Vývin, mikroskopická stavba a ultraštruktúra orgánov lymfatického systému človeka
Vybrané publikácie zamestnancov Ústavu histológie a embryológie a túto tému:
Mikušová R, Mešťanová V, Polák Š, Varga I. What do we know about the structure of human thymic Hassall's corpuscles? A histochemical, immunohistochemical, and electron microscopic study. Annals of Anatomy. 2017; 211: 140-148.
Varga I, Bódi I, Mešťanová V, Kováč M, Klein M. Association between histological alterations in the thymus and sudden infant death syndrome. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine. 2018; 55: 8-13.
Mestanova V, Varga I, Adamkov M. Impaired histomorphology might provoke cell cycle regulators alteration in thymus of children with various congenital heart defects. Medical Hypotheses. 2020; 138: 109599.
Mešťanová V, Varga I. Morphological view on the evolution of the immunity and lymphoid organs of vertebrates, focus on thymus. Biologia. 2016; 71(10):1080-1097.
Funkčná histológia orgánov ženského pohlavného systému so zameraním na vajíčkovody a maternicu
Vybrané publikácie zamestnancov Ústavu histológie a embryológie a túto tému:
Varga I, Kachlík D, Žišková M, Miko M. Lymphatic lacunae of the mucosal folds of human uterine tubes - A rediscovery of forgotten structures and their possible role in reproduction. Annals of Anatomy. 2018 ; 219: 121-128.
Varga I, Miko M, Kachlík D, Žišková M, Danihel Ľ Jr, Babál P. How many cell types form the epithelial lining of the human uterine tubes? Revision of the histological nomenclature of the human tubal epithelium. Annals of Anatomy. 2019; 224: 73-80.
Varga I, Klein M, Urban L, Danihel L Jr, Polak S, Danihel L Sr. Recently discovered interstitial cells "telocytes" as players in the pathogenesis of uterine leiomyomas. Medical Hypotheses. 2018; 110: 64-67.
Cierna Z, Varga I, Danihel L Jr, Kuracinova K, Janegova A, Danihel L. Intermediate trophoblast - A distinctive, unique and often unrecognized population of trophoblastic cells. Annals of Anatomy. 2016; 204: 45-50.
Výskum v oblasti rastrovacej elektrónovej mikroskopie ľudských orgánov a tkanív
Vybrané publikácie zamestnancov Ústavu histológie a embryológie a túto tému:
Lorencova M, Mitro A, Jurikova M, Galfiova P, Mikusova R, Krivosikova L, Janegova A, Palkovic M, Polak S. Ependymal cells surface of human third brain ventricle by scanning electron microscopy. Bratislavské Lekárske Listy. 2020; 121(6): 437-443.
Varga I, Galfiova P, Gazova A, Barczi T, Polak S, Danisovic L, Hulman M, Kyselovic J. The end-stage failing human myocardium - Where changes in ultrastructure of human cardiac muscle cells do not appear to dictate clinical outcomes. Medical Hypotheses. 2018; 110: 105-109.
Gálfiová P, Polák Š, Mikušová R, Gažová A, Kosnáč D, Barczi T, Kyselovič J, Varga I. The 3-dimensional fine structure of the human heart. A scanning electron microscopic atlas for research and education. Biologia. 2017; 72(12): 1521–1528.
Výskum v oblasti transmisnej elektrónovej mikroskopie ľudských orgánov a tkanív
Vybrané publikácie zamestnancov Ústavu histológie a embryológie a túto tému:
Svitok P, Okuliarova M, Varga I, Zeman M. Renal impairment induced by prenatal exposure to angiotensin II in male rat offspring. Experimental Biology and Medicine (Maywood). 2019; 244(11): 923-931.
Boháč M, Danišovič Ľ, Koller J, Dragúňová J, Varga I. What happens to an acellular dermal matrix after implantation in the human body? A histological and electron microscopic study. European Journal of Histochemistry. 2018; 62(1): 2873.
Boháč M, Danišovič Ľ, Danihel Ľ, Fedeleš J, Danihel Ľ Sn, Beerová N, Polák Š, Varga I. Histological and immunohistochemical characteristics of capsular synovial metaplasias that form around silicone breast implants. Biologia. 2018; 73(1): 107-112.
Straka M, Polák Š, Trapezanlidis M, Varga I. What we know about the cellular microenvironment of clinically healthy human gingiva? An immunohistochemical and histological study. Biologia. 2017; 72(1): 105–111.
Miko M, Jakubovský I, Vrabcová M, Varga I. Ultrastructural changes of kidney in diabetic rats. Bratislava Medical Journal. 2016; 117(3): 161-165.
Funkčná histológia kože so zameraním na Merkelove bunky
Vybrané publikácie zamestnancov Ústavu histológie a embryológie a túto tému:
Polakovičová S, Csöbönyeiová M, Filova B, Borovský M, Maršík L, Kvasilová A, Polák Š. Merkel-like cell distribution in the epithelium of the human vagina. An immunohistochemical and TEM study. European Journal of Histochemistry. 2018; 62(1): 2836.
Polakovičova S, Polák Š, Kuniaková M, Čambal M, Čaplovičová M, Kozánek M, Danišovič L, Kopáni M. The effect of salivary gland extract of Lucilia sericata maggots on human dermal fibroblast proliferation within collagen/hyaluronan membrane in vitro: transmission electron microscopy study. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2015; 28(5): 221-6.
Polakovičová S, Mikušová R, Polák Š. Merkel cells in the stratified squamous nonkeratinized epithelium of the human oesophagus. Biologia. 2013, 68(4): 743-746.
Polakovičová S, Polák Š. Merkelove bunky pôvod, výskyt, štruktúra, funkcia, nádory. Bratislava : MABAG , 2021. 88 s. ISBN 978-80-971579-8-2.
Vybrané publikácie zamestnancov Ústavu histológie a embryológie a túto tému:
Danková M, Tóth Š, Holodová M, Fagová Z, Čurgali K, Mechírová E, Maretta M, Nemcová R, Gancarčíková S, Polák Š. Immunohistochemical visualisation of the enteric nervous system architecture in the germ-free piglets. Journal of Molecular Histology. 2022; 53(4): 773-780.
Danková M, Domoráková I, Fagová Z, Stebnický M, Mechírová E, Polák Š. Remote conditioning as protective strategy influencing ubiquitin-mediated stress response in the rabbit spinal cord after ischemia/reperfusion. General Physiology and Biophysics. 2022; 41(4): 275-286.
Danková M, Domoráková I, Fagová Z, Stebnický M, Mechírová E. Induction of ischemic tolerance by remote perconditioning or postconditioning as neuroprotective strategy for spinal cord motor neurons. Life Sciences. 2021; 283: 119789.
Haviarová Z, Matejčík V, Kuruc R, Líška J, Halgaš F. Intraspinal characteristics of thoracic spinal nerve roots anomalies. British Journal of Neurosurgery. 2020; 34(1): 72-75.
Experimentálna veterinárna histológia
Vybrané publikácie zamestnancov Ústavu histológie a embryológie a túto tému:
Líška J, Brtko J, Dubovický M, Macejová D, Kissová V, Polák Š, Ujházy E. Relationship between histology, development and tumorigenesis of mammary gland in female rat. Experimental Animals. 2016; 65(1): 1-9.
Vrabcova M, Mikuska L, Vazan R, Miko M, Varga I, Mravec B. Effect of chronic intake of liquid nutrition on stomach and duodenum morphology. Acta Histochemica. 2016; 118(4): 435-42.
Mikuska L, Vrabcova M, Horvathova L, Osacka J, Varga I, Mravec B. Chronic liquid nutrition feeding affects blood pressure, heart and kidney morphology, and serum lipid profile in Wistar rats. General Physiology and Biophysics. 2016; 35(2): 131-44.
Výskum kmeňových buniek a ich aplikácia v regeneratívnej medicíne
Vybrané publikácie zamestnancov Ústavu histológie a embryológie a túto tému:
Hollý D, Klein M, Mazreku M, Zamborský R, Polák Š, Danišovič Ľ, Csöbönyeiová M. Stem Cells and Their Derivatives-Implications for Alveolar Bone Regeneration: A Comprehensive Review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021; 22(21): 11746.
Csobonyeiova M, Polak S, Nicodemou A, Zamborsky R, Danisovic L. iPSCs in Modeling and Therapy of Osteoarthritis. Biomedicines. 2021; 9(2): 186.
Csobonyeiova M, Polak S, Danisovic L. Recent Overview of the Use of iPSCs Huntington's Disease Modeling and Therapy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020; 21(6): 2239.
Csobonyeiova M, Polak S, Zamborsky R, Danisovic L. Recent Progress in the Regeneration of Spinal Cord Injuries by Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2019; 20(15): 3838.
Miko M, Danišovič L, Majidi A, Varga I. Ultrastructural analysis of different human mesenchymal stem cells after in vitro expansion: a technical review. European Journal of Histochemistry. 2015; 59(4): 2528.
Výskum novo objavených telocytov v tkanivách človeka
Vybrané publikácie zamestnancov Ústavu histológie a embryológie a túto tému:
Klein M, Csöbönyeiová M, Danišovič Ľ, Lapides L, Varga I. Telocytes in the Female Reproductive System: Up-to-Date Knowledge, Challenges and Possible Clinical Applications. Life (Basel). 2022; 12(2): 267.
Klein M, Csöbönyeiová M, Žiaran S, Danišovič Ľ, Varga I. Cardiac Telocytes 16 Years on-What Have We Learned So Far, and How Close Are We to Routine Application of the Knowledge in Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine? International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021; 22(20): 10942.
Varga I, Urban L, Kajanová M, Polák Š. Functional histology and possible clinical significance of recently discovered telocytes inside the female reproductive system. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2016; 294(2): 417-22.
Varga I, Polák Š, Kyselovič Š, Kachlík D, Danišovič Ľ, Klein M. Recently discovered interstitial cell population of telocytes: distinguishing facts from fiction regarding their role in the pathogenesis of diverse diseases called ‘telocytopathies’. Medicina. 2019; 55: 56.
Klein M, Urban L, Dečkov I Danišovič Ľ, Polák Š, Danihel Ľ, Varga I. Distribution of telocytes in the corpus and cervix of human uterus: an immunohistochemical study. Biologia. 2017; 72(10): 1217—1223.
Inovácia medzinárodnej anatomickej a histologickej terminológie
Vybrané publikácie zamestnancov Ústavu histológie a embryológie a túto tému:
Kachlík D, Varga I, Báča V, Musil V. Variant Anatomy and Its Terminology. Medicina (Kaunas). 2020; 56(12): 713.
Varga I, Gálfiová P, Blanková A, Konarik M, Báča V, Dvořákova V, Musil V, Turyna R, Klein M. Terminologia Histologica 10 years on: some disputable terms in need of discussion and recent developments. Annals of Anatomy. 2019; 226: 16-22.
Varga I, Blankova A, Konarik M, Baca V, Dvorakova V, Musil V. The Terminologia Histologica after 10years: Inconsistencies, mistakes, and new proposals. Annals of Anatomy. 2018; 219: 65-75.
Varga I, Kachlík D, Klein M. A plea for extension of the official nomenclature of the microscopic structure of human tissues and organs, the Terminologia Histologica. Folia Morphologica. 2020; 79(3): 610-620.
História anatómie, histológie a embryológie
Vybrané publikácie zamestnancov Ústavu histológie a embryológie a túto tému:
Kachlik D, Varga I, Zupanic J, Szekely AD. Trnka Vaclav - Central European Anatomist and Medical Polymath of the Eighteenth Century. Bratislavské Lekárske Listy. 2020; 121(1): 96-101.
Kachlik D, Varga I, Székely AD. The legacy of Václav Trnka: modern medical education in Slovakia and Hungary in the eighteenth century. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. 2019; 41(10): 1113-1116.
Varga I, Bódi I, Kachlík D, Mešťanová, Klein M. The enigmatic thymic myoid cells – their 130 years of history, embryonic origin, function and clinical significance. Biologia. 2019; 74 (5): 521-531.
Výskum v oblasti vrodených vývinových chýb
Vybrané publikácie zamestnancov Ústavu histológie a embryológie a túto tému:
Varga I, Fedorová L, Klein M, Babala J, Jáger R, Bódi I, Plank L. The histological properties and possible origin of cervical thymus with cysts - A case report and hypotheses about its development. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 2019; 120: 189-195.
Czako L, Simko K, Thurzo A, Galis B, Varga I. The Syndrome of Elongated Styloid Process, the Eagle's Syndrome-From Anatomical, Evolutionary and Embryological Backgrounds to 3D Printing and Personalized Surgery Planning. Report of Five Cases. Medicina (Kaunas). 2020; 56(9): 458.
Varga I, Babala J, Kachlik D. Anatomic variations of the spleen: current state of terminology, classification, and embryological background. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. 2018; 40(1): 21-29.
Kaldararova M, Simkova I, Varga I, et al. Double aortic arch anomalies in children: A systematic 20-year single center study. Clinical Anatomy. 2017; 30(7): 929-939.
Slavikova T, Zabojnikova L, Babala J, Varga I. An embryological point of view on associated congenital anomalies of children with Hirschsprung disease. Bratislava Medical Journal. 2015; 116(11): 640-647.
Cingel V, Bohac M, Mestanova V, Zabojnikova L, Varga I. Poland syndrome: from embryological basis to plastic surgery. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. 2013; 35(8): 639-46.
Učebnice a učebné texty
Vybrané publikácie zamestnancov Ústavu histológie a embryológie a túto tému:
Varga I, Tonar Z. Klinicky orientovaná embryológia. S. 110-153. In. Záhumenský J. (Ed). Pôrodníctvo. Bratislava: AMEDI, 2022, 1246 s. ISBN 978-80-89797-72-1.
Polák Š, Gálfiová P, Mikušová R, Lorencová M, Polakovičová S, Varga I, Juríková M, Csöbönyeiová M, a kolektív. Atlas ultraštruktúry ľudských orgánov v rastrovacom elektrónovom mikroskope. Obrazová časť. Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského, 2022. 393 s. ISBN 978-80-223-5347-2.
Balko J, Tonar Z, Varga I. a kolektív. Memorix histologie. 3. vydání. Praha: Triton, 2021. 556 s. ISBN 978-80-7553-874-1.
Varga I. Všeobecná neurohistológia. S. 43-63. In. Ostatníková D. a kolektív. Lekárske neurovedy. Bratislava: Solen, 2020. 415 s. ISBN 978-80-89858-22-4.
Balko J, Tonar Z, Varga I. a kolektív. Memorix Histology. 1st Edition. Praha: Triton, 2018. 556 s. ISBN 978-80-7553-577-1.
Adamkov M, Bálentová S, Bošeľová Ľ, Domoráková I, El Hassoun O, Fuseková E, Mechírová E, Miko M, Ochodnická E, Polák Š, Rajčáni J, Rybárová S, Tóth Š, Varga I. Introduction to Functional Histology. Textbook. 3rd revised and updated version. Šenov: Barbara, 2016. 440 s.
Mikušová R, Polák Š. Úvod do histológie a embryológie pre študentov zubného a všeobecného lekárstva. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského, 2015. 129 s. ISBN978-80-223-4004-5.
Béder I, Varga I, Béder I. Systema lymphaticum hominis. Bratislava, Slovak Republic: Herba, 2015. 112 s.