For the academic year 2016/2017
The student survey for the academic year 2016/2017 was prepared and implemented in electronic form. The faculty leadership chose this format in response to wishes expressed by the majority of students in the previous survey for the academic year 2015/2016 – that the survey should be in electronic format in future.
Students were informed about the survey through the faculty website and an invitation to complete the survey that the student section of academic senate sent to every student by e-mail. They logged into the survey using the same username and password as for AiS2. All responses were anonymised after sending. The survey was available at: https://anketa.uniba.sk/fmed/ in the period from 09/11/2017 to 03/12/2017. The survey was completed by students of general medicine and dentistry in both Slovak and English language programmes. Responses were submitted by 1,796 students of the Faculty of Medicine, which is 60% of the student body.
For the protection of personal data, comments containing personal data in the general part of the survey were blocked. Their content was studied though. Students wrote more than 10,000 comments in total, the vast majority of which were relevant and constructive. The responses of students studying in English tended to be more general.
The results for each study programme and year were processed by the competent vice-dean of studies.
The results for each study programme and year.