Faculty of MedicineComenius University Bratislava


The foundation of the Comenius University Medical Faculty in Bratislava in 1919 was an important historical milestone in the development of higher education in Slovakia. The university education of the Slovak nation began to arise with the effective support of Czech intelligentsia and an effort of the Slovak progressive initiators. The Faculty of Medicine, established with other three faculties in the first phase, was a practical demonstration of the new incoming path. Applying these historical events to the present with respect and acknowledgment, we appreciate and remember achievements and activities of the initiators, who have set up the direction of the medical education development in Slovakia and their followers, who continued to raise the education process at the medical faculty.

Knowledge of the history in every direction of human activity is a primary expression of gratitude and respect to the initiators, who have been able to work in difficult conditions and have not surrendered. In addition to the remembrance, many have left rare publications that have significant professional value and have been inspired for the next generation.

The Academic Library of the Faculty of Medicine of Comenius University in Bratislava decided to make accessible to the wide professional public some historical literary gems that are available thanks to fortunate occasions and systematic search of library staff.


Andrik, PavelChlumský, VítězslavPecháň, Ivan
Antal, JurajChmel, LadislavPekarovič, Eduard
Chorváth, ViliamPišút, Vladimír
BChura, Alojz JánPivková, Anna
Bajužíková, AngelikaPleško, Ivan
Bakoss, PavolJPolák, Bohuslav
Bárdoš, AugustínJakšy, JozefPonťuch, Anton
Bárdoš, GejzaJakubcová, IrenaPorubský, Vladimír
Barta, Ervín
Bartko, DanielKR
Bauer, MiroslavKadlic, TomášRapoš, Milan
Bencúr, Ján MatejKadlický, RomanRázus, Martin
Beniak, MilanKlačanský, IvanRehák, Alexander
Beseda, VincentKliment, VojtechRosival, Ladislav
Birčák, JánKmety, Emil
Blaškovič, DionýzKňazovický, JánS
Blaškovič, JánKoch, Karel FrantišekSapáková, Elena
Böhm, MarekKokavec, MilanSemján, Michal
Brežný, ImrichKovalčík, VladimírSchnorrer, Milan
Brdlík, JiříKostolný, ImrichSchwalbová, Margita
Brozman, MiroslavKratochvíl, MilanSkotnický, Jozef
Buranský, JúliusKrižan, ŽigmundSlabeycius, Július
Burjan, JánKrsek, HermanSobocký, Ladislav
Kubis, Ján (chemistry)Somogyi, Jozef
CKubis, Ján (pathophysiology)Stanek, Ivan
Cigánek, LeodegarKučera, VratislavStanko, Vladimír
Cílek, MilanKuklová-Štúrová, BoženaStrecha, Milan
Kukura, AndrejStrelka, Jozef
ČKukura, JozefSuchý, Eduard
Čársky, Konštantín
Čatár, GustávLŠ
Černáček, JozefLajda, JánŠimkovic, Ivan
Červeňanský, JánLedényi-Ladziansky, Julius AlexanderŠimun, Ladislav
Lehoťan, OndrejŠiška, Karol
DLežovič, JánŠtefánik, Svetozár
Dedek, JozefLojka, JánŠtefanovič, Ján
Demjén, ŠtefanŠubík, František
Dérer, LadislavMŠuster, Jozef
Drgonec, JánMakai, FrantišekŠvec, František
 Martinko, VladimírŠvejcar, Josef
F                    Matulay, KarolŠvenda, René
Fízeľ, AtanázMazalán, Tomáš
Frankenberger, Zděnek   Medzihradský, JozefT
Mego, MirkoTeissler, Viktor
GMiček, FrantišekThurzo, Viliam
Gala, AntonMichaličková, JaroslavaTréger, Ján
Guensberger, ErnestMichalková, DagmarTurský, Timotej
Gvozdják, JánMikletič, Teofil
Mucha, VojtechV
HMüncnerová, ZoraVámoši, Milan
Hájková, MartaMysliveček, ZdeněkVelgos, Štefan
Halmoš, JurajVršanský, Vladimír
Hanák, AntonínN
Handzo, PavelNetoušek, MilošW
Hasík, AlojzNiederland, Teofil RudolfWunder, Rudolf
Haviar, VladimírNikš, Milan
Hegyi, EugenNosáľ, MilošZ
Hensel, JurajNovák, PavelZábojníková, Mária
Hoja, ŠtefanZachar, František
Horniak, EugenOZajacová, Elena
Hromec, ArnoštOndrejička, GejzaZlatoš, Ladislav
Hrubiško, MikulášOndrejička, MikulášZvara, Vladimír
Hrúzik, JúliusOndruš, Boris
Hudcovič, AurelŽ
Hulín, IvanŽucha, Jozef
Hupka, Štefan
Huraj, Emil