Tomáš Brngál, a student at the Faculty of Medicine at Comenius University in Bratislava, became the winner of the 2016 Student Business Award, the eighth annual nationwide competition of student-led business solutions, with his Virtual Medicine project.
The vision of Virtual Medicine is the innovation of medical education through virtual and augmented reality. The project starts with a virtual reality of anatomy (a medical education application for students of medicine and doctors which works on the virtual reality principle). Virtual Medicine aims to be the leader in medical VR/AR software solutions, which, with the help of artificial intelligence, will assist doctors and medical students, thus helping millions of people around the world.
The Student Business Award is announced by Junior Chamber International – Slovakia, which aims to support students so that they can continue to work on their business ambitions during their studies and make them a reality. “The main aim of the project is to show the broader public that it is possible to develop your company even during university studies and gain new knowledge and skills while still a student," said the Junior Chamber International – Slovakia Executive Director, Marián Meško.
The Student Business Award is open every year to students in full-time or part-time study from 18 to 35 years of age. To be considered, students must attend a university in Slovakia and be the owners or co-owners of a business. The winner of the national event, who is selected by an expert panel, then takes part in the world final.