Faculty of MedicineComenius University Bratislava


Research projects of our employees are focused on terminological research of present-day and historical medical terminology, lexicological analysis of antique medical documentation, methodological approaches of teaching English and German language for specific purposes and methodological aspects of teaching Slovak language as a foreign language. Research projects are being realised with the support of various research agencies (especially VEGA, KEGA and APVV) and reflect interdisciplinary approach to research.

Current research projects

Ing. Janka Bábelová, PhD.

2021 – 2023 research team member of the project VEGA 1/0671/21 Economic and behavioural aspects of available housing

2018 – 2020 research team member of the project VEGA 1/0604/18 Economic aspects of constantly sustainable building in the frame of intelligent urban structures 

PhDr. Tomáš Hamar, PhD.

2024 research team member for Comenius University in Bratislava within the framework of the national project Digital Transformation of Education and Schools (DiTEdu, code ITMS2014+: 401402DVR6). The aim of the national project is to create a sustainable system to support the digital transformation of education based on research conducted directly in schools and relevant data.

2022 – 2023 workplace participation in the project Communication and internationalisation as a tool for improving the quality of teaching and research at Comenius University, Development project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic, Thematic area: 2021.1.Theme 7: Supporting the internationalisation of the university environment

2013 – 2014 research team member of the project APVV-SK-AT-0022-12 Ancient Greek cultural heritage in the central Danubian region in the 15th and 16th centuries

Mgr. Katarína Hromadová, PhD.

2014 – 2016 research team member of the project KEGA 042UK-4/2014 Confrontative analysis of idiomatic expressions in German and Slovak

March 2013 – June 2016 professional worker, expertise activity for School office of the government of Lower Austria in the project financed by the EU in the Cross-border education programme Slovakia – Austria, IBKSP, Atmos Code

Ing. Mgr. Erika Jurišová, PhD.

2024 research team member for Comenius University in Bratislava within the framework of the national project Digital Transformation of Education and Schools (DiTEdu, code ITMS2014+: 401402DVR6). The aim of the national project is to create a sustainable system to support the digital transformation of education based on research conducted directly in schools and relevant data.

PaedDr. Stanislav Kováč, PhD.

2024 research team member for Comenius University in Bratislava within the framework of the national project Digital Transformation of Education and Schools (DiTEdu, code ITMS2014+: 401402DVR6). The aim of the national project is to create a sustainable system to support the digital transformation of education based on research conducted directly in schools and relevant data.

2022 – 2024 research team member of the project KEGA 008UMB-4/2022 University education as a gateway to thinking: integration of reading, academic and critical skills as a precondition to intellectual capital of universities and internationalisation of education

2020 – 2022 research team member of the project VEGA 1/0118/20 Dyslexia as a cognitive-linguistic disorder and its symptoms in developing literacy skills in the mother tongue (Slovak) and a foreign language (English)

Mgr. Ema Pavľáková, PhD.

2024 research team member for Comenius University in Bratislava within the framework of the national project Digital Transformation of Education and Schools (DiTEdu, code ITMS2014+: 401402DVR6). The aim of the national project is to create a sustainable system to support the digital transformation of education based on research conducted directly in schools and relevant data.

Mgr. Marek Šibal, PhD.

2022 – 2025 research team member of the project VEGA 1/0210/22 Hundred years of classical studies at the Comenius University in Bratislava

2021 – 2023 research team member of the project VEGA 1/0888/21 Analysis of processes of knowledge selection and systemization in Greek philology during its heyday in Marcus Aurelius' Rome

Mgr. Mária Šibalová, PhD.

2024 research team member for Comenius University in Bratislava within the framework of the national project Digital Transformation of Education and Schools (DiTEdu, code ITMS2014+: 401402DVR6). The aim of the national project is to create a sustainable system to support the digital transformation of education based on research conducted directly in schools and relevant data.

2020 – 2022 research team member of the project VEGA 1/0801/20 Formal and content analysis of the spoken Latin language in Late Antiquity against the background of Augustine's preaching activity

2018 – 2020 research team member of the project KEGA 008UK-4/2018 Innovative teaching materials for the interdisciplinary study programme „History - Classical languages“. Dissemination of didactic and promotional materials regarding ancient Roman civilization in a broader cultural context

Mgr. Angela Škovierová, PhD.

2003 – 2005 research team member of the grant VEGA 2/3156/2003-2005 The music and musical culture of the franciscans in Slovakia (from the oldest period till the year 1950)

2003 – 2005  research team member of the grant VEGA 2/3155/2003-2005 Preparation of a scientific edition of a source of Slovak provenience from the field of religious literature 16th – 18th centuries

2004 – 2006 research team member of the grant VEGA 1-1412/04 Slovak preaching of the 19th century

2006 – 2008 research team member of the grant VEGA 1/3726/06 Diachronic aspects of contemporary Slovak religious terminology

2006 – 2008 principal investigator of the grant VEGA 2/6143/2006-2008 Spiritual work in Latin and Slovak in the environment of Slovak scholars of the 15th – 19th century

2008 – 2010 research team member of the grant KEGA 3/6254/08 Monumental work of the Hungarian polyhistor Matej Bel Notitiae Hungariae novae historico-geographica. I – V 

2009 – 2012 research team member of the grant VEGA 2/0108/2009-2012 The piarists in education, science and arts of Slovakia in the 17th – 19th centuries

2009 – 2012 research team member of the grant VEGA 2/0020/2009-2012 Cyrillic and Latin sources of Byzantine-Slavic tradition in Slovakia

2009 – 2012 principal investigator of the grant (till 30. 6. 2011)  VEGA 2/0067/09-12 The position of Latin in Slovakia in the 19th century

2016 – 2018 research team member of the grant VEGA 2/0047/16 Nexus Slavorum Latini: inter-Slavonic relations and parallels as mirrored in Neo-Latin literature, XVIth – XIXth cc

2020 – 2022 project leader of the project VEGA 1/0343/20 The humanist Ondrej Rochotský (1583 –1623) and his Latin school plays

Mgr. Oľga Vaneková, PhD.

2021 – 2024 research team member of the project VEGA 2/0045/21 Subject – Intention – Text (Subjects of Poetics of Older Slovak Literature)

2020 – 2022 research team member of the project VEGA 2/0106/19 Wooden pipe configuration of historic organ positives in Slovakia 2018 – 2022 research team member of the project APVV-17-0161 Neglected context. Occasional genres in Slovak literature in the 16th – 18th centuries

2018 – 2020 research team member of the project VEGA 2/0117/17 The occasional poetry of Juraj Palkovič, Bohuslav Tablic and Pavel Jozef Šafárik

2016 – 2018 research team member of the project VEGA 2/0047/16 Nexus Slavorum Latini: inter-Slavonic relations and parallels as mirrored in Neo-Latin literature, XVIth – XIXth cc.

2014 – 2017 research team member of the project VEGA 2/0170/14 Sermons and speeches. Homiletics works between the 16th and 19th centuries in the context of Slovak literary development