Biology and Genetics
Biology & Medical Dynamics of Human Reproduction neobmedzený prístup
Cole, Laurence A.
New York : Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2014
ISBN: 9781629488325. 9781629488356.
Cell Biology and Genetics neobmedzený prístup
Rathoure, Ashok K., Srivastava, Meena
New Delhi : Daya Publishing House. 2016
ISBN: 9789351243199. 9789351302957. 9789351307679.
General Biology neobmedzený prístup
Bishoyi, A.K.
Ashland : Delve Publishing, 2020.
ISBN: 9781774078105.
Genetic Testing : What Do We Know? neobmedzený prístup
Yashon, Ronnee K., Cummings, Michael R.
New York, NY : Momentum Press. 2018
ISBN: 9781946646521. 9781946646538.
Metabolic Diseases : Foundations of Clinical Management, Genetics, and Pathology neobmedzený prístup
Gilbert-Barness, Enid, Barness, Lewis A., Farrell, Philip M.
2nd ed. Amsterdam, Netherlands : IOS Press. 2017
ISBN: 9781614997177. 9781614997184.
Základy biologie a genetiky člověka neobmedzený prístup
Otová, B., Mihalová, R., Bobková, K.
Prague : Charles University in Prague, Karolinum Press, 2021.
ISBN: 9788024645650. 9788024645834.

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