Faculty of MedicineComenius University Bratislava

Research and scientific activities

Scientific projects and grants

Research and scientific activity:

The main focus of research:

·  Immunogenetic predisposition, the role of HLA alleles, cytokine and other gene polymorphisms and mutations in the immunopathogenesis of complex diseases

·  The role of systemic inflammation of infectious and non-infectious origin as a key factor in the development and course of diseases, early diagnosis and their monitoring

·  The role of cytokines, chemokines and other modern markers in the fibrotic process of lung diseases. Efforts towards an immunological classification of diffuse parenchymal lung diseases

·  The importance of these biomarkers in improving the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and prognosis of patients

·  Prognostic value of neuroimmunomodulation in oncology

In order to achieve the scientific goals, we cooperate with several institutions in Bratislava and other places in Slovakia, as well as the Institute of Immunology of the Faculty of Medicine in Olomouc, other workplaces in the Czech Republic and, most recently, in Israel and Canada


Diseases and pathological conditions studied at our institute:


1. Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia in the elderly population. It is caused by a progressive neurodegenerative process, which is clinically manifested by the gradual decline of cognitive and intellectual functions. Despite worldwide efforts, the etiopathogenesis of AD is not fully understood and the therapeutical options are only limited. It is known that genetic factors in cooperation with other factors are involved in the development of both early-onset (familial) and late-onset (sporadic) forms of AD.

·  At our institute, we analyze the influence of genes with a function in the immune system on the risk of developing AD. In cooperation with clinical departments and facilities (Department of Psychiatry, I. and II. Department of Neurology UNB, Centrum Memory, n.o.) we created a bank of DNA and plasma samples of patients with AD as well as control persons of comparable age. We use the samples from this bank to investigate genetic, but also some non-genetic factors that can contribute to the development, prediction, or monitoring of the sporadic form of AD. Non-coding RNA molecules participating in the regulation of gene expression also play an important role in the process of neurodegeneration.

·  We aim at identifying biomarkers of neurodegeneration in the plasma of patients with AD (as part of a grant task together with the Neuroimmunology Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences).


2. Chronic lung diseases

For more than 10 years, the institute has been devoted to the study of immunopathogenesis and the search for modern markers of inflammation and the improvement of the differential diagnosis of diffuse parenchymal lung diseases (DPLD). DPLD represents a group of more than 200 different diseases, the pathogenesis of which is often unknown and the diagnosis problematic. Our goals in this area are as follows:

·  Efforts to improve diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diffuse parenchymal lung diseases using modern markers of inflammation (TREM-1, TREM-2, HMGB1, cytokines, chemokines, ...) and fibrosis (CX3CL1, ...). As for TREM molecules, we investigate their expression on CD14+ cells in BAL fluid together with other cells and inflammatory parameters using a flow cytometer, as well as their soluble form sTREM-1, sTREM-2 using the ELISA method. The advantage of this approach is the examination of markers directly in the focus of the pathological process.

·  Efforts to understand the molecular mechanisms of progressive fibrotic processes (idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, chronic form of hypersensitivity pneumonitis, fibrotic stage of pulmonary sarcoidosis) by analyzing CX3CL1 molecules, ADAM17 enzyme, their ratio as well as IGF2R/CD222 and its soluble form sIGF2R. We analyze IGF2R/CD222, the mechanism of its release under pathological circumstances and also its soluble form sIGF2R. The results demonstrate a specific mechanism of IGF2R release in progressive fibrotic processes within diffuse parenchymal lung diseases and have not been demonstrated in any other work to date.

·  The quest for an immunological classification of diffuse parenchymal lung diseases, which has been lacking until now.

·  To achieve these goals, we cooperate with the National Institute of Pulmonary Diseases and Thoracic Surgery in Vyšné Hágy, with the Department of Pneumology and Phthisiology of the Faculty of Medicine of the Comenius University and University Hospital in Bratislava, the laboratory of immunology Medirex, Ltd., and the Institute of Molecular Biology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. In asthma bronchiale research, we previously cooperated with allergology centers in Nitra, Martin and Trenčín.

·  We published the results of our research in several papers, two of which (Suchankova et al., 2013; Bucova et al., 2015) received Global Medical Discovery and World Biomedical Frontiers awards for their innovative approach and potential therapeutic impact in the future.


3. Brain tumors. The role of immunity and inflammation in the pathogenesis of gliomas

Gliomas are among the most common brain tumors, and their worst form, glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), has a very poor prognosis; patients live an average of 15 months. What influences the tumor process is the state of adaptive specific cell-mediated immunity and the presence of inflammation. Therefore, the goals of our research are:

·  Study of modern inflammatory markers HMGB1, TREM-1, TREM-2, cytokines, chemokines, sHLA-G, gene polymorphisms, vitamin D and other factors that influence inflammation and may have significance in immunopathogenesis, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and prognosis of patients with gliomas.

·  Study of modern immune markers in patients with gliomas.

·  Immunohistochemical examination of tumor samples - tissues are obtained after the histopathological examination of the tumor samples, that is, we utilize remains after the diagnosis was established.

·  We are successful thanks to the cooperation with the Department of Neurosurgery of the Faculty of Medicine of the Comenius University and University Hospital in Bratislava, and laboratories Medirex, Ltd., and Cytopathos, Ltd.

·  We thank the League against Cancer for their financial support.


4. Immunopathogenesis of sepsis, the search for an early immunomarker to differentiate SIRS from sepsis and to monitor sepsis

Sepsis is a systemic inflammation of infectious origin, characterized by a failure of regulatory mechanisms, the development of metabolic disturbancies and, in the case of late diagnosis, the development of septic shock with a high mortality rate (45-70%). Patients' lives are threatened at an early stage by an exaggerated inflammatory response and later by the development of immunosuppression and even immunoparalysis, which results in the development of polymicrobial sepsis. Research objectives:

·  The main goal is to find a marker/combination of markers that would help distinguish non-infectious SIRS from infectious sepsis, which would improve therapy as well as patient survival.

·  Study of immune markers and modern markers of inflammation HMGB1, expression of TREM-1, TREM-2, sTREM-1, sTREM-2, PCT, presepsin, CX3CL1, cytokines, chemokines, sHLA-G, gene polymorphisms, vitamin D and other factors and their significance in early diagnosis of sepsis and its differentiation from SIRS, in the prognosis of patients with SIRS/sepsis and also their correlation with survival.

·  We would like to thank the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine of the Comenius University and University Hospital in Bratislava (Anna Dobišová, MD.) and Medirex, Ltd. for their cooperation.


5. Autoimmune diseases and other pathological inflammatory conditions

The long-term content of the scientific and research activities at our institute is also the investigation of the role of gene polymorphisms in the predisposition to the development of various complex immune-related diseases such as multiple sclerosis, psoriasis vulgaris, pemphigus vulgaris, Crohn's disease, type 1 diabetes mellitus and acute pyelonephritis in children.

·  We are focusing on variants (single nucleotide polymorphisms, mutations) in the genes for cytokines, chemokines and their receptors, membrane and adhesive molecules, and most recently also adipokines - cytokines formed by adipose tissue.

·  For a long time, we have also been dedicated to the examination of HLA alleles and their association with the aforementioned diseases.

·  In addition to the contribution of gene polymorphisms to the risk of developing the aforementioned diseases, we have been also examining their mutual interactions, interactions with sex and other risk factors, and their impact on the severity and course of the diseases and other clinical parameters. For this purpose, we established successful cooperation with the I. and II. Departments of Neurology and the Department of Dermatovenerology of the Faculty of Medicine of the Comenius University and University Hospital in Bratislava, the Department of Pediatrics of the Faculty of Medicine of the Comenius University, the Institute of Clinical Biochemistry and the Clinic of Neurology, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital in Martin, the National Institute of Endocrinology and Diabetology in Ľubochňa, as well as the Institute of Immunology of the University Hospital in Essen.


6.  Breast, head, neck and bladder tumors

The immune system is also regulated by components of the nervous system.

·  Our research is focused on the prognostic value of markers of sympathico-vagal balance on the course of cancer and the mutual connection between the activity of the vagus nerve and tumor-associated immunity.

·  The goal is to investigate the relationships between the sympathico-vagal balance determined by heart rate variability (HRV) and immune markers in tumors and their correlation with the course of the malignant disease. It is a new starting project in cooperation with OUSA, University Hospital Bratislava - Petržalka, Antolská and Hospital of St. Cyril and Method in Bratislava.


7. Immunogenetic determination and the role of low-grade chronic inflammation in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases (ischemic heart disease, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, hypertension)

Low-grade chronic inflammation also plays an important role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. Our research goals in this area have been:

·  Study of gene polymorphism of inflammatory markers (MCP-1, TREM-1, ...) and soluble markers hsCRP, cytokines, chemokines (MCP-1, ...) in the immunopathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases.

We have obtained interesting results thanks to the cooperation with II. Department of the Internal Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava (assoc. prof. Ján Lietava, MD., CSc.), and the Laboratory of Immunogenetics at the Institute of Immunology of the Faculty of Medicine in Olomouc (prof. Martin Petřek, MD., DrSc. and assoc. prof. František Mrázek, MD., PhD.).


8. Transplantation immunology

The Institute of Immunology was at the birth of transplant immunology in Slovakia::

·  We introduced methodology for the determination of transplantation antigens (HLA), namely serological, cellular and eventually genetic method. We were directly involved in the selection of donor-recipient pairs for kidney transplantations and later bone marrow transplantations (BMT) in cooperation with the clinics that performed them (Department of Urology, Department of Hematology and Transfusiology). For this activity, the institute won the Award of the Ministry of Health.

·  We also took part in determining the degree of chimerism after the BMT. We also participated in the research on the issue and participated in international cooperation to increase the level of typing quality.

·  Later, when the transplantation program was taken over by healthcare facilities, we continued in this area of research mainly by determining antibodies against MICA-antigens, which belong to the weak transplant antigens, and determining whether these have an effect on graft rejection. The projects were implemented in cooperation with the National Transplantation Organization, the Department of Urology, and the Institute of Medical Chemistry, Biochemistry and Clinical Biochemistry of the Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava.

·  The methods introduced for the HLA typing have been eventually used also in other research areas, such as immunogenetics of autoimmune diseases.


Grant projects:

APVV-22-0231: Therapeutic potential of stress-reducing intervention in complex cancer care (project leader: Ľuba Hunáková, MA., PhD.)

Chronic stress including early life stress induces accumulation of allostatic overload, chronic inflammation and alters immunity. It can participate on development and progression of cancer and influence the efficacy of cancer treatment. Therefore, stress-reducing interventions could be promising supportive treatment modalities in addition to conventional oncological treatment. The research project focuses on using the monitoring and modulation of vagus nerve that maintains homeostasis and exerts anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects. Its activity can be indexed via heart rate variability (HRV) and influenced by HRV biofeedback (HRV-BF) intervention. According to the neurovisceral integration model, HRV could be perceived as an index of regulation of emotion and its peripheral responses. It is also related to a large range of positive outcomes including cognitive function and overall health. The study will be divided into observational and intervention part. The observational part aims to test the link between life stress, emotional regulation, HRV and neuroendocrine and immune inflammatory markers in cancer patients. This will be performed by measurements in cancer patients and working with larger data from international databases. Based on data on experienced stress, HRV, daily cortisol profiles, and immune inflammatory markers, we aim to statistically predict cancer outcomes in patients. The intervention part aims to test the effect of HRV-BF supporting treatment on cancer outcomes (therapy response rate, tumor markers, survival) and quality of life by conducting a randomized controlled study (RCT). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first RCT with the ambition to test real life application of HRV-BF on cancer outcomes. Proposed observation and intervention studies should help to identify effective strategies to target stress-immune-cancer axis that could serve as new supportive treatment modalities in complex cancer management.


APVV-21-0197: Reprogramming pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma microenvironment towards imunotherapy (project leader: Božena Smolková, MSc., PhD., co-investigators: Ľuba Hunáková, MA., PhD., assoc. prof. Mária Bucová, MD., PhD., extraordinary prof.)

Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a deadly disease with a 5-year survival below 10%. Although immune checkpoint inhibitors revolutionized cancer treatment, PDAC patients still do not benefit from immune therapies. This lack of response, which mainly resides in the low immunogenicity and non-inflamed nature of PDAC, can be predicted, in part, from the immune phenotypes present in the tumor microenvironment (TME). These aspects raise a primary clinical question: How to prime these "cold" tumors into "hot" and responsive to immunotherapy? Recently, epigenetic regulators have been shown to drive the immunosuppressive cancer microenvironment by silencing critical components of the antigen-presenting machinery, cytokines, or chemokines. Therefore, epigenetic reprogramming has emerged as one of the promising strategies to promote the immunogenicity of tumor cells. We hypothesize that distinct cell population subgroups in the PDAC TME, manifested by markers and intrinsic cell-cell communication networks yet to be discovered, can be targeted by epigenetic drugs (epi-drugs) to facilitate PDAC treatment and response to immunotherapy. The project HeaTME aims to increase understanding of the complexity and heterogeneity of PDAC TME by identification, integration, and mechanistic evaluation of critical TME elements driving PDAC drug resistance. The intent is to adopt comprehensive tumor-TME research models to identify, characterize and introduce novel, biology-backed targets involved in modulating multi-directional TME dynamics. The implementation of new strategies, such as spatial transcriptomics, will provide innovative comprehensive assessment of treatment -induced TME reprogramming and expose new vulnerabilities that will inform the design and testing of more effective epi -drug-based combination approaches aiming to reprogram PDAC towards immunotherapy.


VEGA 1/0426/24: Molecular mechanisms of fibrotic and inflammatory processes of diffuse parenchymal lung diseases - analyzes of defined markers in bronchoalveolar lavages and their significance in clinical practice (project leader: Magda Suchánková, MD., PhD.)

Diffuse parenchymal lung diseases include more than 150 different diagnoses. Their common feature is scarring of the pulmonary interstitium accompanied by progressive shortness of breath, which can lead to disability or death of the patient. The possibilities of diagnosis and treatment of these diseases are currently very limited. The project builds on the results of longer-term research, it is focused on the analysis of markers in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), which we identified as the most interesting from the point of view of differential diagnosis. We will extend the BAL analyses, focusing in more detail on disease stages, correlations with survival, lung function deterioration, and HRCT images evaluated using the latest Contextflow software. As the next step, we will connect medical and biological sciences - in cooperation with SAS, we will focus our research on molecular mechanisms: analysis of extracellular vesicles in BAL, measurement of activity of key enzymes, mechanisms of epithelial-mesenchymal transition. We will expand the research with analyzes on cell cultures of pneumocytes.


VEGA 1/0090/22: Neuroimmunological aspects of cancer (project leader: Ľuba Hunáková, MA., PhD.)

Proposed project represents comprehensive multidisciplinary oriented approach aimed at the examination of prognostic value of neuro-immunomodulation in cancer with further perspective to initiate corresponding pharmacological and nonpharmacological interventions in this patient’s population. Even if the role of nervous system, especially its autonomic division, in cancer is supported by a plenty of data, prognostic value of markers of sympatho-vagal ballance for the course of cancer and interconnection between vagal activity and cancer-related immunity is only partially elucidated. Therefore, the aim of proposed project is to investigate interconnections between sympatho-vagal ballance measured by HRV and cancer-related immune markers, and correlation of these interactions with the clinical course of selected cancer types. We suggest that our data will create basis for introduction of new markers of cancer prognosis and corresponding interventions.


VEGA 1/0758/20: Diffuse parenchymal lung diseases - inflammation, immunologic mechanisms and determination of novel markers for diagnosis and differential diagnosis (project leader: assoc. prof. Mária Bucová, MD., PhD., extraordinary prof.)

VEGA 1/0738/20: Biomarkers of inflammation in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (project leader: assoc. prof. Ivana Shawkatová, MSc., PhD.)

VEGA 1/0136/18: Diagnostic potential of monitoring fluorescent characteristics of body fluids and analysis of extracellular microvesicles in cancer diseases of the urogenital system (project leader: Milan Zvarík, MA., PhD.; co-investigator: Ľuba Hunáková, MA., PhD.)

VEGA 1/0217/17: TREM-1, TREM-2 tests as new diagnostic and differential-diagnostic tests for sarcoidosis and other diffuse parenchymal lung diseases. Attempt at immunological classification of pulmonary diseases (project leader: assoc. prof. Mária Bucová, MD., PhD. extraordinary prof.)

VEGA 1/0240/16: Immunogenetic markers in Slovak patients with Alzheimer´s disease (project leader: assoc. prof. Ivana Shawkatová, MSc., PhD.)

VEGA 1/0833/13: Immunogenetic determination and inflammation in chronic lung diseases (project leader: assoc. prof. Mária Bucová, MD., PhD. extraordinary prof.)

VEGA 1/0810/12: Immunogenetic determination of the response to biologic therapy in multiple sclerosis patients (project leader: prof. Milan Buc, MD., DrSc.)

KEGA 012UK-4/2020: Základná a klinická imunológia (Basic and Clinical Immunology) (project leader: prof. Milan Buc, MD., DrSc.)

UK/245/2022 (Agáta Očenášová, MSc.)

UK/16/2022 (Dominika Radošinská, MSc.)

UK/285/2021 (Kristína Klučková, MD.)

UK/374/2021 (Eszter Zsemlye, MSc.)

UK/299/2019 (Kristína Klučková, MD.)

UK/252/2018 (Kristína Klučková, MD.)

UK/279/2018 (Michaela Olejárová, MD.)

UK/346/2017 (Michaela Olejárová, MD.)

UK/375/2017 (Lenka Maruščáková, MD.)

UK/301/2017 (Beáta Gajdošechová, MSc.)

UK/451/2016 (Michaela Olejárová, MD.)

UK/202/2016 (Beáta Gajdošechová, MSc.)




List of the most important publications since 2010




Zsemlye EDurmanova V, Kluckova K, Kozak J, Rychly B, Svajdler M, Matejcik V, Homolova M, Steno J, Hunakova LBucova M. Association of Klotho Gene Polymorphism and Serum Level of α Klotho Protein with Different Tumor Grades, Overall Survival and Cytokine Profile in Glioma Patients. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2025; 26(1): 330. doi: 10.3390/ijms26010330.

Shawkatova IDurmanova VJavor J. Alzheimer’s  Disease and Porphyromonas gingivalis: Exploring the Links. Life (Basel) 2025; 15: 96. doi: 10.3390/life15010096. 



Mikolaskova I, Zvarik M, Szaboova K, Tibenska E, Durmanova VSuchankova M, Kollarik B, Hesko P, Palacka P, Bucova M, Hunakova L. Association of Sympathovagal Imbalance with Increased Inflammation and Impaired Adaptive Immunity in Bladder Cancer Patients. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2024; 25(23): 12765. doi: 10.3390/ijms252312765.

Durmanova VMikolaskova IZsemlye EOcenasova A, Bandzuchova H, Suchankova M, Kollarik B, Palacka P, Zvarik M, Bucova MHunakova L. Association of HLA-G Expression, Its Genetic Variants and Related Neuro-Immunomodulation with Characteristics of Bladder Carcinoma. Cancers (Basel) 2024; 16(22): 3877. doi: 10.3390/cancers16223877.

Buc M. Regulatory lymphocyte club: Mechanisms of action, role in autoimmunity and allergy, promissing therapeutic applications. Lekársky Obzor 2024; 73(11): 410-414.

Janíková M, Pribulová N, Kmeťová K, Macáková K, Dobišová A, Kopčová MBucová M, Vlková B, Celec P. Extracellular DNA and Deoxyribonuclease Activity as Prognostic Markers in Sepsis. Biomedicines 2024; 12(11): 2565. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines12112565.

Bielik M, Selvek M, Suchánková MShawkatová I. A case-control epidemiological survey on potential risk factors for celiac disease. Central European Journal of Public Health 2024; 32(2): 119-124. doi: 10.21101/cejph.a8010.

Mikolaskova I, Zvarik M, Hesko P, Kopcova M, Gidron Y, Rajcani J, Hunakova L, Kollarik B. Increased stress burden and electrodermal reactivity in bladder cancer patients in comparison to healthy controls. Heliyon 2024; 10(14): e34453. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e34453.

Repiska V, Gutaiova B, Humplikova S, Shawkatova I. Challenges of laboratory diagnosis of Lyme disease ‒ Questionnaire survey results. Bratislavské Lekárske Listy 2024; 125(6): 360-364. doi: 10.4149/BLL_2024_54.

Homolová M, Bojtárová E, Kováčová M, Klučková K, Suchánková M, Kušíková M, Mistrík M, Shawkatová I. Factors influencing overall survival and GvHD development after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation - single centre experience. Klinická Onkologie 2024; 38(2): 118-125. doi: 10.48095/ccko2024118.

Durmanova V, Tedla M, Rada D, Bandzuchova H, Kuba D, Suchankova MOcenasova ABucova M. Analysis of HLA-G 14 bp Insertion/Deletion Polymorphism and HLA-G, ILT2 and ILT4 Expression in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients. Diseases 2024; 12(2): 34. doi: 10.3390/diseases12020034.

Javor JĎurmanová V, Klučková K, Párnická Z, Radošinská D, Šutovský S, Vašečková B, Režnáková V, Králová M, Gmitterová K, Zorad Š, Shawkatová I. Adiponectin Gene Polymorphisms: A Case–Control Study on Their Role in Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease Risk. Life (Basel) 2024; 14(3): 346. doi: 10.3390/life14030346.



Buc M. Recent advances in understanding the pathogenesis and biological treatment of multiple sclerosis. Bratisl Lek Listy 2023; 124(12): 903-906. doi: 10.4149/BLL_2023_143 (Q4; IF = 1.5).

Čierny D, Dobrota D, Kantorová E, Malicherová B, Škereňová M, Javor J, Kurča E, Lehotský J. Analysis of Cdx2 VDR gene polymorphism rs11568820 in association with multiple sclerosis in Slovaks. Neurol Res 2023; 45(10): 912-918. doi: 10.1080/01616412.2023.2247195 (Q4; IF = 1.9).

Durmanova VKluckova K, Filova B, Minarik G, Kozak J, Rychly B, Svajdler M, Matejcik V, Steno J, Bucova M. HLA-G 5´URR regulatory polymorphisms are associated with the risk of developing gliomas. Int J Neurosci 2023; 133(4): 365-374. doi: 10.1080/00207454.2021.1922401 (Q4; IF = 2.590).

Hunakova L, Sabaka P, Zvarik M, Mikolaskova I, Gidron Y, Bucova M. Linear and non‑linear indices of vagal nerve in relation to sex and inflammation in patients with Covid‑19. Biomed Rep 2023; 19(5): 80. doi: 10.3892/br.2023.1662 (Q1; IF = 2.3).

Hunáková Ľ. Attacking Cancer Progression and Metastasis. Int J Mol Sci 2023; 24(9): 7858. doi: 10.3390/ijms24097858 (Q1; IF = 5.6).

Kotouček P, Enright R, Gregor Sorgerová S, Hunáková Ľ, Chlebcová V, Cholujová D, Jakubíková J, Mravec B, Naništová E, Paneková Ľ, Sedlák J. Neurobiology of multiple myeloma and its therapeutical use - results of the pilot study with a control arm. Klin Onkol 2023; 37(4): 287-299 (Q4).

Kluckova K, Kozak J, Svajdler M, Steno J, Matejcik V, Durmanova V, Zsemlye E, Bucova M. BDNF, sHLA-G, and sTREM-1 are useful blood biomarkers for identifying grade IV glioma patients. Neoplasma 2023; 70(1):166-176. doi: 10.4149/neo_2023_221129N1147 (Q2; IF = 3.409).

Mikolaskova I, Crnogorac-Jurcevic T, Smolkova B, Hunakova L. Nutraceuticals as Supportive Therapeutic Agents in Diabetes and Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma: A Systematic Review. Biology (Basel) 2023; 12(2): 158. doi: 10.3390/biology12020158 (Q2; IF = 4.2).

Ocenasova AShawkatova IJavor J , Parnicka Z, Minarik G, Kralova M, Kiralyova I, Mikolaskova IDurmanova V. MMP2 rs243866 and rs2285053 Polymorphisms and Alzheimer’s Disease Risk in Slovak Caucasian Population. Life (Basel) 2023; 13(4): 882. doi: 10.3390/life13040882 (Q2; IF = 3.253).



Bucova M, Kluckova K, Kozak J, Rychly B, Suchankova M, Svajdler M, Matejcik V, Steno J, Zsemlye E, Durmanova V.  HLA-G 14bp Ins/Del Polymorphism, Plasma Level of Soluble HLA-G, and Association with IL-6/IL-10 Ratio and Survival of Glioma Patients. Diagnostics (Basel) 2022; 12(5): 1099. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12051099 (Q2; IF = 3.992).

Durmanova V, Javor J, Parnicka Z, Minarik G, Ocenasova A, Vaseckova B, Kiralyova I, Sutovsky S, Petrovic R, Shawkatova I. TREM2 coding variants in Slovak Alzheimer's disease patients. J Integr Neurosci 2022; 21(4): 105. doi: 10.31083/j.jin2104105 (Q4; IF = 1.664).

Hlávková Z, Suchánková M, Varga L. Vrodená (nešpecifická) imunita stredného ucha a jej úloha pri stredoušnej otitíde. Otorinolaryngol Foniatr 2022; 71(1): 24-32. doi: 10.48095/ccorl202224 (Q4; IF = 0.123)

Hunakova L, Horvathova E, Matuskova M, Bobal P, Otevrel J, Brtko J. In vitro antiproliferative and cytotoxic activities of novel triphenyltin isoselenocyanate in human breast carcinoma cell lines MCF 7 and MDA-MB-231. Med Oncol 2022; 39(5): 99. doi: 10.1007/s12032-022-01692-1 (Q3; IF = 3.738).

Jasenovec T, Radosinska D, Kollarova M, Vrbjar N, Balis P, Trubacova S, Paulis L, Tothova L, Shawkatova I, Radosinska J. Monocrotaline-Induced Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and Bosentan Treatment in Rats: Focus on Plasma and Erythrocyte Parameters. Pharmaceuticals (Basel) 2022; 15(10): 1227. doi: 10.3390/ph15101227 (Q1; IF = 5.215).

Javor J, Bucová M, Ďurmanová V, Radošinská D, Párnická Z, Čierny D, Kurča E, Čopíková-Cudráková D, Gmitterová K, Shawkatová I. Alzheimer's Disease Risk Variant rs3865444 in the CD33 Gene: A Possible Role in Susceptibility to Multiple Sclerosis. Life (Basel) 2022; 12(7): 1094. doi: 10.3390/life12071094 (Q2; IF = 3.253).

Kollarova M, Chomova M, Radosinska D, Tothova L, Shawkatova I, Radosinska J. ZDF (fa/fa) rats show increasing heterogeneity in main parameters during ageing, as confirmed by biometrics, oxidative stress markers and MMP activity. Exp Physiol 2022; 107(11): 1326-1338. doi: 10.1113/EP090455 (Q3; IF = 2.858).

Majerova K, Zvarik M, Ricon-Becker I, Hanalis-Miller T, Mikolaskova I, Bella V, Mravec B, Hunakova L. Increased sympathetic modulation in breast cancer survivors determined by measurement of heart rate variability. Sci Rep 2022; 12(1): 14666. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-18865-7 (Q2; IF = 4.997).

Tedlova E, Suchankova M. Letter from Slovakia. Respirology 2022; 27(12): 1093-1094. doi: 10.1111/resp.14396 (Q1; IF = 6.175).

Vrbjar N, Jasenovec T, Kollarova M, Snurikova D, Chomova M, Radosinska D, Shawkatova I, Tothova L, Radosinska J. Na,K-ATPase Kinetics and Oxidative Stress in Kidneys of Zucker Diabetic Fatty (fa/fa) Rats Depending on the Diabetes Severity-Comparison with Lean (fa/+) and Wistar Rats. Biology (Basel) 2022; 11(10): 1519. doi: 10.3390/biology11101519 (Q1; IF = 5.168).



Buc M. Aktuality v imunopatogenéze a biologickej liečbe Crohnovej choroby. Gastroenterol 2021; 2(1): 18-22.

Ďurmanová V, Drobný J, Dlhopolček J, Bucová M. Analysis of HLA-G 5'URR regulatory polymorphisms in Slovak women with pre-eclampsia. Bratisl Lek Listy 2021; 122(12): 853-860. doi: 10.4149/BLL_2021_138 (Q4; IF = 1.564).

Durmanova V, Javor J, Parnicka Z, Minarik G, Ocenasova A, Vaseckova B, Reznakova V, Kralova M, Hromadka T, Shawkatova I. Impact of MMP2 rs243865 and MMP3 rs3025058 Polymorphisms on Clinical Findings in Alzheimer's Disease Patients. Mediators Inflamm 2021; 2021: 5573642. doi: 10.1155/2021/5573642 (Q3; IF = 4.529).

Javor J, Buc M, Bucová M. Autozápalový proces v patogenéze generalizovanej pustulárnej psoriázy a perspektívy jej cielenej liečby. Epidemiol Mikrobiol Imunol 2021; 70(3): 199-207 (Q4; IF = 0.500).

Javor J, Shawkatová I, Ďurmanová V, Párnická Z, Čopíková-Cudráková D, Čierny D, Michalik J, Bucová M. CD226 rs763361:C>T polymorphism is associated with multiple sclerosis risk independently of HLA-DRB1*15:01 allele and sex. Act Nerv Super Rediviva 2021; 63(3): 123-131 (Q4; IF = 0.112).

Kluckova K, Durmanova V, Bucova M. Soluble HLA-G, its diagnostic and prognostic value and potential target molecule for future therapy in cancer. Bratisl Lek Listy 2021; 122(9): 60-617. doi: 10.4149/BLL_2021_097 (Q4; IF = 1.564).

Kluckova K, Kozak J, Szaboova K, Suchankova M, Svajdler M, Blazickova S, Makohusova M, Steno J, Matejcik V, Bucova M. Low serum vitamin D levels are associated with a low percentage of TREM-2+ monocytes in low-grade gliomas and poorer overall survival in patients with high-grade gliomas. Bratisl Lek Listy 2021; 122(3): 172-178. doi: 10.4149/BLL_2021_027 (Q4; IF = 1.564).

Paulíková H, Cisáriková A, Bačová Z, Janovec L, Imrich J, Šereš M, Hunáková Ľ. Photodynamic therapy of multidrug resistant leukemic murine cells by 3,6-bis(alkylthiourea)acridine hydrochlorides. Neoplasma 2021; 68(6): 1169-1180. doi: 10.4149/neo_2021_210324N390 (Q3; IF = 3.409).

Tedla M, Suchankova M, Ahrendt K, Varga L, Frajkova Z, Urban J, Kluckova K, Tedlova E, Profant M, Bucova M. Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 1 and 2 in patients with chronic maxillary sinusitis. Bratisl Lek Listy 2021; 122(6): 391-395. doi: 10.4149/10.4149/BLL_2021_065 (Q4; IF = 1.564).

Urban J, Suchankova M, Ganovska M, Leksa V, Sandor F, Tedlova E, Konig B, Bucova M. The Role of CX3CL1 and ADAM17 in Pathogenesis of Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Diseases. Diagnostics (Basel) 2021; 11(6): 1074. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics11061074 (Q2; IF = 3.992).



Buc M. Mechanisms of action of regulatory lymphocytes and a possibility to use them in the treatment of autoimmune diseases and GvH reactions. Bratisl Lek Listy 2020; 121(1): 3-7.

Buc M. MAIT bunky - ich biologický a medicínsky význam. Epidemiol Mikrobiol Imunol 2020; 69(4): 189-193.

Bucova M, Majernikova B, Durmanova V, Cudrakova D, Gmitterova K, Lisa I, Klimova E, Kluckova K, Buc M. HMGB1 as a potential new marker of disease severity in patients with multiple sclerosis. Neurol Sci 2020; 41(3): 599-604. doi: 10.1007/s10072-019-04136-3.

Frajkova Z, Tedla M, Tedlova E, Suchankova M, Geneid A. Postintubation Dysphagia During COVID-19 Outbreak - Contemporary Review. Dysphagia 2020; 35(4): 549-557. doi: 10.1007/s00455-020-10139-6.

Javor JĎurmanová VPárnická Z, Minárik G, Králová M, Pečeňák J, Vašečková B, Režnáková V, Šutovský S, Gmitterová K, Hromádka T, Peterajová Ľ, Shawkatová I. Association of CD33 rs3865444:C›A polymorphism with a reduced risk of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease in Slovaks is limited to subjects carrying the APOE ε4 allele. Int J Immunogenet 2020; 47(5): 397-405. doi: 10.1111/iji.12489.

Kluckova K, Kozak J, Szaboova K, Rychly B, Svajdler M, Suchankova M, Tibenska E, Filova B, Steno J, Matejcik V, Homolova M, Bucova M. TREM-1 and TREM-2 Expression on Blood Monocytes Could Help Predict Survival in High-Grade Glioma Patients. Mediators Inflamm 2020; 2020: 1798147. doi: 10.1155/2020/1798147.

Mravec B, Horvathova L, Hunakova L. Neurobiology of Cancer: the Role of β-Adrenergic Receptor Signaling in Various Tumor Environments. Int J Mol Sci 2020; 21(21): 7958. doi: 10.3390/ijms21217958.

Shawkatová I, Bojtárová E, Kováčová M, Klučková K, Kušíková M, Mistrík M, Homolová M. Individual HLA alleles and risk of graft-versus-host disease after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation from HLA-identical siblings. Biologia 2020; 75: 2045-2052.

Shawkatová IJavor JPárnická Z, Minárik G, Vašečková B, Králová M, Režnáková V, Ďurmanová V. Impact of APOE gene variants on risk of Alzheimer’s disease, age at onset and cognitive decline. Act Nerv Super Rediviva 2020; 62(2): 80-86.

Suchankova M, Urban J, Ganovska M, Tibenska E, Szaboova K, Tedlova E, Sandor F, Majer I, Bobovcak M, Jonner I, Konig B, Bucova M. TREM-1 and TREM-2 Expression on CD14+ Cells in Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid in Pulmonary Sarcoidosis and Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis in the Context of T Cell Immune Response. Mediators Inflamm 2020; 2020: 9501617. doi: 10.1155/2020/9501617.



Buc M. Regulačné T- a B-lymfocyty za fyziologických a patologických podmienok. Alergie 2019; 21(3): 164-170.

Buc M. Heterogenita lymfocytov ako ústredných operačných jednotiek imunitného systému. Vnitř Lék 2019; 65(2): 86-97.

Bucova M, , Durmanova V, Cudrakova D, Blazickova S, Gmitterova K, Klimova E, Lisa I, Kluckova K, Majernikova B. Decreased plasma levels of 25(OH)D in multiple sclerosis patients. Correlation with disease severity expressed by EDSS, MSSS, progression index and Herbert’s scale severity grade. Bratisl Lek Listy 2019; 120(10): 723-729.

Čierny D, Michalik J, Dubovan P, Škereňová M, Javor J, Kurča E, Dobrota D, Lehotský J. The association of rs703842 variants in CYP27B1 with multiple sclerosis susceptibility is influenced by the HLA-DRB1*15:01 allele in Slovaks. J Neuroimmunol 2019; 330: 123-129.

Durmanova V, Bandzuchova H, Zilinska Z, Tirpakova J, Kuba D, Buc M, Polakova K. Association of HLA-G Polymorphisms in the 3’UTR Region and Soluble HLA-G with Kidney Graft Outcome. Immunol Invest 2019; 48(6): 644-658.

Durmanova VParnicka ZJavor J, Cserkoova A, Copikova-Cudrakova D, Lisa I, Peterajova L, Bucova M, Shawkatova I. Association of MMP9 polymorphism with clinical findings in Slovak multiple sclerosis patients. Act Nerv Super Rediviva 2019; 61(1): 12-18.

El-Hassoun O, Maruscakova L, Valaskova Z, Bucova M, Polak S, Hulin I. Artificial intelligence in service of medicine. Bratisl Lek Listy 2019; 120(3): 218-222.

Olejarova M, Dobisova A, Suchankova M, Tibenska E, Szaboova K, Koutun J, Vlnieskova K, Bucova M. Vitamin D deficiency - a potential risk factor for sepsis development, correlation with inflammatory markers, SOFA score and higher early mortality risk in sepsis. Bratisl Lek Listy 2019; 120(4): 284-290.

Stuchlíková M, Hlavatý T, Ďuriš F, Javor J, Krajčovičová A, Kuba D, Šoltýs K, Drahovská H, Turňa J, Stuchlík S. The relationship between selected VDR gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to inflammatory bowel disease in Slovak population. Biologia 2019; 74: 573-581. 

Shawkatová IJavor JPárnická Z, Minárik G, Vašečková B, Králová M, Pečeňák J, Režnáková V, Filipčík P, Ďurmanová V. ICAM1 gene polymorphism in late-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Biologia 2019; 74: 1531-1538.

Zdimalova M, Maruscakova L, Bucova M, Sova O, Kopani M. Analyses of tumor cells by mathematical models. Bratisl Lek Listy 2019; 120(9): 650-657. 



Buc M. New biological agents in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Bratisl Lek Listy 2018; 119(4): 191-197.

Buc M. Súčasné a perspektívne biologiká a malé molekuly v liečbe idiopatických zápalových chorôb čreva. Vnitř Lék 2018; 64(3): 280-289.

Bucová MKlučková KBuc M. Mechanizmy imunitného systému v boji proti nádorom a príčiny ich zlyhania. Onkológia (Bratisl) 2018; 13(2): 87-93.

Čierny D, Lehotský J, Kantorová E, Sivák Š, Javor J, Kurča E, Dobrota D, Michalik J. The HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQB1 alleles are associated with multiple sclerosis disability progression in Slovak population. Neurol Res 2018; 40(7): 607-614.

Durmanova VParnicka ZJavor J, Minarik G, Vrazda L, Vaseckova B, Gmitterova K, Kralova M, Pecenak J, Filipcik P, Shawkatova I. A Novel Association of Polymorphism in the ITGA4 Gene Encoding the VLA-4 α4 Subunit with Increased Risk of Alzheimer's Disease. Mediators Inflamm 2018; 2018: 7623823. 

Javor JShawkatová IĎurmanová VPárnická Z, Čierny D, Michalik J, Čopíková-Cudráková D, Smahová B, Gmitterová K, Peterajová Ľ, Bucová M. TNFRSF1A polymorphisms and their role in multiple sclerosis susceptibility and severity in the Slovak population. Int J Immunogenet 2018; 45(5): 257-265.

Jeseňák M, Petrisková J, Kapustová L, Repko M, Bánovčin P, Buc M. Imunoglobulín D v zdraví a chorobe. Klinická imunológia a alergológia 2018; 28(1): 4-7.

Suchankova M, Durmanova V, Tibenska E, Tedlova E, Majer I, Novosadova H, Demian J, Tedla M, Bucova M. High mobility group box 1 protein in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and correlation with other inflammatory markers in pulmonary diseases. Sarcoidosis Vasc Diffuse Lung Dis 2018; 35(3): 268-275.



Buc M. Idiopatické zápalové myopatie - súčasný pohľad na genetickú determináciu, imunopatogenézu a biologickú liečbu. Rheumatologia 2017; 31(1): 5-11.

Buc M. Charakteristika a funkcia ILC-buniek človeka za fyziologických a patologických okolností. Alergie (Praha) 2017; 19(1): 24-30.

Buc M. Crohnova choroba a ulcerózna kolitída - súčasný pohľad na genetickú determináciu, imunopatogenézu a biologickú liečbu. Epidemiol Mikrobiol Imunol 2017; 66(4): 189-197.

Durmanova V, Drobny J, Shawkatova I, Dlhopolcek J, Bucova M. Analysis of HLA-G gene polymorphisms in Slovak women with pre-eclampsia. Bratisl Lek Listy 2017; 118(9): 517-522.

Klučková K, Makohusová M, Baníková K, Kaiserová E, Šidlová H, Kokavec M, Kolenová A. Malígne nádory kostí u detí. Pediatr Prax 2017; 18(1): 8-12.

Madaric J, Valachovicova M, Paulis L, Pribojova J, Mateova R, Sebekova K, Postulkova L, Madaricova T, Bucova M , Mistrik M, Vulev I. Improvement in asymmetric dimethylarginine and oxidative stress in patients with limb salvage after autologous mononuclear stem cell application for critical limb ischemia. Stem Cell Res Ther 2017; 8(1): 165.

Shawkatová IJavor JPárnická ZBucová M, Čopíková-Cudráková D, Michalík J, Gmitterová K, Čierny D, Buc MĎurmanová V. Analysis of ICAM1 gene polymorphism in Slovak multiple sclerosis patients. Folia Microbiol (Praha) 2017; 62(4): 287-293.



Buc M , Rovenský J. Imunologická syndromológia autoimunitných chorôb (SLE, systémová skleróza, dermatomyozitída/polymyozitída). Česká revmatologie 2016; 24(3): 96-97.

Buc M. Juvenilná idiopatická artritída - súčasný pohľad na jej patogenézu, genetickú determináciu a biologickú liečbu. Rheumatologia 2016; 30(1): 1-6.

Čierny D, Michalik J, Škereňová M, Kantorová E, Sivák Š, Javor J, Kurča E, Dobrota D, Lehotský J. ApaI, BsmI and TaqI VDR gene polymorphisms in association with multiple sclerosis in Slovaks. Neurol Res 2016; 38(8): 678-684.

Ďurmanová V, Bandžuchová H, Žilinská Z, Tirpáková J, Kuba D, Buc M, Poláková K. Impact of HLA-G 14bp polymorphism and soluble HLA-G level on kidney graft outcome. Open Life Sciences 2016; 11(1): 372-379.

Madaric J, Klepanec A, Valachovicova M, Mistrik M, Bucova M, Olejarova I, Necpal R, Madaricova T, Paulis L, Vulev I. Characteristics of responders to autologous bone marrow cell therapy for no-option critical limb ischemia. Stem Cell Res Ther 2016; 7(1): 116.

Tedla M, Chakrabarti S, Suchankova M, Weickert MO. Voice outcomes after thyroidectomy without superior and recurrent laryngeal nerve injury: VoiSS questionnaire and GRBAS tool assessment. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2016; 273(12): 4543-4547.



Buc M. Liečba autoimunitných chorôb regulačnými T-lymfocytmi. Rheumatologia 2015; 29(3): 63-68.

Bucova MSuchankova M, Tibenska E, Majer I, Novosadova H, Urban S. Diagnostic value of TREM-1 and TREM-2 expression in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in sarcoidosis and other lung diseases. Bratisl Lek Listy 2015; 116: 707-713.

Bucova MSuchankova M, Tibenska E, Tedlova E, Demian J, Majer I, Novosadova H, Tedla M. TREM-2 Receptor Expression Increases with 25(OH)D Vitamin Serum Levels in Patients with Pulmonary Sarcoidosis. Mediators Inflamm 2015; 2015: 181986.

Ďurmanová V, Shawkatová I, Javor J, Párnická Z, Čopíková-Cundráková D, Turčáni P, Lisá I, Gajdošechová B, Buc M, Bucová M. VLA4 Gene Polymorphism and Susceptibility to Multiple Sclerosis in Slovaks. Folia Biol (Praha) 2015; 61: 8-13.

Horvathova L, Tillinger A, Sivakova I, Mikova L, Mravec B, Bucova M. Chemical sympathectomy increases neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in tumor-bearing rats but does not influence cancer progression. J Neuroimmunol 2015; 278: 255-261.

Javor J, Párnická Z, Michalik J, Čopíková-Cudráková D, Shawkatová I, Ďurmanová V, Gmitterová K, Klímová E, Bucová M, Buc M. The +190 G/A (rs1799864) polymorphism in the C-C chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2) gene is associated with susceptibility to multiple sclerosis in HLA-DRB1*15:01-negative individuals. J Neurol Sci 2015; 349: 138-142.

Kantárová D, Prídavková D, Ságová I, Vrlík M, Mikler J, Buc M. Genetický a molekulový podklad vývoja autoimunitného diabetes mellitus. Epidemiol Mikrobiol Imunol 2015; 64(3): 121-129.

Michalik J, Čierny D, Kantorová E, Kantárová D, Javor JPárnická Z, Kurča E, Dobrota D, Lehotský J. The association of HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQB1 alleles with genetic susceptibility to multiple sclerosis in the Slovak population. Neurol Res 2015; 37(12): 1060-1067.

Patente TA, Monteiro MB, Vieira SM, Rossi da Silva ME, Nery M, Queiroz M, Azevedo MJ, Canani LH, Parisi MC, Pavin EJ, Mainardi D, Javor J, Velho G, Coimbra CN, Corrêa-Giannella ML. Linkage disequilibrium with HLA-DRB1-DQB1 haplotypes explains the association of TNF-308G>A variant with type 1 diabetes in a Brazilian cohort. Gene 2015; 568: 50-54.

Suchankova M, Paulovicova E, Paulovicova L, Majer I, Tedlova E, Novosadova H, Tibenska E, Tedla M, Bucova M. Increased antifungal antibodies in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and serum in pulmonary sarcoidosis. Scand J Immunol 2015; 81: 259-264.

Svecova D, Parnicka Z, Pastyrikova L, Urbancek S, Luha J, Buc M. HLA-DRB1* and DQB1* alleles are associated with disease severity in patients with pemphigus vulgaris. Int J Dermatol 2015; 54: 168-173.



Babinská K, Bucová M, Ďurmanová V, Lakatošová S, Jánošíková D, Bakoš J, Hlavatá A, Ostatníková D. Increased plasma levels of the high mobility group box 1 protein (HMGB1) are associated with a higher score of gastrointestinal dysfunction in individuals with autism. Physiol Res 2014; 63(Suppl 4): S613-618.

Buc M. Sjögrenov syndróm - súčasný pohľad na imunopatogenézu, genetickú determináciu a biologickú liečbu. Rheumatol 2014; 28: 45-50.

Ďurmanová V, Drobný J, Sapák M, Bucová M, Buc M. Analýza polymorfizmov v géne pre HLA-G a ich využitie v diagnostike preeklampsie. Klin Imunol Alergol 2014; 24: 4-8.

Javor J, Králinský K, Sádová E, Červeňová O, Bucová M, Olejárová M, Buc M, Liptáková A. Association of interleukin-10 gene promoter polymorphisms with susceptibility to acute pyelonephritis in children. Folia Microbiol (Praha) 2014; 59: 307-313.

Rajčáni J, Szenthe K, Durmanová V, Tóth A, Asványi B, Pitlik E, Stipkovits L, Szathmary S, Epstein-Barr virus (HHV-4) inoculation to rabbits by intranasal and oral routes results in subacute and/or persistent infection dissimilar to human disease. Intervirology 2014; 57: 254-269.

Sapák M, Chreňová S, Tirpáková J, Žilinská Z, Ďurmanová V, Shawkatová I, Jakuš V, Kuba D, Buc M. Donor non-specific MICA antibodies in renal transplant patients. Immunobiology 2014; 219: 109-112.



Buc M. Role of regulatory T cells in pathogenesis and biological therapy of multiple sclerosis. Mediators Inflamm 2013; 2013: 963748.

Dzurilla M, Vrlík M, Homolová M, Buc M. No association between bronchial asthma and HLA-DRB1, -DQB1 alleles in the Slovak population. Bratisl Lek Listy 2013; 114: 93-95.

Durmanova V, Homolova M, Drobny J, Shawkatova I, Buc M. Role of HLA-G and other immune mechanisms in pregnancy. Cent Eur J Biol 2013; 8: 226-239.

Javor J, Dzurilla M, Vrlík M, Suchánková M, Bucová M, Buc M. Asociácia polymorfizmov v géne pre transformujúci rastový faktor-β1 s atopickou asthma bronchiale. Alergie 2013; 15: 9-14.

Párnická Z, Švecová D, Javor J, Shawkatová I, Buc M. High susceptibility to pemphigus vulgaris due to HLA-DRB1*14:54 in the Slovak population. Int J Immunogenet 2013; 40: 471-475.

Shawkatová I, Javor J, Párnická Z, Kozub P, Zilínková M, Frey P, Ferenčík S, Buc M. HLA-C, DRB1 and DQB1 alleles involved in genetic predisposition to psoriasis vulgaris in the Slovak population. Folia Microbiol (Praha) 2013; 58: 319-324.

Suchankova M, Bucova M, Tibenska E, Demian J, Majer I, Novosadova H, Tedlova E, Durmanova V, Paulovicova E. sTREM-1 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis, effect of smoking and inflammation. Bratisl Lek Listy 2013; 114: 702-707.

Suchankova M, Bucova M, Tibenska E, Tedlova E, Demian J, Majer I, Novosadova H, Tedla M, Paulovicova E, Kantarova D. Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 and 2 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in pulmonary sarcoidosis. Respirology 2013; 18: 455-462.



Buc M, Dzurilla M. Populácie prirodzených imunitných buniek. Alergie 2012; 14: 41-44.

Bucova MSuchankova M, Dzurilla M, Vrlik M, Novosadova H, Tedlova E, Urban S, Hornakova E, Seligova M, Durmanova V, Penz P, Javor J, Paulovicova E. Inflammatory marker sTREM-1 reflects the clinical stage and respiratory tract obstruction in allergic asthma bronchiale patients and correlates with number of neutrophils. Mediators Inflamm 2012; 2012: 628754.

Ďurmanová V, Dzurilla M, Vrlík M, Suchánková M, Buc M, Bucová M. HLA-G polymorfizmus a astma bronchiale. Alergie 2012; 14: 180-184.

Javor JBucova M, Cervenova O, Kralinsky K, Sadova E, Suchankova M, Liptakova A. Genetic variations of interleukin-8, CXCR1 and CXCR2 genes and risk of acute pyelonephritis in children. Int J Immunogenet 2012; 39: 338-345.

Kantárová D, Buc M, Linceni M, Vrlík M. Možnosti liečby autoimunitného DM monoklonovými protilátkami. Slov Lekár 2012; 22: 3-9.

Kantárová D, Vrlík M, Buc M. Genetic determination and immunopathogenesis of type 1 diabetes mellitus in humans. Acta Med Mart 2012; 12: 19.

Lietava J, Vohnout B, Penz P, Kuka P, Bucova M, Kosmalova V, Atalay M. Relationship of self-reported exercise tolerance with inflammatory markers in women with stable ischemic heart disease. Neuro Endocrinol Lett 2012; 33 Suppl 2: 50-54.

Naglova H, Bucova M. HMGB1 and its physiological and pathological roles. Bratisl Lek Listy 2012; 113: 163-171.



Buc M, Kantárová D. Vzorkové receptory a autozápalové choroby. Slov Lekár 2011; 21: 225-231.

Durmanová V, Tirpakova J, Stuchlikova M, Shawkatova I, Kuba D, Sapak MBuc M. Characterization of MICA gene polymorphism of HLA complex in the Slovak population. Ann Hum Biol 2011; 38: 570-576.

Kantárová D, Buc M. T-lymfocyty, ich subpopulácie, biologický význam a účasť v imunopatologických procesoch. Interná Med 2011; 11: 541-544.



Buc M. Imunopatogenéza a imunoterapia sclerosis multiplex. Neurol 2010; 5: 112-114.

Buc M, Dzurilla M. γδ T-lymfocyty a NKT-bunky - charakteristika a biologický význam. Klin Imunol Alergol 2010; 20: 9-14.

Javor J, Chmurova N, Parnicka Z, Ferencik S, Grosse-Wilde H, Buc M, Svecova D. TNF-alpha and IL-10 gene polymorphisms show a weak association with pemphigus vulgaris in the Slovak population. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2010; 24: 65-68. 

Javor J, Ferencik S, Bucova M, Stuchlikova M, Martinka E, Barak L, Strbova L, Grosse-Wilde H, Buc M. Polymorphisms in the genes encoding TGF-β1, TNF-α, and IL-6 show association with type 1 diabetes mellitus in the Slovak population. Arch Immunol Ther Exp(Warsz) 2010; 58: 385-393.

Kuka P, Bucova M, Penz P, Paulovicova E, Blazicek P, Atalay M, Lietava J. HSP60, oxidative stress parameters and cardiometabolic risk markers in hypertensive and normotensive Slovak females. Bratisl Lek Listy 2010; 111: 527-534.

Párnická Z, Rakovan N, Švecová D, Buc M. Asociácia HLA-DR a -DQ aliel s pemphigus vulgaris v slovenskej populácii. Čes-slov Derm 2010; 85: 148-152.

Penz P, Bucova M, Lietava J, Blazicek P, Paulovicova E, Mrazek F, Bernadic M, Buckingham TA, Petrek M. MCP-1 -2518 A/G gene polymorphism is associated with blood pressure in ischemic heart disease asymptomatic subjects. Bratisl Lek Listy 2010; 111: 420-425.

Repiská V, Shawkatová I, Bohmer D, Hatzibougias D, Sisovský V, Danihel L. Gestational choriocarcinoma analyzed by polymerase chain reaction amplification of polymorphic VNTR and human leukocyte antigen regions. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2010; 110: 152-154.

Shawkatová I,  Javor J, Párnická Z, Vražda Ľ, Novák M, Buc M. No association between cytokine gene polymorphism and risk of Alzheimer´s disease in Slovaks. Acta Neurobiol Exp (Wars) 2010; 70: 303-307. 

Monographs, text-books, scripts and chapters in the books

The list of publications of the institute´s staff since 2000



Buc M. Imunológia. Bratislava; Veda, 2001, 464 s.

Buc M. Autoimunita a autoimunitné choroby. Bratislava; Veda, 2005, 500 s.

Buc MBucová M. Základná a klinická imunológia pre ošetrovateľstvo a iné nelekárske odbory. 1. vyd. Bratislava; Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2006, 336 s. 

Buc M. Basic and Clinical Immunology. Bratislava; Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2008, 2011, 2014, 305 s.

Buc M. Základná a klinická imunológia. Bratislava; Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2009, 608 s.

Buc M. Základná a klinická imunológia pre študentov zubného lekárstva. Bratislava; Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2010, 342 s.

Buc M. Základná a klinická imunológia. Bratislava; Veda, 2012, 832 s.

Buc M, Javor J. Basic and Clinical Immunology for MPH Students. In: Krčméry V, Buc M. Basics of Clinical Microbiology and Immunology for MPH Students. Bratislava; Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2015, 264 s.

Buc M. Autoimunita a autoimunitné choroby. 2. prepracované vydanie. Bratislava; Veda, 2016, 667 s.

Buc MJavor J. Basic and Clinical Immunology for Dentistry Students. Bratislava; Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2017, 324 s.

Buc M. Basic and Clinical Immunology. 4th revised edition. Bratislava; Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2020, 554 s.

Buc M. Imunológia - možnosti využitia nových poznatkov v diagnostike a liečbe. In: Ďuriš I, Hulín I, Bernadič M, eds. Princípy internej medicíny: 1. Bratislava; SAP, 2001, 81–111.

Buc M, Rovenský J. Reumatoidná artritída. In: Hulín I, ed. Patologická fyziológia. Bratislava; SAP, 2003, 1312–1320.

Buc M, Rovenský J. Systémový lupus erythematosus. In: Hulín I, ed. Patologická fyziológia. Bratislava; SAP, 2003, 1320–1333.

Buc M. Autoimunita a endokrinný systém. In: Langer P, ed. Endokrinológia. Bratislava; Veda, 2004, 36–44.

Buc M, Rovenský J. Tuberculosis and SLE-like symptoms as a complication of biological anti-TNF therapy. In: Shoenfeld Y, Rose NR, eds. Infection and autoimmunity. Amsterdam, Boston, Heidelberg, London, New York, Oxford, Paris, San Diego, San Francisco, Singapore, Sydney; Elsevier, 2004, 623–628.

Buc M. Imunologické a imunogenetické aspekty transplantácie tkanív a orgánov. In: Siman J, ed. Princípy chirurgie: 1. Bratislava; SAP, 2007, 811-843. 

Buc M. Fyziológia imunitného systému. In: Javorka K, ed. Lekárska fyziológia. Martin; Osveta, 2001, 2006, 2009, 2014, 2021, 75-119. 

Buc M, Rovenský J. Zápal a reumatické choroby. In: Ferenčík M et al. Zápal - fundamentálny princíp vzniku chorôb. Bratislava; Balneotherma, 2009, 312-323.

Buc M. Autoimunitné a zápalové procesy indukované adjuvanciami - ASIA-syndróm. In: Kiňová S, Hulín I, eds. Interná medicína. Bratislava; ProLitera, 2013, 1093-1095.

Buc M. Imunitný systém a vnútorné choroby. In: Kiňová S, Hulín I, eds. Interná medicína. Bratislava; ProLitera, 2013, 55-93.

Buc M. Vlastnosti imunitného systému. In: Liptáková A a kol. Lekárska mikrobiológia. Bratislava; Herba, 2019, 157-173.

Buc M. Imunitná odpoveď na mikroorganizmy. In: Liptáková A a kol. Lekárska mikrobiológia. Bratislava; Herba, 2019, 174-186.

Buc M. Aktívna a pasívna imunizácia. In: Liptáková A a kol. Lekárska mikrobiológia. Bratislava; Herba, 2019, 187-193.

Bucová M. Cytokíny. In: Matejička F, Blažíčková S, Bošák V, eds. Imunológia pre poslucháčov FZSP. Trnava; SAP, 2004, 27–47. 

Bucová M. Fagocytóza. In: Matejička F, Blažíčková S, Bošák V, eds. Imunológia pre poslucháčov FZSP. Trnava; SAP, 2004, 104–120. 

Bucová M. Komplement. In: Matejička F, Blažíčková S, Bošák V, eds. Imunológia pre poslucháčov FZSP. Trnava; SAP, 2004, 89–100. 

Bucová M. Zápal. In: Matejička F, Blažíčková S, Bošák V, eds. Imunológia pre poslucháčov FZSP. Trnava; SAP, 2004, 120–131. 

Bucová M. Regulačné T-bunky a autoimunita. In: Rovenský J a kol., eds. Reumatológia v teórii a v praxi VI. Martin; Osveta, 2004, 111–115. 

Bucová M. Úloha cytokínov v iniciálnom procese rozvoja autoimunity – polarizácia TH1/TH2. In: Rovenský J a kol., eds. Reumatológia v teórii a v praxi VI. Martin; Osveta, 2004, 101–109. 

Bucová M. Zápal a sepsa. In: Ferenčík M et al. Zápal - fundamentálny princíp vzniku chorôb. Bratislava; Balneotherma, 2009, 234-245.

Bucova M. Inflammation and genetics of inflammation in cardiovascular diseases. In: Piscione F, ed. Angina pectoris. Rijeka; InTech, 2011, 1-34.

Bucová M. Kardiovaskulárne komplikácie indukované cytokínmi. In: Mladosievičová B et al., ed. Kardioonkológia. Bratislava; SAP, 2012, 89-94.

Hruškovič I, Buc MBucová M, Hruškovič B. Imunitný systém. In: Kresánek J, Furková K a kol., eds. Dorastové lekárstvo. 1. slov vydanie. Martin; Osveta, 2006, 133–136.

Gbelcová H, Repiská V, Shawkatová I: Nukleové kyseliny a proteíny. Analytické metódy a postupy. Bratislava; Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2017, 316 s. 

Sapák M a kolektív autorov. Vyšetrovacie metódy v imunológii. Bratislava; Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2011, 190 s.

Rovenský J, Bucová M. Autoimunita. In: Matejička F, Blažíčková S, Bošák V, eds. Imunológia pre poslucháčov FZSP. Trnava; SAP, 2004, 154–157.

Shawkatová I and coauthors. Laboratory methods in immunology. Bratislava; Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2014, 128 s.