Gynaecology and Obstetrics

A person responsible for the delivery, development, and quality of the study programme:

prof. Miroslav Borovský, MD., PhD.

1st Department of Gynaecology and Ostetrics FM CU, Antolská 11, 851 07  Bratislava



Teachers of the profile subject:

prof. Kamil Pohlodek, MD., PhD.

prof. Jozef Záhumenský, MD, PhD.

Assoc. prof. Vladimír Ferianec, MD, PhD.

Assoc. prof. Alexandra Krištúfková, MD, PhD.


Study advisor of the study programme: 

prof. MUDr. Miroslav Borovský, CSc. ( (personal contact after agreement via e-mail)


List of the supervisors:

prof. MUDr. Miroslav Borovský, CSc., prof. MUDr. Kamil Pohlodek, PhD., prof. MUDr. JOzef Záhumenský, Ph.D., doc. MUDr. Vladimír Ferianec, PhD., doc. MUDr. Alexandra Krištúfková, PhD., doc. MUDr. Miroslav Korbeľ, CSc., doc. MUDr. Peter Štencl, CSc., doc. MUDr. Martin Šimko, CSc., doc. MUDr. Martin Redecha, PhD., doc. MUDr. Miluláš Redecha, PhD.


Place/s of realisation of the study programme:

The Medical Faculty, Comenius University in Bratislava and its parts seat, including clinical workplaces, which are part of university hospitals providing an education of students at Faculty of Medicine, CU in Bratislava, with which the university has concluded ‘Contracts on practical training’ (University Hospital Bratislava, National Institute for Children's Diseases, Merciful Brothers University Hospital, St. Elizabeth Cancer Institute, National Oncological Institute, National Institute of Cardiovascular Disease)


Awarded academic degree: doctor ("philosophiae doctor", in short, "PhD. ")


The language in which the programme is organised: Slovak, English


The standard length of study in academic years: four years (internal form) / five years (external form)


Graduate profile and learning objectives:  

The graduate has knowledge based on the current state of scientific knowledge in the field of gynecology and obstetrics, masters the scientific methods of human body research, knows the regulatory mechanisms and mechanisms of the origin and development of diseases of the mother and fetus.  He acquired these skills through study, scientific research and independent creative activity in the field according to an individual study plan under the guidance of a supervisor.  The graduate of the field has mastered the principles - methodology of scientific work, from the ability of orientation  in the latest knowledge of the field, through the scientific formulation of the problem, assessment of the ethical side of scientific work, planning and implementation of scientific research, proper statistical and documentary processing of data obtained, their interpretation and presentation and their possible proposal for application in practice. A graduate of the study field of gynecology and obstetrics has independently the ability to work scientifically and bring their own solutions to problems in the field.  He has the ability to contribute to the development of the field of study through scientific, pedagogical, publishing and popular science work.



The graduate of doctoral studies is able to contribute to the development of scientific knowledge in the field of gynaecology and obstetrics based on the results of their own research.  He is prepared for independent scientific activity in the field of clinical research.  In practice, he can apply in a leading position in gynaecological and obstetric departments, particularly as a worker performing pedagogical activities at the Faculty of Medicine.  He can also apply as a researcher in research institutes or clinics of medical faculties.


Evaluation of the study programme quality by employers:

A request to assess the quality of the submitted study programme was sent to selected employers to express their opinion on the need for a new doctoral study programme focused on medical biology and clinical genetics. Delivered letters are available at the Department of scientific-research activities, doctoral studies and international relationships of the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava