Frequently asked questions (FAQ) by international students


Please use the link below to access a map made especially for international students at our faculty. The map shows where students can find a variety of services such as notaries, translation services, where to purchase medical supplies or scrubs, and more…

The FMCU International Medical Student's Map – Moje mapy Google

(If you have any suggestions regarding what else should be added to this map, please send your suggestions to calle2uniba.sk)


Notary Services (SK: “Notár”)

• The documents that students provide to the faculty and/or to the nostrification department of the Bratislava District Office (SK: “Okresný Úrad”) will require official notarization.

• Notary services offered nearest to our faculty can be found using the link/map above.

Translation Services (SK: “Preklady”)

• Many documents that students provide to the faculty and/or to the nostrification department of the Bratislava District Office (SK: “Okresný Úrad”) may require official translation.

• Translation services offered nearest to our faculty can be found using the link/map above. Residency & Foreigner Registration - Foreign Police Services (SK: “Cudzinecká polícia”)

• For services regarding residency and registration of addresses for foreigners, you will need to visit the Foreign Police station which can be found using the link/map above.

• It is possible to arrive without an appointment; however, making an appointment is strongly recommended.

• For information about requirements of foreigners please visit: https://www.minv.sk/?information-for-foreigners 

• To create an appointment please visit: https://www.minv.sk/?booking-system-on-unit-of-foreign-police-1 

• For Frequently Asked Questions please visit: https://www.minv.sk/?agenda-of-foreigners-affairs-1

Nostrification Services – Bratislava District Office (SK: “Okresný úrad”)

• For services regarding the nostrification of documentation proving completion of secondary school, you will need to visit the District Office which can be found using the link/map above.

• Appointments are not required as clients are helped in the order they arrive to the client center.

• Be sure to read all instructions you receive from Study Department carefully and bring all necessary documentation with you.

• Please complete nostrification as soon as possible because it takes a long time for the District Office to complete your paperwork.

Books, supplies, the faculty bookshop, the copy/print shop, or the university library

• The recommended literature for subjects taught by our faculty can be found in the faculty bookshop, the copy shop, or at various bookstores (SK: “Knižnica”) around the city, which can be found using the link/map above.

• The faculty bookshop is in the New Institute next to the Large Auditorium (the location of the entrance exam)

• The copy shop is located across the street from the faculty (as seen on the map) and provides printing and copying services.

• You can find general student supplies (notebooks, pens, etc.) in paper shops (SK: “Papiernictvo”) around the city, some of which can be found using the link/map above.

• As a student, you are eligible to sign up for membership to the University Library located in Old Town. This library is not limited to only Comenius students but is instead meant for all university students in Bratislava. Thus, you will need to pay a small fee (3,00 €) for one year of access to the library, after which you can renew for another year.

• For a list of recommended literature for various subjects:https://www.fmed.uniba.sk/fileadmin/lf/sluzby/akademicka_kniznica/PDF/Rocenka/_General_and_Dental_Medicine-2021-2022_web.pdf

• For information about the faculty bookshop: https://www.fmed.uniba.sk/en/departments/bookstore-fmed-cu/ 

• For information about the University Library: https://www.ulib.sk/english/

Medical Supplies (dissection tools, white coats, etc.) & Hospital Clothes (scrubs, shoes, etc.)

• At varying times during their studies, students will require dissection tools, dental tools, surgical tools, stethoscopes, scrubs, hospital shoes, and/or other medically relevant equipment. Where to find these supplies can be found using the link/map above.

• Many of these medical supplies can be found at healthcare shops (SK: “Zdravotnícke potreby”) around the city and are also available for purchase at BSM located at our faculty (note: you must be a member of BSM to purchase anything from them).

• Please do not feel as though you need all these supplies on the first day of education. Slowly over time you will require more and more tools/clothing, and you will begin to accumulate everything you need.

Code to embed Map in HTML of the website: The FMCU International Medical Student's Map – Moje mapy Google


In the case that you and/or your classmates have issues, questions, or concerns regarding education, please refer to the tables below which explain who to contact:

Type of Issue


Who to contact for more information


General issues with education

(also see table below)

  • Problems understanding timetables
  • Conflicts
  • Difficulties a student/ study
  • group/ study year may have with lectures or practical teaching
  • And more….




Refer to the table below and then contact your Student Representatives and/or Student Senators.

Students should contact their Group Representatives and/or Year Representatives. Year Representatives can contact fellow Year Representatives from higher years and will forward all feedback from students to higher authorities, such as the Study Vice Deans and Study Officers.

https://www.fmed.uniba.sk/en/study/student- representation-communication-system/


General questions regarding topics that apply to all students

  • Questions regarding books, supplies, etc.
  • Questions about how exams work
  • Questions about how a subject works
  • Questions about diploma theses
  • Questions regarding student life or locations of places around the city
  • Questions about extracurricular activites
  • And more…

Suggestions for improvements to education

  • Suggestions for the website
  • Suggestions for the faculty
  • And more…

Request for official study documents

  • Confirmation of Study
  • Transcripts
  • And more…


Contact your study officer at Study Department

https://zona.fmed.uniba.sk/en/study/for-students/study- department/


Personal questions regarding enrollment

  • Tuition payment details
  • Termination or postponement of study
  • Concerns regarding insufficient credits
  • And more…


Transfer subject recognition

  •  Recognition of transferred subjects

Refer to the following for instructions before contacting Study Department: https://zona.fmed.uniba.sk/en/study/for- students/recognitions-of-subjects/

  Personal/ Private matters regarding an individual student’s education

  • Health concerns and disabilities
  • Termination of study
  • Matters regarding student rights and student privacy
  • And more..

 Contact the Study Vice Dean of your program: General Medicine:

prof. Boris Mravec, MD, PhD. - boris.mravecfmed.uniba.sk
Dentistry: Bohuslav Novák, MD, PHD. -



In the case that you and/or your classmates have issues directly relating to your education, please refer to the following  table which explains who to contact and which steps to follow:


Issue with education

Next Step

Next Step

If issue is still unresolved

Issues concerning all International Students

Year Representatives collect feedback from students in all study years and provide feedback to Study Vice Deans, Study Department, and individual institutes/departments









Issues that affect most or all study groups within a study year

Group Representatives contact the Year Representative. The Year Representative contacts the teachers on behalf of entire study year

(Do not send individual emails!)

Year Representative makes sure all Group Representatives are aware of up dates.
Group Representatives make sure all group members are aware of updates.

 Year Representative contacts the Year Representatives of higher years, Study Department, or Study Vice Deans on behalf of the year.

Issues that affect several (but not most) study groups

  Group Representatives from the few study groups affected decide whom among them will contact the teachers on behalf of all groups affected

(Do not send individual emails!)

Group Representatives make sure all members of the affected groups are aware of the responses they receive from teachers.

 Group Representatives contacts the Year Representative on behalf of the groups.


Issues that affect an entire study group

 Students ask their Group Representative to contact teachers on behalf of the whole group

(Do not send individual emails!)

Group Representative makes sure all members of the group are aware of the response they receive from teachers.

 Group Representative contacts the Year Representative on behalf of the group.

Personal questions about subject material or participation only affecting one individual student


Student contacts their teacher directly






 When digitally communicating with teachers and other faculty members, the only acceptable means of communication is using the student email address (@uniba.sk) assigned to students by the faculty. The communication may be in the form of an email message or via the use of MS Teams. Messages received from personal email addresses are not to be answered, so make sure all university communications are carried out using only your official student email address and check your inbox regularly. Any messages sent to teachers or other faculty members should be written politely, clearly, and should include your full name, study year/program, and study group number.

Something important to note is that in the Slovak culture, referring to people by their proper titles is highly and kindly regarded. This is true for both in-person and online communication and is especially true when the person you are addressing is a superior. To be sure you are addressing your teachers and other faculty members as politely as possible, find their information on the faculty webpages to learn which titles they have, and address them by the highest one they have. The list below outlines which titles take preference once a person has more than one.

For example, if your teacher’s name is listed as “prof. MUDr. ______ PhD.” on the faculty website, addressing them as “professor _____” is how to be most respectful since this is considered the highest out of the three titles. Similarly, the Dean would be referred to as “Dean _____”, even though they possess titles such as “prof.” and “MUDr.”.

When a person has more than one title, address them by the title closest to the top of this list:
Vice Dean
Professor (Prof.) / Docent (Doc.) / Associate Professor (Assoc. Prof.) MUDr. (or simply Dr.) / PhDr. / RNDr. / JUDr. / PaeDr. / Ing. / Mgr. / …etc...
Mr. / Ms.


The list of Student Representatives for the current academic year can be found using the following link: https://www.fmed.uniba.sk/en/study/student-representation-communication-system/

 The list of ŠČAS Senators can be found using the following link (please scroll to the bottom of the page to see the full list): https://www.fmed.uniba.sk/en/faculty/authority-of-the-faculty/academic-senate/student-part-of-the-academic-senate/