Institute of Histology and Embryology


Varga Ivan, prof. RNDr. PhD. PhD.

Tel.: 02 9011 9 547



MIKUŠOVÁ Renáta  MUDr.  PhD.

ext.: 546




VALÁŠKOVÁ Gabriela        

ext.: 284




VARGA Ivan, prof. RNDr. PhD. PhD., ext.: 547;;


Associate Professors:

DANKOVÁ Marianna, doc., RNDr. PhD.; ext.: 319;;


Professors emeritus:

ZLATOŠ Jozef, prof. MUDr. CSc., kl.: 213


Assistant professors:

GÁLFIOVÁ Paulína, MUDr. PhD.; ext.: 665;;

JURIKOVÁ Miroslava, Mgr. PhD.; ext.: 895;;

KLEIN Martin, MUDr. PhD.; ext.: 895,;

KOLNÍKOVÁ Georgína, MUDr., PhD.;

LÍŠKA Ján, MVDr. CSc.; ext.: 541,;    

LORENCOVÁ Mária, MUDr., PhD.; ext.: 896;;

MIKO Michal, Mgr. MUDr. PhD.; ext.: 235;;

MIKUŠOVÁ Renáta, MUDr. PhD.; ext.: 546,;

POLAKOVIČOVÁ Simona, MUDr. PhD.; ext.: 544;;

RÍSOVÁ Vanda, MUDr. PhD.; ext.: 540; vanda.risovafmed.uniba;

SAADE Rami, MUDr. Mgr. PhD.;



FILOVÁ Barbora, Mgr. PhD.

KLEINOVÁ Mária, RNDr. PhD.; ext.:543;;


PhD students:



BERTÓKOVÁ Martina, Mgr.


VALENT Martin, MUDr.

HALADAJ Robert, Dr.





Professional laboratory staff :

BÁBELOVÁ Michaela, Mgr.; ext.: 223;;

BOŠMANSKÁ Ľubica; ext.:221



NAGYOVÁ  Eva  RNDr.; ext.: 221




Consulting hours

teachertime dedicated to consultations
prof. RNDr. Ivan Varga, PhD.Monday      12:30 - 14:30
doc. RNDr. Marianna Danková, PhD.Monday      9:00 - 11:00
MVDr. Ján Líška, PhD.    Friday         13:50 - 15:00
MUDr. Renáta Mikušová, PhD.  Thuesday   10:30 - 11:30 and Thursday 13:30 - 14:30
MUDr. Vanda Rísová, PhD.     Monday      11:00 - 13:00
MUDr. Simona Polakovičová, PhD.Thursday    12:00 - 14:00
MUDr. Palína Gálfiová, PhD. Tuesday     10:00 - 12:00
RNDr. Mária Kleinová, PhD.Thursday    12:00 - 14:00
MUDr. Mária Lorencová       Tuesday     12:00 - 14:00
Mgr. Miroslava Juríková, PhD.Thursday      12:00 - 14:00
MUDr. Martin Klein        Wednesday 13:00 - 15:00
Mgr. MUDr. Michal Miko, PhD.Monday 10:00 - 12:00




foto RNDr. Eva Nagyová

Center of electron-microscopic laboratory methods

Center manager:

prof. Štefan Polák, M.D., Ph.D.

phone to office: +4212 90119 342, cell phone: +421903 708 689




prof. Štefan Polák, M.D., Ph.D.


Staff of the Center:

Paulína Gálfiová, M.D., Ph.D.,

Mária Lorencová, M.D., Ph.D.

Michaela Bábelová, Mgr.

Daniel Kosnáč, Ing.

Selected publication outputs using CEMLM instrumentation

Polák, Š. Gálfiová, P., Mikušová, R., Lorencová, M., Polakovičová, S., Varga, I., Juríková, M., Csöbönyeiová, M., Kuruc, R., Šikuta, J., Kosnáč, D., Čulenová, M., Čambal, M. 2022. Atlas ultraštruktúry ľudských orgánov v rastrovacom elektrónovom mikroskope. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2022, 393s., ISBN: 978-80-223-5347-2

Gálfiová, P., Polák, Š., Mikušová, R., Juríková, M., Klein, M., Csöbönyeiová, M., Danišovič, Ľ., Varga, I. 2022. Scanning Electron Microscopic Study of the Human Uterine Tube Epithelial Lining: Surgical Biopsy Samples and Epithelial Cell Culture. Physiological Research, 2022 (71), pp. 137 – 143, doi: 10.33549/physiolres.935031

Gálfiová, P., Polák, Š., Mikušová, R., Gažová, A., Kosnáč, D., Barczi, T., Kyselovič, J., Varga, I. 2017. The three-dimensional fine structure of the human heart: A scanning electron microscopic atlas for research and education. Biologia (Poland), 2017, 72 (12), pp. 1521 – 1528

Varga, I., Kyselovič, J., Danišovič, Ľ., Gálfiová, P., Kachlík, D., Polák, Š., Klein, M. 2019. Recently discovered interstitial cells termed telocytes: distinguishing cell-biological and histological facts from fictions. Biologia, 2019, 74 (2), pp. 195 – 203, doi: 10.2478/s11756-018-0162-y

Varga, I., Gálfiová, P., Blanková, A., Konárik, M., Báča, V., Dvořáková, V., Musil, V., Turyna, R., Klein, M. 2019. Terminologia Histologica 10 years on: some disputable terms in need of discussion and recent developments. Annals of Anatomy, 226, pp. 16-22,doi: 10.1016/j.aanat.2019.07.005

Lorencová, M., Mitro, A., Juríková, M., Gálfiová, P., Mikušová, M., Krivošíková, L., Janegová, A., Palkovič, M., Polák, Š. 2020. Ependymal cells surface of human third brain ventricle by scanning electron microscopy. Bratislava Medical Journal, 2020, 121, (6), pp. 437 – 443

Thurzo, A., Gálfiová, P., Varchulová Nováková, Z., Polák, Š., Varga, I., Strunga, M., Urban, R., Surovková, J., Leško, Ľ., Hajdúchová, Z., Feranc, J., Janek, M., Danišovič, Ľ. 2022. Fabrication and In vitro characterization of novel hydroxyapatite scaffolds 3D printed using polyvinyl alcohol as a thermoplastic binder. International journal of molecular sciences, 2022, 23

Čulenová, M., Bírová, I. Alexy, P., Gálfiová, P., Nicodemou, A., Moncmanová, B., Plavec, R., Tomanová, K., Menčík, P., Žiaran, S., Danišovič, Ľ. 2021. In vitro characterization of poly(lactic acid)/ poly(hydroxybutyrate)/ thermoplastic starch blends for tissue engineering application. Cell Transplantation,  2021, 30 (1-12), pp. 1-12, doi: 10.1177/09636897211021003

Kopani, M., Mikula, M., Kosnac, D., Kovac, J., Trnka, M., Gregus, J., Jerigova, M., Jergel, M., Vavrinsky, E., Bacova, S., Zitto, P., Polak, S., Pincik, E. 2020. Effect of etching time in hydrofluoric acid on the structure and morphology of n-type porous silicon. Applied Surface Science, Vol 532,2020,147463, ISSN 0169-4332,

Svobodová H. Hlinková, J., Janega, P., Kosnáč, D., Filová, B., Miglierini, M., Dlháň, Ľ., Ehrlich, H., Valigura, D., Boča, R., Polák, Š., Nagy, Š., Kopáni, M. 2019. Deposits of iron oxides in the human globus pallidus. Open Phys, 2019, 17:291-298

Brush border of duodenal epithelium_Polák et al. 2022
Uterine tube epithelium_ Gálfiová et al. 2022
Cardiac muscle tissue_ Gálfiová et al. 2017
Telocyte-like cell in human myocardium_Varga et al. 2019
Splenic red pulp_ Varga et al. 2019
Ependymal cells in human brain ventricles_Lorencová et al. 2020
Stem cell on the scaffold surface_Thurzo et al. 2022
Cell culture of chondrocytes_Čulenová et al. 2021
Porous silicon samples formed at etching times_Kopáni et al. 2022
Iron particles in globus pallidus_Svobodová et al. 2019

ZEISS EVO LS 15 scanning electron microscope – a microscope providing a topographical image of the natural or artificial surface of a sample, elemental analysis of the sample (EDS analysis), with the possibility of observing hydrated samples/cell cultures in their native state (environmental mode) or indicative evaluation of ultrathin sections in transmission (STEM detector).

Microscope parameters

Samples suitable for the microscope EVO LS 15

NOTES: The instrument Leica EM CPD 300, Leica EM UC7 and SEM components - Beam deceleration, cooling stage and dry scroll vacuum pump were purchased with the support of Faculty grant PROMEGA No 032/22

Although the ZEISS EVO LS 15 microscope has the possibility of STEM imaging when observing samples in transmission, it neither reaches the resolution of a TEM, nor a FESEM, it is primarily intended for the SEM modality.



Instruments needed/offered for sample preparation

foto RNDr. Eva Nagyová

Instrument for metal and carbon coating the samples Leica EM ACE 200 (Sputter/Carbon Thread

  • allows changing the non-conductive surface of the samples to a conductive one, which is desirable for observing the sample in high vacuum
  • includes a standard flat and inclined table with planetary rotation (for coating the sample at an angle - especially for volumetric and topographic samples)
  • coating with: gold, gold/palladium, silver or carbon fiber
  • argon working gas, the possibility of precise setting of coating thickness, software control 






CO2 critical point dryer (Leica EM CPD 300 - Critical point dryer) semi-automatic

  • final drying of samples (displacement of alcohol after dehydration in the process of processing hydrated biological samples) without morphological collapse, drying is at the critical point of CO2
  • software setting of pressure, temperature, manual control of the number of flushes
  • the possibility of drying samples in holders for cover slides or in separate porous baskets (4 samples in one drying process)








Dry ice maker (solid CO2) INNOVECO Dry Ice Machine

  • produces a 5x10 cm cylinder of dry ice within 2 minutes







Ultrasonic bath (BANDELIN Sonorex super)

  • possibility of gentle mechanical cleaning of samples in a bath (e.g. from mucus) at different temperatures













Desiccator with diaphragm pump (Laboport N86 KNF)

  • desiccator for dehumidifying samples







Stereomicroscope (MOTIC)

  • 40x magnification











Leica EM UC7 Ultramicrotome for cutting ultrathin sections for TEM and T-SEM

  • preparation of semi-thin and ultra-thin sections (up to approx. 30 nm) for transmission observations in SEM, or for preparation of samples for observation in TEM
  • precise cutting of tissues and other non-metallic materials in capsules of polymerized resins at room temperature
  • sample processing for TEM observation up to the resin polymerization step is part of the preparation process at our workplace before cutting on the ultramicrotome