Faculty of MedicineComenius University Bratislava



Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic

In cooperation with the Ministry of Health, Slovak language courses for health professionals from Ukraine were organized in the academic year 2022/2023.


National Health Information Center

In cooperation with the National Health Information Center, a translation of the current version of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) into Slovak and Latin was produced.


WHO - World Health Organization

In cooperation with the World Health Organization, Slovak language courses  for healthcare workers from Ukraine were organized in 2023.



In cooperation with UNICEF, Slovak language courses for paediatricians from Ukraine were organized in 2023.


NULTE - Network of University Language Testers in Europe

NULTE is an organisation that aims to improve the quality of teaching, learning, testing and assessment of modern language skills in higher education. The organisation focuses on testing the level of language proficiency in universities in order to facilitate admissions, student exchanges and increase the employability of university graduates.

The Institute of Medical Terminology and Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava is one of the founding members of this organization.


CercleS - European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Edcuation

CercleS is a confederation of language centers dedicated to language and academic communication education. CercleS supports language centers in European higher education, promotes international research in the field of foreign language teaching and encourages interdisciplinary cooperation. 

The Institute of Medical Terminology and Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava is an institutional member of this confederation.


CASALC - Czech and Slovak Association of Languages Centres

CASALC focuses on promoting language communication, standardization of professional language programmes, unification of exit assessment based on the Common European Framework of Reference, cooperation with university authorities in dealing with professional issues, and cooperation with national and international teaching organizations.

The Institute of Medical Terminology and Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava is an institutional member of this association.


SJKF - Slovak Union of Classical Philologists

The aim of the Slovak Union of Classical Philologists is to promote scholarly work in the field of ancient, medieval and Neo-Latin studies, to strengthen the cooperation with practice, to review and study the importance of ancient culture for the development of culture in Slovakia and to popularize scholarly knowledge. 

The Institute of Medical Terminology and Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava cooperates closely with the SJKF, as the staff of the institute are members and actively participate in the activities.



UNIcert® is an international certification and accreditation system for languages taught on campus. The system ensures the quality of language training and testing in higher education institutions, offering a flexible framework with independent advice tailored to individual institutions. UNIcert® emphasises institutional autonomy, research-based teaching, competence orientation and structured learning programmes.


UNIcert®LUCE - Institute for the Accreditation of Language Teaching at Universities in Central Europe

UNIcert®LUCE is an integral part of the UNIcert® system with a mandate to accredit language programmes in the UNIcert® system in the Czech and Slovak Republics. It is a collective body with the aim of improving the quality and transparency of language teaching at universities.

The Institute of Medical Terminology and Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava is the seat of this institute.


AKS - Arbeitskreis der Sprachenzentren

AKS shelters foreign language teaching at universities in Germany. With more than 100 member institutions, it promotes inter-institutional cooperation, organizes conferences and workshops, and publishes research results on practical language teaching and teacher education. The association also oversees the accreditation of the UNIcert® certificate and conducts surveys on foreign language teaching at university level.

The Institute of Medical Terminology and Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava is a member of this association.


Centre for Continuing Education of the Comenius University in Bratislava

In cooperation with the Centre for Continuing Education, English language courses for the staff of Comenius University in Bratislava are organised are organized since 2022.


IOM - International Organization for Migration

IOM Worldwide is an intergovernmental organization with 174 member states, dedicated to managing humane and orderly migration globally. IOM has been active in Slovakia since 1996, focusing on assisted voluntary returns, integration of migrants, and the prevention of human trafficking. It also runs the Migration Information Centre (MIC), offering legal, labor, and social counseling for migrants.

In cooperation with International Organization for Migration, Slovak language courses for Ukrainian healthcare workers are organised are organized since 2024.



Since 2024, IMTFL employees have been members of the research team for Comenius University in Bratislava within the national project Digital Transformation of School Education (DiTEdu, code ITMS2014+: 401402DVR6). The aim of the national project is to create a sustainable system of support for the digital transformation of education based on research directly at schools and relevant data. The National Institute of Education and Youth (NIVaM) participates in the project in cooperation with partners from the Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (PJŠU), Comenius University in Bratislava (CU) and the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic (MERDaY). One of the pillars for a sustainable system of support for the digital transformation of education within the DiTEdu project, even after its completion, was the creation of the National Center for Digital Transformation of Education (NCDTV), with workplaces at PJŠU and at Charles University.