Vybrané publikácie

Vybrané impaktované publikácie (za posledných 10 rokov)

Mladosievičová, Beata - Urbanová, Dagmar - Radvanská, Eva - Slavkovský, Peter - Šimková, Iveta: Role of NT-proBNP in detection of myocardial damage in childhood leukemia survivors treated with and without anthracyclines. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research. - Vol. 31, No. 86 (2012), s. 1-6.

Roziaková, Ľubica - Bojtárová, Eva - Mistrík, Martin - Dúbrava, Juraj - Gergel, Jozef – Lenková, Nadežda – Mladosievičová, Beata: Serial measurements of cardiac biomarkers in patients after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research. - Vol. 31, Art. No. 13 (2012), s. [1-6].

Chocholová, Alica - Šoltýsová, Andrea - Minárik, Gabriel - Čierna, Iveta -Šufliarska, Sabína - Mladosievičová, Beata : Thiopurine S-methyltransferase gene polymorphismsin a healthy Slovak population and pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids. - Vol. 32, No. 5 (2013), s. 239-246.

Roziaková, Ľubica - Mistrík, Martin - Bátorová, Angelika - Kružliak, Peter - Bojtárová, Eva - Dúbrava, Juraj - Gergel, Jozef - Mladosievičová, Beata: Can we predict clinical cardiotoxicity with cardiac biomarkers in patients after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation? Cardiovascular Toxicology. - Vol. 15, No. 3 (2015), s. 210-216.

Demlová, Regina - Mrkvicová, Martina - Štěrba, Jaroslav - Bernatiková, Hana - Starý, Jan – Suková, Martina - Mikušková, Alena - Chocholová, Alica - Mladosievičová, Beata – Šoltýsová, Andrea - Behúlová, Darina - Pilatová, Kateřina - Zdražilová-Dubská, Lenka – Valík, Dalibor: Augmenting clinical interpretability of thiopurine methyltransferase laboratory evaluation. Oncology. - Vol. 86, Iss. 3 (2014), s. 152-158.

Chovanec, Michal - Vasilková, Lucia - Petríková, Lucia - Obertová, Jana - Palacka, Patrik - Rejleková, Katarína - Syčová-Milá, Zuzana - Kaľavská, Katarína - Světlovská, Daniela – Cingelová, Silvia - Mladosievičová, Beata  - Mardiak, Jozef  - Mego, Michal: Long-term cognitive functioning in testicular germ-cell tumor survivors. The Oncologist. - Roč. 23, č. 5 (2018), s. 617-623.

Mladosievičová, Beata - Petríková, Lucia - Valášková, Zuzana - Bernadič, Michal - Chovanec, Michal - Mego, Michal - Bernadič, Marián: Atherosclerosis in cancer patients Bratislava Medical Journal. - Roč. 120, č. 9 (2019), s. 636-6

Máderová D, Krumpolec P, Slobodová L, Schön M, Tirpáková V, Kovaničová Z, Klepochová R, Vajda M, Šutovský S, Cvečka J, Valkovič L, Turčáni P, Krššák M, Sedliak M, Tsai CL, Ukropcová B, Ukropec J. Acute and regular exercise distinctly modulate serum, plasma and skeletal muscle BDNF in the elderly. Neuropeptides. 2019 Dec;78:101961.

Kralik M, Cvecka J, Buzgo G, Putala M, Ukropcova B, Ukropec J, Killinger Z, Payer J, Kollarik B, Bujdak P, Raastad T, Sedliak M. Strength training as a supplemental therapy for androgen deficiency of the aging male (ADAM): study protocol for a three-arm clinical trial. BMJ Open. 2019 Sep 5;9(9):e025991.

Schön M, Mousa A, Berk M, Chia WL, Ukropec J, Majid A, Ukropcová B, de Courten B. The Potential of Carnosine in Brain-Related Disorders: A Comprehensive Review of Current Evidence. Nutrients. 2019 May 28;11(6). pii: E1196. doi: 10.3390/nu11061196. Review.

Schön M, Kovaničová Z, Košutzká Z, Nemec M, Tomková M, Jacková L, Máderová D, Slobodová L, Valkovič P, Ukropec J, Ukropcová B. Effects of running on adiponectin, insulin and cytokines in cerebrospinal fluid in healthy young individuals. Sci Rep. 2019 Feb 13;9(1):1959.

Krumpolec P, Vallova S, Slobodova L, Tirpakova V, Vajda M, Schon M, Klepochova R, Janakova Z, Straka I, Sutovsky S, Turcani P, Cvecka J, Valkovic L, Tsai CL, Krssak M, Valkovic P, Sedliak M, Ukropcova B, Ukropec J. Aerobic-Strength Exercise Improves Metabolism and Clinical State in Parkinson's Disease Patients. Front Neurol. 2017 Dec 22;8:698

Bacharova, Ljuba: Missing link between molecular aspects of ventricular arrhythmias and QRS complex morphology in left ventricular hypertrophy. Int J Mol Sci. - Vol. 21, No. 1 (2019), s. pii: E48.

Kalinauskiene, Egle - Gerviene Dalia, Bacharova, Ljuba – Krivosikova, Zora - Naudziunas Albinas: Differences in the Selvester QRS score after primary PCI strategy and conservative treatment for STEMI patients with negative T waves. Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol. - Vol. 24, No. 6 (2019), s. e12684.

Bacharova, Ljuba – Nikolopoulos, Nikolaos – Zamanis, Ioannis – Krivosíkova, Zora – Stefíkova, Kornelia – Gajdos, Martin: A different effect of obesity on ECG in premenopausal and postmenopausal women. J Electrocardiol. - Vol. 51, No. 6 (2018), s. 1085-1089.

Maanja, Maren - Wieslander Bjorn - Schlegel, Todd, T – Bacharova, Ljuba - Abu Daya, Hussein – Fridman, Yaron – Wong, Timothy, C. – Schelbert, Erik, B. - Ugander , Martin: Diffuse myocardial fibrosis reduces electrocardiographic voltage measures of left ventricular hypertrophy independent of left ventricular mass. J Am Heart Assoc. - Vol. 6, No. 1 (2017), s. pii: e003795.

Bacharova, Ljuba – Estes, E. Harvey: Left ventricular hypertrophy by the surface ECG. J Electrocardiol. - Vol. 50, No. 6 (2012), s. 906-908.

Bacharova, Ljuba – Szathmary, Vavrinec – Svehlikova, Jana – Mateasik, Anton – Gyhagen, Julia – Tysler, Milan: The effect of conduction velocity slowing in left ventricular midwall on the QRS complex morphology: A simulation study. J Electrocardiol. - Vol. 49, No. 2 (2015), s. 164-170.

Bacharova, Ljuba – Halkias, Ioannis: The identification of the QRS complex offset in the presence of ST segment deviation. J Electrocardiol. - Vol. 49, No. 6 (2016), s. 977-979.

Bacharova, Ljuba – Triantafyllou, Epameinondas – Vazaios, Christos – Tomeckova, Ivana – Paranicova, Ivana – Tkacova, Ruzena: The effect of obstructive sleep apnea on QRS complex morphology. J Electrocardiol. - Vol. 48, No. 2 (2014), s. 164-170.

Bacharova, Ljuba – Ugander, Martin: Left ventricular hypertrophy: The relationship between the electrocardiogram and cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging. Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol. - Vol. 19, No. 6 (2014), s. 524-533.

Valaskova Z, Hulin I, Hassoun OE, Polak S, Mladosievicova B. The effect of GnRH agonists on angiogenesis and its implications for the myocardium in patients with cardiac risk. Bratisl Lek Listy. 2019;120(8):601-603. doi: 10.4149/BLL_2019_098.

Poljak Z, Hulin I, Maruscakova L, Mladosievicova B. Are GnRH and FSH potentially damaging factors in the cardiovascular system? Pharmazie. 2018 Apr 2;73(4):187-190. doi: 10.1691/ph.2018.7992.


Monografie/ kapitoly:

Mladosievičová B. a kol. Kardioonkológia. 1. vyd. SAP Bratislava, 2012, 248 s.

Mladosievičová B. a kol. Kardioonkologie. 2. doplnené a prepracované vydanie, Praha. Grada Publishing, 2014, 207 s.

Bacharova L, Estes EH: Ventricular hypertrophy. In: Camm AJ, Luscher TF, Maurer G, Serruys PW (Eds.): CardioMed (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press 2018.

Strauss D, Bacharova L, Wagner GS, Lim TH: Chamber enlargement. In: Wagner G, Strauss D (Editors): Marriott's Practical Electrocardiography. 12th Ed. Wolters Kluwer/ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia 2013.