Institute of Anatomy
Institute of Anatomy, Medical Faculty, Comenius University
Sasinkova 2, 1st floor
811 08 Bratislava
Head of the Institute
Informations about the Institute of Anatomy
Institute of Anatomy is one of the largest institutes of the Medical Faculty of Comenius University with a long history and tracks that left behind by a significant Slovak anatomist Prof. Julius Ledényi - Ladziansky.
The primary and most important task of the Institute of Anatomy is to give medical students the most basic anatomy of the human body. Without knowledge of anatomy, it is not possible to study at Medical faculty or treat or elaborate a scientific experiment. Anatomy presents the architecture of the human body. This study can be implemented in detail, thanks to donors who have decided that their bodies after their death will serve for this purpose. Currently, the databases registered more than 600 donors and the training provided is ensured for several years.
At the Institute of Anatomy has begun to prepare the so-called flexible cadavers. This type of fixation allows both undergraduate as well as postgraduate educational procedures. It is possible for them to rehearse basic medical techniques such as cannulation, intubation, as well as training in investigative techniques, as well as testing of new operational procedures. Considerable interest was expressed in the field of surgery, orthopedics, neurosurgery, as well as anesthesia or plastic surgery, or ENT. Many workshops, which achieved a very good response, were held in cooperation with experts in these disciplines in the Institute of Anatomy.
Under the new accreditation at our institute will teach the subject of clinical-topographical anatomy, which will serve to better prepare for state exam subjects and to prepare for future's practice after graduating from medical school.
The Institute organizes an annual "day of Ladziansky" whose theme is changing and is always connected with the anatomy. On this occasion, a textbook is published, to which may contribute the staff of the theoretical and clinical disciplines.
Students show a keen interest in anatomy, which is expressed by presenting many anatomical and morphological works within the Meeting of the Scientific Activity of Students. In many cases, anatomy has its own section during this conference. Institute of Anatomy also has a large number of diploma students annually. Some of them were awarded the Rector's and Dean's price.
For the great contribution, we consider the creation of a 3D atlas of human bones in the form of a website, as well as an interactive anatomical atlas of topographical regions created by our students.
The Institute focuses on research in the field of normal and pathological anatomy, neuroanatomy and angiology using immunocytochemistry methods, computerized morphometry and light and electron microscopy.
The Institute cooperates with many departments, especially the Department of Neurosurgery, Institute of Pathology and Institute of Histology and Embryology Faculty of Medicine, Institute for Heart Research, Institute of Oncology of St. Elizabeth, the Institute of Anatomy in
University of Oslo, INSERM U-421, Paris, DSMZ (Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen), Braunschweig, Germany).
We provided cell lines of multiform glioblastoma (8-MG-BA 42-BA-MG), which established in our laboratory, to DSMZ cell bank to be distributed to research laboratories.
Grant tasks
Responsible researcher for solving the grant task in the Institute:
VEGA 1/3439/06 Immunocytochemical analysis of the glial precursor cells in the adult human brain tissue and the tissue cultures
VEGA 1/4265/07 – morphological study of the innervation of the human spleen
APVV 51-059505: The heart prevention against malignant arrhythmias and functional failure
Support of the experimental tasks and development in the Ministry of health (MZ SR): monitoring of the metastasis potential of the cells of the mammary and ovarian cancers using the genetic.
Participation of one of the Institute members in solving the grant tasks in another institute:
VEGA 1/4313/07 - Immunohistochemical identification of the innervation of the human large intestine in normal and pathological conditions
VEGA 1/4252/07 – structural organization of the circulation in the human spleen
VEGA 1/4251/07 – remodeling dynamic of vessels in the picture of reproduced parameters in atherosclerosis and fibrillation of
Institute of Anatomy in cooperation with Institute of Histology and Embryology CU, SMA, SAA, SHA and ÚVS SAV organized in Bratislava in September 2007 MORPHOLOGY 2007 – 41st International Congress on Anatomy and 44th Lojda Symposium on Histochemistry. In the year 2016, we will host MORPHOLOGY 2016.
Na Anatomickom ústave sa začala fixácia tzv. flexibilných kadáverov, ktoré umožňujú nielen pregraduálne ale aj postgraduálne vzdelávanie, pretože je na nich možné nacvičovať základné medicínske techniky, ako je kanylácia, intubácia, ale aj nácvik vyšetrovacích metód, ako aj skúšanie nových operačných postupov. Veľký záujem sa prejavuje z odborov chirurgia, ortopédia, neurochirurgia, ale aj anesteziológia či plastická chirurgia, alebo ORL. Pravidelne sa v rámci týchto disciplín uskutočňujú workshopy, ktoré majú veľmi dobrú odozvu.
V rámci novej akreditácie sa na našom ústave bude vyučovať aj predmet klinicko-topografická anatómia, ktorá bude slúžiť na lepšiu prípravu v rámci štátnicových predmetov i na prípravu do budúcej praxe po absolvovaní Lekárskej fakulty.
Ústav každoročne usporadúva “Ladzianskeho deň“, ktorý je vždy na inú tématiku a ktorá je vždy prepojená s anatómiou. Pri tejto príležitosti vychádza knižná publikácia, do ktorej môžu prispievaťpracovníci z teoretických i klinických disciplín.
O anatómiu prejavujú veľký záujem v rámci ŠVOČ a to nielen slovenskí, ale aj zahraniční študenti o čom svedčí aj vytvorenie samostatnej anatomickej sekcie. Anatomický ústav má takisto každoročne veľký počet diplomantov, ktorí bývajú opakovane ocenení cenou rektora UK a cenou dekana LF UK.
Za veľký prínos považujeme aj vytvorenie 3D atlasu ľudských kostí v podobe internetovej stránky, ako aj interaktívneho anatomického atlasu topografických régií vytvorené našimi študentami.
Ústav sa zameriava na výskum v oblasti normálnej a patologickej anatómie, neuroanatómie a angiológie s použitím metód imunocytochémie, počítačovej morfometrie a svetelnej a elektrónovej mikroskopie.
Ústav spolupracuje s mnohými pracoviskami, predovšetkým s Neurochirurgickou klinikou, Ústavom patologickej anatómie a Ústavom histológie a embryológie LFUK, Ústavom pre výskum srdca SAV, Onkologickým ústavom sv. Alžbety, Anatomickým ústavom Univerzity Oslo, INSERM, U-421, Pariž, DSMZ (Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen), Braunschweig, Germany).
V našom laboratórium založené bunkové línie z multiformného glioblastomu (8-MG-BA, 42-MG-BA) sme poskytli bunkovej banke DSMZ na distribúciu do výskumných laboratórii.
Postgradual students
1. Daniela Dovalová, MD (supervisor assoc. prof. et assoc. prof. Eliška Kubíková, MD, PhD., MPH)
2. Andrej Breza, MDDr., MPH (supervisor assoc. prof. et assoc. prof. Eliška Kubíková, MD, PhD., MPH)
3. Matej Fülop, MD (supervisor assoc. prof. et assoc. prof. Eliška Kubíková, MD, PhD., MPH)
Diploma thesis
2020/2021 - 2022/2023
VL 27
VLa 5
ZL 16
2021/2022 - 2023/2024
VL 64
VLa 9
ZL 13
2022/2023 - 2024/2025
VL 23
VLa 18
ZL 6
From the history of the LFUK Anatomical Institute