Prof. MUDr. Ľudmila Podracká, CSc.

She graduated with honours in general medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of Pavel Jozef Šafárik University (UPJŠ)in Košice. She has 4 certifications (1st degree in paediatrics, nephrology, 2nd degree in paediatrics and public health management). In 1990, she defended her dissertation. In 1998 she was habilitated, and in 2002 she was inaugurated as a professor in the department of paediatrics. From 2007 to 2011, as vice-dean of the Faculty of Medicine for educational activities for the 4.– 6. years in general medicine at the Faculty of Medicine UPJŠ, and for specialized studies. She actively participated in developing, renewing, and improving the pre- and postgraduate curriculum.

In the period 1979-2014, she worked at the Children's Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine of UPJŠ and the Faculty Hospital with Polyclinic in Košice, first as a secondary doctor, assistant professor of the Faculty of Medicine of UPJŠ, general practitioner – paediatric nephrologist, associate professor, and in the years 1999-2014 as the head of the Children's and Adolescent Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine UPJŠ and DFNsP. She completed a series of study stays at renowned university children's clinics, mainly in the USA and Canada (Spriengfield Massachusetts, Harvard University, Brown University Rhode Island, Sick Kids Toronto and Ottawa, Canada), thanks to which she gained wide international contacts for the development of clinical and scientific research activities. She developed paediatric nephrology, Slovakia's first children's dialysis centre, following her excellent teachers. She made a fundamental contribution to the creation and development of Slovakia's paediatric kidney transplant program.

Since 2015, she has been working as the head of the Children's Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine of Comenius University and the National Institute of Children's Diseases (NICHD). She established the first paediatric osteology centre in Slovakia on the grounds of NICHD. She developed the genetic diagnosis of skeletal dysplasia and the Paediatric Centre for Medical Simulations and Clinical Skills Classroom, the so-called "Skills lab" at the Children's Clinic FMCU and NICHD. With their team, they are building a complex modernization of paediatrics study based on predefined minimum requirements for student knowledge and skills, using innovative teaching methods (including role-play, team-based learning, case-based learning, simulations, and peer-to-peer education).

She is a member of renowned domestic and international scientific societies and professional organizations. She is the author and co-author of 13 monographs. She has published 51 scientific articles indexed in the Current Contents Connect database, 62 scientific articles published in journals with IF, and has more than 1300 citation responses. She was the solver and co-solver of 24 scientific grant projects.

She received several important awards for her professional and research activities (Honorary membership of The Hungarian Paediatric Society, Sodalem Honoris Causa – Czech Pediatric Society, Honorary membership of the Slovak Nephrological Society, Foundation Medal of the Slovak Medical Society in Pest, Honorary citizen of Alabama). She is a long-term member of the SLS Slovak Pediatric Society, the Slovak Nephrology Society and a national delegate of the European Society for Pediatric Nephrology (ESPN).  She is the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic's leading expert for paediatric nephrology. In 2021, she was nominated by the World Society of Nephrology (ISN) as a member of the ISN board for Central and Eastern Europe.