Faculty of MedicineComenius University Bratislava


The Operational Programme Research and Innovation is a joint programme document of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic for the aid from the European Structural and Investment Funds in the programme period 2014 - 2020 in the area focused on creating a stable environment favourable to innovation for all relevant actors and to help increasing the efficiency and performance of research, development and innovation system as an essential pillar to boost competitiveness, sustainable economic growth and employment.

Managing Authority (MA) for OP R&I is the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the SR (MESRS of the SR) and Intermediate Bodies (IB) are the Research Agency and the Ministry of Economy of the SR.

Supported areas:

Thematic objective 1 : Strengthening research, technological development and innovation

PRIORITY AXIS : 1 Supporting research, development and innovation

PRIORITY AXIS 2 : Supporting research, development and innovation in the Bratislava Region

PRIORITY AXIS 5  : Technical assistance

Thematic objective 3  : Enhancing competitiveness of SME´s

PRIORITY AXIS 3 : Enhancing the competitiveness and growth of SMEs

PRIORITY AXIS 4 :  Developing competitive SMEs in the Bratislava Region

PRIORITY AXIS 5  : Technical assistance