doc. PharmDr. Andrea Gažová, PhD.

Vedecko/umelecko-pedagogická charakteristika:


Najvýznamnejšie výstupy tvorivej činnosti: VTC1, VTC2, VTC3, VTC4, VTC5



Gažová A, Leddy JJ, Rexová M, Hlivák P, Hatala R, Kyselovič J. Predictive value of CHA2DS2-VASc scores regarding the risk of stroke and all-cause mortality in patients with atrial fibrillation (CONSORT compliant). Medicine (Baltimore). 2019


IF 1,552


Gazova A, Samakova A, Laczo E, Hamar D, Polakovicova M, Jurikova M, Kyselovic J. Clinical utility of miRNA-1, miRNA-29g and miRNA-133s plasma levels in prostate cancer patients with high-intensity training after androgen-deprivation therapy. Physiological Research. 2019


IF  1,655


Gažová A, Valášková S, Žufková V, Castejon AM, Kyselovič J. Clinical study of effectiveness and safety of CELcomplex® containing Cucurbita Pepo Seed extract and Flax and Casuarina on stress urinary incontinence in women. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. 2018




Krenek P, Kmecova J, Kucerova D, Bajuszova Z, Musil P, Gazova A, Ochodnicky P, Klimas J, Kyselovic J. Isoproterenol-induced heart failure in the rat is associated with nitric oxide-dependent functional alterations of cardiac function. European Journal of Heart Failure. 2009


IF 3,706


Juraj M, Jaroslav V, Gažová A, Žufková V, Kyselovič J, Šteňo B. Evaluation of efficacy and safety of systemic and topical intra-articular administration of tranexamic acid in primary unilateral total hip arthroplasty. Medicine (Baltimore). 2021


IF 1.889