v stresových podmienkach a ich potenciál pri fytoremediačných metódach." coordinator: doc. RNDr. Silvia Dulanská, PhD.

  • KEGA 015UK-4/2020 (2020-2022)

"Nuclear chemistry today." Project leader: doc. RNDr. Silvia Dulanská, PhD.

  • VEGA 1/0202/19 (2019-2021)

“Úloha pohlavných steroidných hormónov v etiológii mozgových gliómov." Project leader: Mgr. Barbora Filová, PhD. coordinator: Turčáni Peter Prof. MUDr. PhD., Čunderlíková Beata RNDr. PhD., Wagner Alexandra Ing. PhD., Polakovičová Simona MUDr. PhD., Lorencová Mária MUDr.

  • HBP Infrastructure Voucher Call 2018 - Human Brain Project (2019-2020)

"Multiscale Hippocampal Models for Neuronal Plasticity: Integration to the Brain Simulation Platform (HippoPlasticity).” coordinator: RNDr. Jaroslav Varchola, PhD.

  • COST CA16119 CellFit (2018-2022)

"In vitro 3D total cell guidance and fitness.” coordinator: RNDr. Beata Čunderlíková, PhD.

  • Bohdan Malaniak CSMC - RECOOP Young Scientists Research Grant 2018 – 2019

"Lifestyle characteristics of university students; investigation of eating behavior." Project leader: Dr. Norbert Buzás, Ph.D., coordinator: Mgr. Radana Gurecká, PhD., doc. RNDr. Martin Kopáni, PhD.

  • VEGA 1/0807/18 (2018-2020)

"Centrálny systolický tlak v optimalizácii liečby hypertenzie."Project leader: Doc. MUDr. Jozef Bulas CSc. coordinator: Doc. RNDr. Mgr. Katarína Kozlíková, CSc., PhDr. Michal Trnka, PhD.

"An integrative action for multidisciplinary studies on cellular structural networks.” coordinator: RNDr. Beata Čunderlíková, PhD.

  • APVV-16-0039

"Agregácia prechodných kovov v živých organizmoch.” Project leader: Prof. Ing. Roman Boča, DrSc., coordinator:  doc. RNDr. Martin Kopáni, PhD., Ing. Daniel Kosnáč


The most important publications in recent years


  • Šebeková K, Gurecká R, Csongová M et al. Estimation of the proportion of metabolic syndrome-free subjects on high cardiometabolic risk using two continuous cardiometabolic risk scores: a cross-sectional study in 16- to 20-year-old individuals. Eur J Pediatr (2019). doi: 10.1007/s00431-019-03402-y.

  • Šimko M., Totka A., Vondrová D., Samohyl M., Jurkovičová J., Trnka M., Cibulková A., Štofko J., Argalasova L. Maternal Body Mass Index and Gestational Weight Gain and Their Association with Pregnancy Complications and Perinatal Conditions. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 201916(10), 1751;
  • Csongová M., Renczés E., Šarayová V., Mihalovičová L., Janko J., Gurecká R., Troise AD., Vitaglione P., Šebeková K. Maternal Consumption of a Diet Rich in Maillard Reaction Products Accelerates Neurodevelopment in F1 and Sex-Dependently Affects Behavioral Phenotype in F2 Rat Offspring. Foods 20198(5), 168;

  • Tofail S.A.M, Mouras R, McNamara K., Patyk-Kazmierczak E, Geaney H, Zaworotko M, Ryan K.M, Soulimane T, Silien C, Kopáni M. Multimodal surface analyses of chemistry and structure of biominerals in rodent pineal gland concretions. Appl Surf Sci. 469, 2019, 378-386

  • Dlháň L, Kopáni M, Boča R. Magnetic properties of iron oxides present in the human brain Polyhedron 157, 2019, 505-510

  • Kopáni M, Mikula M, Kosnáč D, Trnka M, Greguš J, Jergel M, Pinčík, Effect of etching time on structure of p-type porous silicon. Appl Surf Sci 461, 2018, 44-47

  • Čunderlíková BFilová B, Kajo K, Vallová M, Balázsiová ZTrnka M, Mateašík A: Extracellular matrix affects different aspects of cell behaviour potentially involved in response to aminolevulinic acid-based photoinactivation. Photochem Photobiol B. 2018 Dec;189:283-291. doi: 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2018.08.017.

  • Pánik J, Kopáni M, Zeman J, Ješkovský M, Kaizer J, Povinec P. Determination of metal elements concentrations in human brain tissues using PIXE and EDX methods. J Radioanal Nuclear Chem 318, 2018, 2313-319 

  • Sedláčková K, Miglierini M, Dekan J. Nečas V, Kopáni M. Structural and Compositional Study of Human Brain Tissues Using X-Ray Fluorescence and Mossbauer Spectroscopy Appl Phys Condensed Mater 2018 Article Number: UNSP 020041  
  • Csongová M, Volkovová K, Gajdoš M, Gurecká R, Koborová I, Líšková A, Šebeková K. Gender-associated differences in the prevalence of central obesity using waist circumference and waist-to-height ratio, and that of general obesity, in Slovak adults. Cent Eur J Public Health. 2018 Sep;26(3):228-233. doi: 10.21101/cejph.a4719.

  • Csongová M, Gurecká R, Koborová I, Celec P, Domonkos E, Uličná O, Somoza V, Šebeková K. The effects of a maternal advanced glycation end product-rich diet on somatic features, reflex ontogeny and metabolic parameters of offspring mice. Food Funct. 2018 Jun 20;9(6):3432-3446. doi: 10.1039/c8fo00183a.

  • Koborová I, Gurecká R, Csongová M, Šebek J, Šebeková K. Plasma markers of oxidative status were associated with increasing continuous cardiometabolic risk scores in healthy students aged 16-20 years without central obesity. Acta Paediatr. 2018 Dec;107(12):2137-2145. doi: 10.1111/apa.14372
  • Šebeková K, Csongová M, Gurecká R, Krivošíková Z, Šebek J. Gender Differences in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Metabolically Healthy Normal Weight Adults with Central Obesity. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes. 2018 May;126(5):309-315. doi: 10.1055/s-0043-119877

  • Kopáni M, Filová B, Ševčík P, Kosnáč D, Míšek J, Polák Š, Kohan M, Major J, Ždímalová M, Jakuš J. Iron deposition in rabbit cerebellum after exposure to generated and mobile GSM electromagnetic fields. Bratislava Med J 118, 2017, 575-579

  • Koborová I, Gurecká R, Csongová M, Volkovová K, Szökő É, Tábi T, Šebeková K. Association between metabolically healthy central obesity in women and levels of soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products, soluble vascular adhesion protein-1, and the activity of semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase. Croat Med J. 2017 Apr 14;58(2):106-116.

  • Gurecká R, Koborová I, Csongová M, Šebek J, Šebeková K. Correlation among soluble receptors for advanced glycation end-products, soluble vascular adhesion protein-1/semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (sVAP-1) and cardiometabolic risk markers in apparently healthy adolescents: a cross-sectional study. Glycoconj J. 2016 Aug;33(4):599-606. doi: 10.1007/s10719-016-9696-9.

  • Teplický T., Vincze A., Mateašík A., Garaiová Z., Michalka M., Čunderlíková B. Potassium hydroxide treatment of UV-curable polysiloxane-type polymer for reproducible enhancement of cell adhesion and survival. Biointerphases 13(04) (2018) 041009.

  • B. Čunderlíková: Extracellular Matrix Containing in vitro Three-dimensional Tumor Models in Photodynamic Therapy-related Research. Photochem Photobiol 94(2) (2018)  398 - 403.

  • Bonková I., Miglierini M., Bujdoš M., Kopáni M.: Mossbauer Spectrometry Study of Biological Tissues. Acta Phys Polon A 131(4), 2017, 1081-1083.

  • Kopáni M., Kopániová A., Trnka M., Čaplovičová M., Rýchly B., Jakubovský J.: Cristobalite and Hematite Particles in Human Brain. Biol Trace Elem Res. 174 (1), 2016,  52-57.

  • Kopáni M., Miglierini M., Lančok A., Dekan J., Čaplovičová M., Jakubovský J., Boča R., Mrázová H.: Iron oxides in human spleen. Biometals 28, (2015), 913-928.

  • Polakovičová S., Polák Š., Kuniaková M., Cambal M., Čaplovičová M., Kozánek M., Danišovič Ľ., Kopáni M.: The Effect of Salivary Gland Extract of Lucilia sericata Maggots on Human Dermal Fibroblast Proliferation within Collagen/Hyaluronan Membrane In Vitro: Transmission Electron Microscopy Study.Advances Skin Wound Care 28, (2015), 221-226.

  • Kopáni M., Mikula M., Pinčík E., Kobayashi H., Takahashi M.: FT IR spectroscopy of silicon oxide and HfSiOx layer formation. Appl Surf Sci 312, (2014), 117-119.

  • Kopáni M., Mikula M., Pinčík E., Kobayashi H., Takahashi M.: FT IR spectroscopy of nitric acid oxidation of silicon with hafnium oxide very thin layer. Appl Surf Sci 301, (2014), 24-27.

    Miglierini M., Boča R., Kopáni M., Lančok A.: Mossbauer and SQUID Characterization of Iron in Human Tissue: Case of Globus Pallidus. Acta Phys Polonica 126, (2014), 240-241.

  • Makohusová M., Mrázová V., Kopáni M., Boča R.: Magnetic deposits of iron oxides in the human brain. Nova Biotechnol. Chim. 13, (2014), 48-56.

  • Kopáni M., Kopániová A., Čaplovičová M., Maruščáková L., Šišovský V., Jakubovský J.: Iron and its relation to glycoconjugates in human globus pallidus. Bratislava Med J 115, (2014), 362-366.

  • Wagnerová A., Babicková J., Lipták R., Vlková B., Celec P., Gardlík R.: Sex Differences in the Effect of Resveratrol on DSS-Induced Colitis in Mice. Gastroenterol. Res. Pract., 2017.

  • Mateašík A., Trnka M., Kajo K., Vallová M., Čunderlíková B.: Cell-type dependent response to photodynamic treatment in 3D collagen cell cultures Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology 166 (2017) 94–103.

  • Čunderlíková B.: Clinical significance of immunohistochemically detected extracellular matrix proteins and their spatial distribution in primary cancer Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology 105 (2016) 127–144.

  • Čunderlíková B.: Extracellular matrix in gene expression profiling of cancer Transl Cancer Res 2016;5(1):44-48.

  • Horilová J., Čunderlíková B., Marček Chorvátová A.: Time and spectrally resolved characteristics of flavin fluorescence in U87MG cancer cells in culture Journal of Biomedical Optics 20(5), 051017.

  • J. Horilová, Čunderlíková B., Cagalinec M., Chorvát D., Marček Chorvátová A. Multimodal autofluorescence detection of cancer: from single cells to living organism. Proc SPIE 10498, Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences XVIII, 104980G.