Faculty of MedicineComenius University Bratislava

Research activity, grants

Research activity

Research of the institute has been oriented towards study of  interactions between environment and population health status, problems of health protection and promotion of children and youth, study of psychosocial, behavioral and environmental risk factors of cardiovascular diseases.

The most important project results

School of Public Health, University at Albany, State University New York (S.U.N.Y),  USA  and New York State Department of Health, Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology, Troy, New York, USA;

Collaboration with Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Institute of Health and Consumer Protection, Ispra, Italy. Joint Research Centre, European Commission is the important European research centre with the major research priorities such as food safety and health, environment and sustainable development, nuclear protection and security, risk assessment and public security, reference materials and technology, prospective technological studies and socio-economic analyses;

Over-standard long-standing cooperation with Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology 1st Medical Faculty Charles University in Prague in the subject of  Hospital  Hygiene;

Participation in bilateral project EU-INTERREG III A, Vienna - Bratislava in the subject area of Children's Health and Nutrition;

Medical University Department of Hygiene and Ecomedicine, Plovdiv, Bulgaria;

New York University School of Medicine & NYU Hospitals Center, New York, USA; project  „Prenatal, pregnancy and early childhood exposure to household smoking and their relationship to subsequent health and development in Slovakia“. 

ENNAH - European Network on Noise and Health (2010 - 2011). ENNAH SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAME THEME (FP-ENV-2008-1);

Results of collaboration are presented in publications.

Grants VEGA Ministry of Education and Slovak Academy of Sciences

Grants VEGA Ministry of Education and Slovak Academy of Sciences since year 2000:

 1/7545/20 The study of health-nutritional profile of young adult population in relation to cardiovascular disease risk Principal investigator: Prof. Ľubica Ághová, MD, PhD.

1/7526/20 Analysis of health risks, intervention and primary prevention of physical and psychical disorders  in school-age  children Principal investigator: Assoc. prof. Ľudmila Ševčíková, MD, PhD..

1/0533/03 The study of psychosocial and environmental cardiovascular risk factors and their dominants in selected population groups Principal investigator: Prof. Ľubica Ághová, MD, PhD.

1/0541/03 The study of selected environmental and genetic determinants in development of children and youth  and growth standards creation Principal investigator:  Assoc. prof. Ľudmila Ševčíková, MD., PhD.

1/3433/06 The study of  somatic development in children and youth in relation to selected genetic and psychosocial factors Principal investigator:  Assoc. prof. Ľudmila Ševčíková, MD., PhD.

1/4274/07 The study of environmental, behavioral and psychosocial risk factors in relation to biological markers of cardiovascular diseases Principal investigator:  Jana Jurkovičová, MD, PhD.

International Cooperation

School of Public Health, University at Albany, State University New York (S.U.N.Y),  USA  and New York State Department of Health, Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology, Troy, New York, USA;

Collaboration with Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Institute of Health and Consumer Protection, Ispra, Italy. Joint Research Centre, European Commission is the important European research centre with the major research priorities such as food safety and health, environment and sustainable development, nuclear protection and security, risk assessment and public security, reference materials and technology, prospective technological studies and socio-economic analyses;

Over-standard long-standing cooperation with Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology 1st Medical Faculty Charles University in Prague in the subject of  Hospital  Hygiene;

Participation in bilateral project EU-INTERREG III A, Vienna - Bratislava in the subject area of Children's Health and Nutrition;

Medical University Department of Hygiene and Ecomedicine, Plovdiv, Bulgaria;

New York University School of Medicine & NYU Hospitals Center, New York, USA; project  „Prenatal, pregnancy and early childhood exposure to household smoking and their relationship to subsequent health and development in Slovakia“. 

ENNAH - European Network on Noise and Health (2010 - 2011). ENNAH SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAME THEME (FP-ENV-2008-1);

Results of collaboration are presented in publications.