
Ikona databázy PubMed

Portal PubMed is a biomedical database MEDLINE that covers more than 29 million references to articles published in 5500 biomedical journals. Database is freely accessible, the producer is National Library of Medicine in Bethesda (USA).


E-resources are available also outside the University through remote access.


Icon of database Web of Science

Web of Science (WOS) is a multidisciplinary research portal. Web of Science Core Collection enables simultaneous cross-searching of seven databases and citation indexes. Current Contents Connect (CCC) provides access to complete bibliographic information of the world's leading scholarly journals and books. Journal Citation Reports (JCR) presents quantifiable statistical data for evaluating the journals. Essential Science Indicators (ESI) is a resource that analyses the research performance and track trends in science.

Icon of database Scopus

Scopus is an abstract and citation database from Elsevier which offers comprehensive overview of international research output with the main focus on the European scientific production. Searches in Scopus also incorporate web sources and patent information.

Icon of database ProQuest

ProQuest is a web-based information service providing access to a number of databases covering various subject disciplines. It is possible to work with the databases in different combination. The service also provides full-text for dissertations and thesis.

Icon of database Knovel

Knovel is a collection of full-text e-books, gives fully searchable on-line access to handbooks, data books, and technical reference books. It offers a web-based application integrating analytical search tools.

Icon of database 5-minute consult

5MinuteConsult is a medical fact-based information resource to support clinical decision-making, contains evidence-based recommendations.

Icon of database JoVE

JoVE (Journal of Visualised Experiments) is a peer-reviewed scientific video journal, demonstrating the lab techniques relating to biological, medical, chemical and physical research. Faculty of Medicine CU has access to the following subject collections: Behavior, Neuroscience, Medicine.

Icon of database American Psychological Association

The American Psychological Association (APA) contains information resources for psychology and related disciplines such as psychiatry, sociology and social work. It provides access to APA's Books and Handbooks in Psychology and more than 1,500 entries from the Encyclopedia of Psychology.

Icon of database Statista

Statista (The Statistics Portal for Market Data, Market Research and Market Studies) is one of the largest statistical and market platforms in the world with access to over 1.5 million statistics, prognoses, reports and infographics covering over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources.



Ikona databázy BiblioMedicaSlovaca

Specialized bibliography containing papers by Slovak authors published in Slovak and Czech peer-reviewed medical journals, subscripted by the Slovak Medical Library in Bratislava (since 2006, part of the National Health Information Center). The database also contains references to the bibliographic records.

Ikona databázy BiblioMedicaCechoslovaca

Bibliographia medica Čechoslovaca (BMC) is the national bibliography that covers Czech journals, books, proceedings, reviews of books and Bohemika (papers by Czech authors published abroad) from 1947.


Bing - An invisible web portal.

Cancer Information Resources - CancerNet is produced by National Cancer Institute. It summarizes the information about cancer therapy, screening and prevention in nine separate databases.

CDC Wonder - CDC Wonder, an information system developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, provides access to 23 text and numeric databases. It provides access to health public information from public sector agencies.

Center Watch - Clinical Trials Listing Service - CenterWatch is an information service providing the clinical trial listings, newly approved drug therapies, research centers and industry profiles. The web site is designed not only for health professionals but also for public.

Current Controlled Trials - database of randomized controlled trials (RCTs).

Database of Genomic Variants - The objective of the Database of Genomic Variants is to provide a comprehensive summary of structural variation in the human genome.

Dimensions - developed by Digital Science in collaboration with over 100 research organizations around the world.

Drug Information Portal - Drug Information Portal is a database providing access to pharmaceutical information and articles about drugs. The database is browsable by generic name or trade name.  

ERIC - ERIC is an information system providing access to educational resources. The coverage of ERIC database goes back to 1966 and contains 1,5 million of bibliographic records.

Europe PubMed Central is a digital repository, providing access to records in databases such as Uniprot, European Nucleotide Archive (ENA), Protein Data Bank Europe (PDBE) and BioStudies.

HazDat Database - ATSDR - Hazardous Substance Release / Health Effects Database provides access to information on the release of hazardous substances and on the effects of hazardous substances on the health of human populations. The information is divided into five categories: site activity, site activity map, site contaminants, toxicological profiles and public health statements.

Health Services Research Projects in Progress - Research portal of health services research resources, from National Library of Medicine.

The Nobel Prize Internet Archive - Archive contains up-to-date information of all latest and past Nobel Prize laureates.

OMIM - Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man is the database providing information on the clinical presentation of a disease, suggested treatments, comprehensive references and links to National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Orphanet - rare and unusual diseases, their diagnosis and treatment (EU project).

PubChem - contains information about chemical substances and their biological activities.

RxList - Internet Drug Index offers easy access to pharmaceutical information. The index includes indications, dosages, side effects, contraindications, drug interactions. - Gateway to government science information provided by U.S.

Transfusion Evidence Library - A bibliographic database provides access to evidence-based information (EBM) on all aspects of transfusion medicine. Database contains systematic reviews and meta-analyzes (from 1980 to the present), randomized controlled trials (since 2002+) and economic studies relevant to transfusion (since 1990+).

TRIP Database / Turning Research Into Practice Database - search for clinical  questions using EBM principles.