
A person responsible for the delivery, development, and quality of the study programme:


prof. PhDr. MUDr. Alena Furdová, PhD., MPH, MSc.

Department of Ophtalmology, Faculty of Medicine CU and UHB, Ružinovská 6, Bratislava, e-mail: furdova1uniba.sk 


Teachers of the profile subject:

doc. MUDr. Vladimír Krásnik, PhD.

doc. MUDr. Jana Štefaničková, PhD.

doc. MUDr. Dana Tomčíková, PhD.


Study advisor of the study programme:

doc. MUDr. Štefaničková Jana, PhD., e-mail: jstefanickagmail.com (personal contact after agreement via e-mail)

doc. MUDr. Tomčíková Dana, PhD., MPH, e-mail: dtomcikovagmail.com (personal contact after agreement via e-mail)


List of the supervisors:

prof. PhDr. MUDr. Alena Furdová, PhD., MPH, MSc., doc. MUDr. Vladimír Krásnik, PhD., doc. MUDr. Jana Štefaničková, PhD., doc. MUDr. Dana Tomčíková, PhD., prof. MUDr. Anton Gerinec, CSc.


Place/s of realisation of the study programme:

The Medical Faculty, Comenius University in Bratislava and its parts seat, including clinical workplaces, which are part of university hospitals providing an education of students at Faculty of Medicine, CU in Bratislava, with which the university has concluded ‘Contracts on practical training’ (University Hospital Bratislava, National Institute for Children's Diseases, Merciful Brothers University Hospital, St. Elizabeth Cancer Institute, National Oncological Institute, National Institute of Cardiovascular Disease).


Awarded academic degree: doctor ("philosophiae doctor", in short, "PhD. ")


The language in which the programme is organised: Slovak, English


The standard length of study in academic years: four years (internal form) / five years (external form)


Graduate profile and learning objectives:  

The content of the PhD. study programme 'Ophthalmology' is focused on studying the diagnostic methods of the eye and the orbit diseases and treatment possibilities including basic surgical procedures. During the doctoral study, a student in this study programme acquires knowledge in anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology of the eye, gets the basic principles of diagnostic methods of the eye diseases and the diseases of the orbit.

The requirement for the completion of the study programme is also the ability to present the research results to experts at conferences and scientific events and publish the papers in professional journals. The results of creative, experimental work contribute to scientific progress and knowledge. Still, their good scientific value allows their application in various branches of medicine, for example, optometry, ophthalmology, health care systems, regenerative medicine and others.



Graduates are sought at the healthcare workplaces (Departments of Ophthalmology), for example at the diagnostic ward. Graduates from the doctoral studies might find employment in the frame of education as university teachers or scientific research workers at universities focused on medicine, healthcare science, public healthcare and biology, biotechnology.

Graduates from the study programme Ophthalmology at the Faculty of Medicine CU in Bratislava master a broad spectrum of scientific methods used in diagnostic methods of eye diseases, which they can creatively apply in their work and contribute to the development of the scientific knowledge. They are qualified for successful employment in the team leading on a broader spectrum of scientific and research institutions focused on medical, veterinary, or pharmaceutical sciences. They are professionally prepared to work creatively in scientific institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences at various research levels also but also in private Ophthalmology centers.


Evaluation of the study programme quality by employers:

A request to assess the quality of the submitted study programme was sent to selected employers to express their opinion on the need for a new doctoral study programme focused on medical biology and clinical genetics. Delivered letters are available at the Department of scientific-research activities, doctoral studies and international relationships of the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava.